Prevent osteoporosis
The osteoporosis caused by the deficiency or the Loss of bone mass is one of the most common diseases in old age and affects around every third woman after the menopause. However, men can also develop osteoporosis. Accordingly, prevention is important in younger years in order to actively counteract the likelihood of illness.
There are several things you can do to get one osteoporosis can prevent relatively well, completely prevent Unfortunately, you can see their origin Not.
If known to be an increased risk for the development of osteoporosis, one can discuss with a doctor whether to carry out one prophylaxis with medication can be useful. Otherwise, the prevention of osteoporosis is largely based simply on a healthy lifestyle.
balanced nutrition
One is of great importance balanced nutrition. First of all, there are adequate intake of calcium and Vitamin D necessary to strengthen the bones.
calcium is found especially in
- Dairy products,
- Nuts,
- Herbs and green vegetables,
- but also in some types of mineral water;
Vitamin D occurs in large quantities in fish, eggs and also in dairy products. In addition, it is important for the formation of this vitamin that the body has enough UV radiation sunlight, is exposed (at least half an hour a day).
It is recommended up to 1500 mg calcium to take in the day. Much more is then again not good.
A similar rule applies to Proteins: As has not been known for too long, these are at least as important for healthy and strong bones. Therefore you should also have this sufficient, but not too much ingestion through food.
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But now enough is indicated ;-)
In order to be able to treat successfully in orthopedics, a thorough examination, diagnosis and a medical history are required.
In our very economic world in particular, there is too little time to thoroughly grasp the complex diseases of orthopedics and thus initiate targeted treatment.
I don't want to join the ranks of "quick knife pullers".
The aim of any treatment is treatment without surgery.
Which therapy achieves the best results in the long term can only be determined after looking at all of the information (Examination, X-ray, ultrasound, MRI, etc.) be assessed.
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For more information about myself, see Lumedis - Orthopedists.
Calcium and nutrition
Since the bone substance is reduced in osteoporosis, the bone components are of course in the foreground in an osteoporosis-oriented or preventive diet. Main component is the bones Calcium. The daily requirement for calcium for adults is around 1g. Various foods with a high calcium content are recommended to meet this requirement. Of course, when you think of calcium, you first think of milk and milk products, like Cheese or curd. These indeed contain a high proportion of it and also have a favorable calcium-phosphate ratio. This ratio is particularly important for the absorption of calcium from food and for the formation of bones, because too much phosphate inhibits absorption and removes calcium from the bones.
However, dairy products are not the only good sources of this mineral. Also green vegetables, like Kale, broccoli, fennel and leek is well suited for covering the daily requirement. Too one-sided diet, e.g. only dairy products should be avoided. It is better to include balanced proportions of the individual calcium suppliers in your diet plan. Phosphate-containing foods that should only be consumed in small amounts to avoid a bad calcium-phosphate ratio are ready meals, fast food and lemonades as well as meat extract, yeast and processed cheese.
However, phosphate is also not insignificant for the body. Therefore, one should not do without it completely, but pay attention to a suitable ratio of the two nutrients to each other. The closer this is to the optimal value of 1: 1.0 - 1.2, the better the bone structure works. Other food groups that impair the absorption of calcium in the intestine are foods containing oxalic acid, such as beetroot, Swiss chard, spinach or rhubarbacidic beverages such as coffee or tea and foods with a high salt content. Alcohol consumption, smoking and a diet high in protein also have a negative effect on bone density, as well as calcium magnesium an important component of the bone substance and should therefore be consumed in sufficient quantities. Suitable foods for this are e.g. Oatmeal, corn, whole wheat bread or pasta.
For good bone substance there are not only minerals, but also Vitamins crucial. In particular, vitamin D. This can be ingested with food on the one hand and is mainly contained in marine fish species, but on the other hand it is also formed to a greater extent by the skin itself when exposed to sunlight. Sufficient exercise Therefore, being outdoors is a good idea for osteoporosis in two ways. On the one hand, exercise strengthens the muscles and, on the other hand, the bones, and on the other hand, solar radiation stimulates vitamin D production. However, adequate sun protection to prevent skin cancer should still not be neglected. Since food only contains a small amount of the vitamin, it is advisable to take additional vitamin D supplements in the event of a deficiency.
