Peru balsam (Myroxylon balsamum)

In a complicated process, the balsam is obtained from the bark

Butterfly family

Plant description

A stately tree, native to Central Africa

Plant parts used medicinally

The balm made from twigs and the trunk.

The extraction of the balm is very complex. To do this, the bark relieved and the trunk snapped with burning torches. After a while, the balm emerges from this wound and is then collected. This is the raw balm which different cleaning processes must go through. The end product is a dark, syrupy and fragrant balm. There are very different qualities in trade.

Ingredients: Cinnamein, a mixture of benzyl benzoate and benzyl cinnamon ester, resin, coumarin, vanillin.

Medicinal effect and application

The Peru balsam stimulates the Wound healing on. Used at purulent wounds, Chilblains and at hemorrhoids also as a suppository. Balsam of Peru is often used in the Veterinary medicine.

Side effects can only be observed after long and extensive use on the skin. It can too Kidney irritation come.