As will be hallucinations Perceptions denotes that arise on no corresponding sensory stimulus. This means that the person affected hears, sees, tastes, smells or feels something without any external stimulus. A qualified statement about existing hallucinations can only be made if a healthy fellow human being is in the same situation but does not feel anything like that. Functional hallucinations are a special form in which patients perceive the hallucinations only during an actual sensory stimulation. For example, voices are heard parallel to the chirping of birds.
How the person concerned assesses the situation can vary from person to person. The assessment of the hallucinations range from absolute credibility - the person concerned thinks that it is a real stimulus - to a dubious attitude, to the realization that it is hallucinations and not existing sensory stimuli.
The causes of hallucinations can be very diverse. It must not necessarily a pathological process behind this psychiatric phenomenon. Also different Substances can trigger hallucinations. Legal and illegal drugs play a very important role in this.
alcohol is the most widely consumed drug in Germany. This is why most of the people with addiction problems are alcoholics. Various health-critical conditions can arise during withdrawal. Either alcohol and cannabis, as well as hallucinogenic (hallucinatory) substances such as LSD can trigger various types of hallucinations, which, however, in contrast to the majority of disease-related phenomena, are short-lived.
The typical diseases, which hallucinations can contain as a symptom, come from the specialist areas of psychiatry and the neurology. Especially on schizophrenia sick people experience particularly frequently in the course of their illness Hallucinations on different sensory levels. Other major diseases are epilepsy, organic psychoses, depressions, different lesions in the brain and Tumors certain areas of the brain.
Hallucinations can psychologically critical situations trigger in the person concerned and induce them to act with serious consequences. Since there is a possibility that the hallucinator may die in the process, all causes must be carefully investigated.
At the Use of marijuana, colloquially also called grass or weed, hallucinations can occur in rare cases. They occur either in connection with consumption or as a symptom of a schizophrenia-like or paranoid-hallucinatory psychosis as a result of long-term substance abuse. Such a psychosis is one mental illness as a result of drug use. Scientific studies have shown that marijuana consumption, especially during puberty, can also lead to psychoses in people who are otherwise not burdened by any other risk factors.
Hallucinations often affect consumers who the first time ever or the first time big amount of to consume marijuana. An overdose in the sense that it is dangerously possible with other drugs does not exist with weed, but the undesirable side effects can affect the user nervous to fearful or panicked do. Hallucinations that occur affect these side effects, such as Racing heart or shortness of breath, negative and possibly worsen the condition of the consumer.
speed is the scene name of amphetaminewhich for Group of stimulant drugs heard. cocaine, Crystal meth and Ecstasy are also representatives of this group of stimulants. The consumption of speed works Initially stimulating in small doses. The consumer feels awake, focused and extremely productive. However, if the dose rises above a certain level, for example by taking too much from the start or taking it up after a short time, amphetamines can also lead to hallucinations. As a threshold dose, twice the amount of speed that you would normally consume is sometimes sufficient.
To several days of speed consumption it can become a so-called Amphetamine psychosis come. This drug-induced psychosis is characterized, among other things, by its strong hallucinatory symptoms, which are accompanied by states of confusion, paranoid and anxious thoughts and phases of severe exhaustion. The hallucinations are extensive. Those affected hear voices and see things that other people don't see - visual and acoustic hallucinations occur. In addition, tactile hallucinations (feel something that is not real) reported. The affected person feels a stinging or tingling sensation on the skin, which, in combination with the delusional thoughts, can be interpreted as exposing the skin to insects, for example.
Alcohol can also cause hallucinations. Such symptoms are, however, always with a chronic, so longstanding alcohol abuse connected. There are two possible scenarios: the hallucinations occur during one Withdrawal phase occurs when the patient has stopped drinking or the disorders occur while intoxicated on.
Cold alcohol withdrawal can lead to a Alcohol withdrawal syndrome (Predelir) or worse, come to an alcohol delirium. Both conditions are potentially dangerous and are accompanied by a variety of physical and psychiatric symptoms. The predelir usually lasts 3 days to a week and can trigger hallucinations in addition to seizures, depressive and anxious states of mood, concentration disorders and insomnia. The excited state of the patient makes him more susceptible to visual or acoustic overstimulation. The Hallucinations However, this is very fleeting and always occurs only entertaining, especially on an optical level on.