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Proteins is also obtained through the consumption of Dairy products. 10 to 15% of your daily energy intake should come from proteins. However, if you consume these excessively, the body becomes too acidic, which ultimately leads to a increased bone loss results.
Other nutrients should be avoided if you want to prevent osteoporosis.
This includes above all phosphate (Here too, of course, this always applies to the appropriate amounts, since the body naturally also needs phosphate in small amounts!). Phosphate is particularly found in
- Meat and sausage products,
- Grain,
- Soft drinks (especially in cola drinks),
- Processed cheese and as an additive (recognizable on food packaging by the designations E 338-341 and E 450).
A high consumption of Table salt (or other sources of sodium) causes more calcium through the kidneys eliminated which therefore has a negative effect on bone metabolism. It is best to use table salt with fluoride and make sure that the sodium content in the mineral water is low.
Oxalate (which can be found in spinach, rhubarb and cocoa) decreases the absorption of calcium in the intestines.
Prophylaxis with a vegan diet
In principle, with a dietary restriction such as the vegan diet, it is always important to ensure that the body is supplied with all important nutritional components. With regard to osteoporosis, they are Calcium, the Vitamin D and the magnesium. The vegan diet is not problematic for magnesium, as foods such as Oatmeal, wholemeal bread or corn are good suppliers of the nutrients and these can ensure adequate intake. Vitamin D does not pose a further problem for people living vegan. The intake of vitamin D from food generally plays a rather subordinate role.
Much more decisive is the body's own production of the vitamin in the skin, which is stimulated by solar radiation. Regular exposure to the open air should therefore ensure that the body is adequately supplied with vitamin D. If there is still a deficiency of the vitamin in the blood, the intake of Vitamin D supplements be considered.
That leaves the calcium: this is indeed one Problem factor because with the abandonment of dairy products, essential suppliers of the nutrient are also eliminated. However, some plant-based foods are also suitable sources of calcium, such as Broccoli or Kale. This means that at least part of the calcium requirement can be covered. It has also been shown that even with a lower calcium level, the risk of osteoporosis is not necessarily increased as long as there is sufficient exercise and there is no deficiency in vitamin D. So it can be said that a vegan diet is not necessarily associated with an increase in the risk of osteoporosis. However, with such a diet, attention should always be paid to the sufficient supply of the body with all the necessary nutrients and these should also be checked regularly. This applies not only to osteoporosis, but also to other nutrients such as Vit-B12, iron and especially protein.
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physical activity
In addition, is a regular physical activity extremely important in the context of prevention. On the one hand, movement becomes the metabolism the bone stimulated, increased calcium built into it and thereby strengthened the bone tissue, and on the other hand also the structure / Preservation of muscles ensures what helps to protect against bone fractures.
Exercise for osteoporosis
Regular stress on the bones through exercise is essential to prevent bone loss. Someone who doesn't exercise regularly will lose bone mass regardless of age. That is also particularly crucial Regularity of movement. Hence, regular walks are effective, whereas occasional visits to the gym are of little use. The nature of the bone substance is better designed for pressure than tensile load. For this reason, exercise and sports such as walking, jogging, hiking, but also cycling are particularly suitable for preventing osteoporosis. Regular strength training or gymnastics are other suitable forms of movement.
However, you should always pay attention to it Overloads and especially injuries to avoid. A sufficiently long build-up and familiarization phase is crucial for this. If endurance and mobility are reduced, professionally guided functional training is available, which can be prescribed by a doctor. By learning specific exercises, sufficient movement and strengthening of the muscles and bones can be achieved.
You might also be interested in this article: Vibration training for osteoporosis
Vibration training for osteoporosis
A concept that has proven itself in the prevention of osteoporosis is the so-called. Vibration training. This is based on the build-up of bones or prevention of bone loss through dynamic, i.e. constantly changing, force loads. For the training will be special Vibrating plates which generate vibrations with a frequency between 5 and 60 Hertz. To prevent osteoporosis, however, a rather gentle training should be included low frequency and small movement impulses can be selected.
