Ovarian pain in pregnancy
Many women suffer from stabbing or cramp-like pain in their ovaries, especially at the beginning of their pregnancy.
Often there are harmless causes behind it, but serious illnesses can also lead to ovarian pain. Therefore, all new and severe pain should be clarified by a doctor.
Slight and, above all, punctual pain over the ovaries can arise at the beginning or during the course of pregnancy due to hormonal changes or a stretching of the uterine ligaments. So they are mostly harmless.
However, severe, acute pain in the lower abdomen can also conceal diseases such as an ectopic pregnancy, inflammation of the ovaries, a miscarriage or uterine tumors (myomas). Some of these could be life-threatening and should be urgently clarified by a doctor.
Ectopic pregnancy
Ectopic pregnancy in particular should be highlighted as a potentially life-threatening disease. In the case of an ectopic pregnancy, the egg cell does not implant properly. Instead of the normal implantation in the lining of the uterus, the egg cell gets stuck in the fallopian tubes and nests there. This can be caused by functional or mechanical disorders that prevent the egg cell from migrating to the uterus. In the beginning, an ectopic pregnancy is similar to a "normal" pregnancy. A pregnancy test would turn out positive because the pregnancy hormone beta-HGC is formed despite incorrect implantation, nausea and the loss of periods would also occur.
Read more on the topic: Pain in the mother ligaments
From the 6th to 9th week of pregnancy it would then close Pain in the ovaries, as well as a Spotting come. The egg continues to grow in the Fallopian tubes approach, from a certain size it becomes one Rupture of the fallopian tube (rupture) come which then with severe abdominal pain and heavy bleeding goes hand in hand. Thanks to today's early diagnostic measures and therapy options, a Ectopic pregnancy fatal only in rare cases. However, until the 19th century it was one of the leading causes of death in young women.
Pain in the ovaries, especially in pregnant women, can often be accompanied by other pains from the Abdomen and des Basin be confused. For example, a Appendicitis, a sluggish bowel that leads to increased constipation with pain, Kidney stones or one Urinary bladder infection Fake ovarian pain. This is due to the spatial proximity the organs to the ovaries. Ultimately, too Sexual intercourse cause ovarian pain during pregnancy. It would be advisable to refrain from further sexual intercourse during pregnancy.
Please also read our page Ectopic pregnancy.
Pain character and accompanying symptoms
Typical symptoms are mild to (depending on the cause) severe pain in the left or right lower abdomen, at the level of the pelvic blades.
Depending on the cause, the pain can be dull and diffuse, or stabbing, spasmodic and accompanied by vaginal discharge. Especially at the beginning of pregnancy, when the egg cells implant itself in the lining of the uterus, there may be slight pain in the ovaries and a brown discharge. Other accompanying symptoms can be general malaise and nausea.
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Because behind everyone Pain during pregnancy can hide a potentially dangerous disease, any pain, especially in the area of the ovaries or the uterus are examined by a doctor.
For this, the doctor would ask about the exact symptoms, the onset and any previous illnesses. Then a gynecological check as well as an ultrasound scan. This can transvaginal (through the vagina) or as normal Abdominal ultrasound respectively. Depending on the underlying disease, additional examinations such as a Blood draw, one Blood culture, or one Urine testing respectively.
At a Ectopic pregnancy one tries first with the help of drugs To terminate pregnancy or in severe cases, to surgically remove the non-viable embryo.
With an impending Miscarriage can with the help of contraceptive drugs trying to delay a premature birth. The time gained can be used to induce lung maturity (with the help of special medication, the baby's lungs can be brought to mature prematurely) and to improve the baby's development.
If a miscarriage is announced during pregnancy, i.e. a heartbeat can no longer be determined in the child, the Uterus scraped off and then with the help of contraceptive drugs caused a contraction of the uterus. This also ejects the embryonic cell debris.
If (as in most cases) there is no pathological cause for the ovarian pain, one can try to treat the pain symptomatically.
Pregnant women in particular should try to relax, keep bed rest and use hot water bottles or warm hip baths. If the pain is very severe, pain-relieving medication can also be taken (in consultation with the gynecologist).
In the case of infections and inflammations of the ovaries or other organs, antibiotic therapy should be initiated as soon as possible.
Read more on the subject at: Symptoms of fallopian tube inflammation
Since in most cases the pain is only based on hormonal changes or a stretching of the uterine ligaments, the prognosis for pain in the ovaries during pregnancy is usually very good.
In the course of pregnancy they usually recede on their own and are to be viewed as a sign of the beginning of pregnancy rather than a symptom of a serious illness. However, if the pain gets worse or is accompanied by bleeding and increased nausea (see also nausea during pregnancy), it should be clarified by a doctor as soon as possible. In most cases, however, the underlying diseases also have a good prognosis if diagnosed early. They rarely affect the unborn child.