At a Alcohol delirium the situation turns out to be more dangerous. Up to a quarter of all affected patients die with an onset of alcohol delirium if no medical help is sought. The symptoms of the predelir are more pronounced in the case of fulminant delirium and are accompanied by severe disorientation and disorders of consciousness. Also the Hallucinations gain in intensity. For example, animals or objects are visually perceived over a longer period of time. The patient does not realize that it is a hallucination - he fantasizes a lot about his environment.
In contrast to the withdrawal diseases described, alcohol hallucinosis is a pathological condition that occurs during alcohol intoxication. In contrast to a hallucination, one speaks of a hallucinosis when, characteristically, only one sensory perception is affected by the misperception - in this case the acoustic perception, the hearing. For example, patients hear voices but know that it is a hallucination. This as Pseudohallucination The described circumstance is a characteristic of alcohol hallucinosis in addition to a clear consciousness and a basic fearful mood. Through therapy with Neuroleptics (antipsychotic medication) and controlled alcohol withdrawal, alcohol hallucinosis can usually be cured again.
Especially with young or old people, there is a possibility that they will have during an episode develop hallucinations with a high fever or have severe nightmares while sleeping. These conditions, known as “feverish fantasies” or “feverish delusions”, are a reaction of the brain to the increased temperature. If the body temperature rises due to a fever, the metabolic activity and the excitability of the brain cells also increase. Stimuli can be triggered more easily and in some cases lead to corresponding false sensations.
Most of time feverish children dream badly and report to their parents at night. Due to the high activity of the brain, the dreams are experienced as very intense and real, which scares the children. The dream state can also be maintained for a short time after awakening. The children then seem awake, but are actually not yet fully conscious and continue to experience their dream. These intense dream phases can also arise during the day with a high fever. Such Daydreams must again be differentiated from hallucinations that are perceived as more real, but can also be observed with a high fever.
Such Feverish fantasies may be frightening for the child and the parents, but they are usually harmless. However, when such a condition turns into a Febrile seizure degenerates, must consult a doctor immediately become. Febrile seizures are a response of the brain to extreme excitability and are likely to be linked to a genetic burden.
The symptoms of hallucinations depend on the type of misperception. Depending on which sensory perception is deceived or clouded, completely different experiences can arise for the patient. As a rule, one speaks of hallucinations only if the patient actually believes that everything he perceives is reality. If the person concerned recognizes the hallucination, this is called Pseudohallucination designated. The following are examples of different types of hallucinations that are appropriate.
Acoustic hallucinations (hearing): The patient hears noises, melodies or voices that do not exist. The form in which the voices communicate with the patient can vary. A dialogue between the voices and the patient is possible, an accompanying or commentary voice and a commanding form. With the latter, the patient often feels compelled to give in to the “will” of the voices.
Optical hallucinations (vision): The patient sees phenomena (e.g. light phenomena, which can also occur in diseases of the eye), things (living beings, objects) or scenes that do not really exist.
Olfactory / gustatory hallucinations (smell / taste): The patient smells or tastes something that he cannot actually perceive. For example, a severely depressed patient perceives a self-emitting, putrid odor.
Tactile hallucinations (feeling): The patient has abnormal sensations on the skin in the form of tingling, stinging, pressure or caressing. A special form here is the so-called Dermatozoa delusion (literally translated as "skin-animals-madness"), in which the patient thinks that beetles or worms live and move under his skin.
Body hallucinations: The patient has a complex misperception that affects his entire body. For example, he feels weightless or moved, hollowed out inside or filled with stones, set on fire, dried up or rotten. Corresponding hallucinations rarely occur and indicate a complex psychiatric clinical picture.
Sleep / wake up
Hallucinations that occur during the transition from sleep to waking or when waking up are called hypnopompic hallucinations labeled and are associated with diseases like Narcolepsy, Sleep apnea, migraine and Anxiety disorders socialized.
It is the widespread phenomenon of the experienced Sleep paralysis. The patient feels that he is awake, but has no control over his body. At the corresponding point in time, this is still subject to the inhibition of the REM or dream sleep phase. The benefit of this inhibition of voluntary movement is that actions and movements experienced in the dream are not actually carried out. Usually sleep paralysis ends when you wake up. If there is a delay, the person concerned is in one Intermediate state between sleep and wakefulness. Hallucinations may occur during this period. Optical hallucinations in particular are referred to as "nightmares that come true". The hallucinations are often frightened and put the person in a terrible situation, as they feel helpless because of the paralytic condition. It does not necessarily have to lead to an optical misperception - all other senses or a combination of several can also be affected.