The basic effect of vibration training results from the so-called "Tonic vibration reflex". This is caused by the fact that certain cells in the muscle register the change in length of the muscle brought about by the movement and send signals to the other muscle cells via a nerve loop. These signals activate the muscle cells and lead to compensatory movements in order to maintain stability and an upright posture despite the moving surface. This persistent small contractions of the muscles lead to increased strength development and better performance of the muscles. Furthermore, they lead to constant tensile and compressive loads on the bones, which ultimately stimulates the strengthening of the bone structure. This type of osteoporosis prevention is particularly suitable for people who can no longer move actively enough due to pain, illness or old age.
More information can be found here: Vibration training for osteoporosis
Avoid alcohol and cigarettes
To one osteoporosis It is also advisable to prevent the consumption of alcohol and Cigarettes on a very low level to keep. In smokers, the blood flow to various organs, including that of the bones, is severely restricted and the components of cigarette smoke promote in addition to the Dismantling from Estrogensboth of which favor the development of osteoporosis.
Often one comes to one from alcohol calcium- and Nutritional deficiency, it also inhibits the formation of proteins in the liver, which also increases the risk of osteoporosis.
Medicines to prevent osteoporosis
The primary means of preventing osteoporosis are regular exercise, adequate intake of calcium and vitamin D, and exposure to sunlight. Taking medication with the aim of preventing osteoporosis, in addition to calcium or vitamin D. supplements not recommended. However, it should be noted that a number of drugs are known to have osteoporosis and fracture-promoting effects. It is therefore advisable to carry out a precise assessment of the benefit and risk with a view to preventing osteoporosis.
Such effects are known for the following drugs: Antidepressants and Anti-epileptic drugs, Glitazone, those used to treat Type 2 diabetes mellitus be used Glucocorticoids, Proton pump inhibitors, for the treatment of stomach diseases such as heartburn, especially if they are taken for a long time and L-thyroxinethat at a Hypothyroidism is used.
If you are concerned about your personal risk of osteoporosis while taking these drugs, you should be precise Consultation with his doctor hold and get informed about it.
Prevention without hormones
In general, taking hormones for osteoporosis prevention not recommended. Although estrogen deficiency is one of the main causes of osteoporosis in postmenopausal women, it has not yet been shown that taking the hormone is a suitable method for long-term prevention. The best way to prevent osteoporosis is with sufficient exercise, preferably in the fresh air, and a specific diet.
Prevention with estrogen
The main cause of osteoporosis in women is the Lack of estrogen after menopause, as estrogen has a stimulating effect on bone formation. It can therefore be concluded that the use of estrogens after menopause reduces the risk of osteoporosis. Despite extensive studies, no clear result has yet been found as to whether the therapy with estrogens actually has a positive effect in terms of osteoporosis prevention. On the one hand, this is due to the fact that the stimulating influence of estrogen disappears when the therapy is discontinued and the bone density quickly decreases to values that women of the same age also have without the therapy. Such a therapy would have to be carried out for 20 years or more to actually have a decisive effect.
However, taking estrogen also brings about Risks with itself, as it naturally acts everywhere in the body and not just on the bones. Most of all, estrogen is known to have an increased risk of cancer and thrombosis. It is not certain whether the positive effects in relation to osteoporosis outweigh these risks and whether such a preventive measure is worthwhile.
Prophylaxis with homeopathy
The homeopathy also offers possibilities of osteoporosis prevention. Here, too, the main focus is on providing the body with sufficient calcium and avoiding over-acidification. Over-acidification, so too low PH value, namely supports the withdrawal of calcium from the bones. Accordingly, homeopathic osteoporosis prevention pursues the same goals as osteoporosis-oriented nutrition, but with one conscious diet brings more positive side effects for the body.
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Measures for osteoporosis that is already manifest
If you already have one manifest osteoporosis is sick, there are a few other methods in addition to the ones described above, which then serve directly to treat the Risk of a broken bone to lower.
This includes in the first place Attention!
Especially with older people, who are often affected by osteoporosis, any tripping hazards should be cleared out of the way, and you should also advise them solid shoes and, if necessary, Spectacle lenses the correct strength to wear to prevent falls.
Sometimes special training can also be used Fall prevention and / or an individualized physical therapy respectively. There are now even so-called Hip protectorsthat stabilize the hip laterally and protect it from external violence (e.g. from falling), as this is the area in which most fractures occur in osteoporosis. Abrupt movements should be avoided as far as possible and also excessive physical exertion you should if possible avoid.