Dizziness and lightheadedness


dizziness is a body sensation that most people have experienced before. Those affected have the feeling that the environment is different turns or they feel unsure on their feet so that they are forced to interrupt the activity they have carried out up to that point.
Dizziness can be a problem certain direction hit (e.g. Spinning and swaying vertigo), but also undirected be, i.e. the person concerned feels a tumult.

If you are drowsy, you will also feel dizzy (e.g. weak knees, etc.), the concentration is difficult or it kicks sleepiness on.
The following text focuses on Dizziness combined with drowsiness.

If dizziness is accompanied by additional drowsiness, a distinction should be made between one Tumult and one trend-setting dizziness. When one speaks of a directed vertigo, one means a fluctuating or turning feeling, i.e. a describable direction. Taumel is more like one uncertainty or Dizzinesswhere you are unable to describe a direction.


At a directed dizziness come sooner Disorders of the sense of balance and the nerves involved in question. There are many options, which one positional dizziness (Adhesion of direction-indicating crystals in the organ of equilibrium) over a Inflammation of the nerves up to one Infarct range in the corresponding area.

At undirected vertigo come both internistic and neurological diseases as well as Overdoses of drugs or luxury foods. Especially if drowsiness has occurred at the same time, the suspicion of Circulatory problems (e.g. low blood pressure shortly after getting up) or Metabolic imbalances (e.g. too high / low blood sugar) Near.
Certain drug classes (e.g. water-releasing drugs, anti-hypertensive drugs, insulin, various heart drugs) tend to excessive intake or too high dosage to this symptom combination.

In neurological diseases, a stroke or one Cerebral hemorrhage play a role, both of which can lead to dizziness with lightheadedness.
Dizziness with accompanying drowsiness can also be caused by a travel sickness, Ametropia or Movement disorders of the eyes, a Cervical spine syndrome or changes in old age or during one Hyperventilation occur.

Read more about the here Causes of dizziness.

Neck discomfort

By muscular or bony changes it comes to one Reduced mobility and the ability to share information Position of the head forward. This can make people feel dizzy or light-headed.



Fatigue or weakness in relation to dizziness often come with the travel sickness in front. The motion sickness is caused by unfamiliar movements, such as on a swaying ship, triggered. By contradicting information the sense of balance will be nausea, dizziness and fatigue triggered.

There can also be other symptoms such as Cold perspiration, paleness or Headache. Just as well, fatigue during dizziness can be caused by one low blood pressure or one anemia (Red blood cell poverty) arise.
In mentally stressful conditions like one depression or one Anxiety disorder In addition to other symptoms, dizziness and tiredness can occur.


Dizziness often causes one Feeling sick or even Vomit. This is mostly due to the fact that it is in the brain stem Vomiting center which is connected to many other areas of the brain. If the brain receives incompatible information about the movement of the body and the immediate environment, it often leads to nausea.


At the same time as dizziness, headaches or a feeling of pressure in the head can occur. The headache can be one-sided, like a migraine, and also be associated with sensitivity to light. If the headache occurs more at the back of the head, this can be a sign of a cervical spine syndrome.

Also read our article on this topic: Dizziness and migraines - what is the underlying disease?

Dizziness and eyes

In the case of existing vertigo, visual disturbances of any kind (e.g. Double vision, blurred vision, restricted field of vision) is not uncommon. The information of the eye contributes to a large extent Sense of balance of people. Hence, a visual disorder trigger of vertigo or a symptomwhich can have the same cause as the dizziness.

Read more about here Dizziness and eyes.


Since the dizziness, among other things, can be attributed to a lowered blood pressure, this should be measured for diagnosis.

A precise history of the dizziness regarding when it first appeared, the duration, the situations in which the dizziness occurs, and other accompanying symptoms can reveal the main cause or at least narrow down the range of possible causes. The question of existing pre-existing illnesses and medication currently being taken also helps in this case.

Internal and neurological diseases are ruled out as triggers for dizziness by various examinations. This often includes a blood pressure measurement, a survey of the blood sugar level or an EKG as well as an orienting neurological examination with testing of reflexes, coordination or sensory perception skills. The so-called nystagmus test can also be informative here. It checks for abnormal movement of the eyes.

If these tests are not sufficient to determine the cause of the dizziness, other options are available. For example, a computed tomography of the head, an ultrasound of cervical / cerebral vessels, measurement of the nerve conduction velocity or long-term EKG / blood pressure measurement.

Also read the article: Vertigo without findings.


Since undirected dizziness and lightheadedness appearing at the same time, various causes can come into question (so.), the therapy must closely follow the triggering factors orientate. Stand by Medication adjustments and a Stabilization of the circulatory and metabolic situation in the foreground.
If the dizziness occurred due to age, a Gait training or Balance training to be useful. If a cervical spine syndrome is the suspected trigger, a physical therapy be effective.

Read more about the here Therapy for vertigo.