Schizophrenia is a group of psychiatric illnesses which are similar in their symptoms and which often represent a severe impairment for the patient.Schizophrenic patients have numerous deficits in the areas of thinking, will, perception, emotionality, drive and psychomotor performance (psychomotor skills = connection between mental health and movement).
Hallucinations are an important symptom of a schizophrenic illness and most often show up as acoustic misperceptions. Hearing voices plays the most important role here and can be perceived in various forms. The voices talk to the patient (dialogical), accompany his actions in a commentary manner or command the patient what he should do (imperative). In many cases the acoustic hallucinations are associated with delusional experiences. For example, the patient thinks that the television or radio program is related to him and perceives acoustic hallucinations in the form of changed texts addressed to him. Such a disorder is called pranoid-hallucinatory schizophrenia. Another form of hallucinations that can be more common with schizophrenia are body hallucinations. The patient feels electrified, irradiated or otherwise influenced or directed from outside.
Read more on the subject here Schizophrenia.
after anesthesia
After a Operation under general anesthesia it can become a so-called postoperative cognitive deficit come. Are particularly badly affected old and very sick people. Probably play Inflammation values a role that Reactions in the brain cause and impair its function. Is the patient cognitively restricted (thinking) even before the operation, for example because he dementia suffers, the likelihood of a postoperative cognitive deficit is increased.
After awakening from anesthesia, patients suffer from impaired thinking and from States of confusion. These can range from brief disorientation to mental disorders that last for days or weeks. In contrast to classic delirium, in which patients are very drowsy and inactive, this is particularly dangerous hyperactive delirium. Those affected are perfect disoriented but very active, develop delusions and can too Hallucinations to have. In the context of this post-operative confusion, they often harm themselves by moving too much, removing catheters or access points and having an aggressive mood.
lack of sleep
While sleeping, everyone's body and mind relax. Without enough sleep one feels exhausted, cannot concentrate and stands beside oneself. At extreme sleep deprivation however, it can too Hallucinations come.
When the brain cannot rest, it comes to Accumulation of various endogenous substances. These usually cause you to get tired and fall asleep. If one resists the urge to sleep, the substances continue to accumulate in the brain without being broken down during the restful sleep phase. Above a certain amount, these substances can cause hallucinations without a psychiatric illness or drugs being used. The hallucinations can be varied, but mainly focus on acoustic and optical misperceptions.
Holds the Lack of sleep for too long on, it can too serious consequential damage come. For example, a epileptical attack provoked, it can too Cerebral hemorrhage or one stroke come. From a medical point of view, therefore, it is strongly advisable not to sleep for a long time.
Hallucination therapy must address the individual causes orientate.
Plays alcohol A must in the patient's medical history with hallucinations controlled withdrawal and addiction therapy The aim is to reduce the temperature quickly in fever-induced hallucinations. Other causes of hallucinations like lack of sleep, Anesthetic aftermath or Sleep paralysis actually have to never treated become.
Will the hallucinations go through Drugs triggered, it is usually enough to stop using it and wait. The patient should drink enough water as many drugs are dehydrating. Small, vitamin-rich snacks stimulate the metabolism and can accelerate the wear and tear.
At a Overdose The drug consumed may require the use of an active ingredient or, if taken orally, gastric lavage.
Has got through massive or chronic substance abuse a psychosis Developed by the consumer, simply waiting is often no longer enough. Patients need to be in professional treatment embark on the one hand you Addiction problem is addressed and on the other hand a drug setting he follows. In the latter, the lines of therapy for drug addicts and the mentally ill meet.
Even patients with no drug history, the one mental illness that is accompanied by hallucinations usually need to medicated become. In addition, a speech therapy approach to be useful. Which drugs are used can be made dependent on the patient's condition and psychiatric illness.
The drugs of choice for schizophrenia or are psychoses Neuroleptics (antipsychotics). They block the docking points of various substances in the brain and thus prevent hallucinations, for example. Examples of neuroleptics used are Chlorpromazine, Haloperidol, Clozapine and Risperidone. Neuroleptics are prescription drugs due to their potent effects and side effects and should not be taken irresponsibly.
Is a heavy one depression responsible for the hallucinations do not necessarily need to be prescribed antipsychotic drugs. The right attitude with Antidepressants can be just as effective as intensive talk therapy.
Further informationFor more information on hallucinations, see:
- schizophrenia
- dementia
- Consequences of alcohol
- Anesthetic side effects
You can find an overview of all topics in psychiatry at: Psychiatry A-Z