Fasting Instructions
Therapeutic fasting, diet, nutrition, weight loss
Fasting indications
From the conventional medical side there are few indications for Therapeutic fasting. For therapeutic fasting, there is currently a lack of scientific knowledge and evidence that cures can help. Also from the conventional medical side there are no clear ones Indications Are defined.
From a naturopathic and alternative medicine point of view, there are, however, a large number of indications / instructions for fasting. The main mechanism on which therapeutic fasting is based, namely the purification and detoxification of the body, is accorded the greatest importance. According to naturopathic medicine, this detoxification method can be used to help patients who suffer from regular headaches or migraines, who have trouble starting, sleep disorders, irritability, nervousness, bad breath, back pain and joint pain, shortness of breath, vasoconstriction, heart problems, decreased performance, depression, forgetfulness and allergies.
If you would like to learn more about detox, read more about it at: Detox diet
Furthermore, help can be given in the cosmetic field, because according to naturopathic medicine, a fasting cure and the associated detoxification lead to cleaner skin, stronger hair, lightened mood, tightening of muscles and tissues and an increase in the immune system. Many fasting patients confirm during and after the fast that they perceive smells and tastes more intensely than before. Therapeutic fasting is not suitable for losing weight. The period of most fasting cures is so short that the fat metabolism is hardly used. Although most patients lose a few pounds during a fast, this is due to water loss, which is increased during the fast. After the fasting cure, the body weight will be again as before, possibly 1-2 kg less.
Overview of our fasting topics
- Fast
- Lose fasting
- Fasting Instructions
- Fasting story
- Fasting Risks
- Lent
- Therapeutic fasting