Summer flu


Summer flu is a form of flu caused by viruses that occurs mainly in summer and shows general symptoms of a flu-like infection. these include fever, headaches and body aches. The course of the summer flu is generally milder than that of the "real" flu - influenza, which occurs more in the winter months. The pathogen, usually the Coxsackie virus, is also different from the influenza virus, which triggers the classic flu.

Also read: The difference between the flu and the common cold

The transmission the virus is largely comparable to that of a "normal" flu - they are mainly caused by a so-called Droplet infection spread. Coughing or sneezing causes the viruses to be distributed like a catapult into the surrounding air. Surfaces infected with viruses can also get through Contact through the hands to the mucous membranes can be passed on and so invade humans and cause summer flu.


The causes of the development of a summer flu are on the one hand the Contact the mucous membranes of the eyes, nose or mouth with the virus causing it. On the other hand, a previously favored one weakened immune system the outbreak.

The viruses penetrate the body cells, multiply there and trigger the familiar flu symptoms such as fever, runny nose, headache and body aches. The weakening of the immune system can be due to one side Hypothermia to be triggered. Staying in air-conditioned or draughty rooms often leads to dry mucous membranes, as well as the following load with strong temperature differences when leaving.

Combined with one too low hydration or wrong clothing can lead to immune deficiency. On the other hand, immune-weakening, already existing diseases can also be the cause. Endangered are above all children and elderlybecause their immune system is more vulnerable.


Unspecific symptoms in mild form, such as headache and body aches, fever and possibly a slight runny nose, can indicate a flu-like infection. If this occurs in the summer months, the diagnosis of summer flu is obvious.

Diagnostic means, such as the detection of the virus in a laboratory, are very complex and usually do not correspond to the standard of medical procedure, since the considerable costs often do not match the severity of the disease. The duration and the burden of the infection are usually not very great.

Read more on the topic: When should I see a doctor with a fever?


The trigger of a summer flu are usually so-called Coxsackie Viruses responsible, named after the US city in which they were first found. They belong to the group of enteroviruses and can cause other illnesses in addition to the summer flu.

Of the Transmission path can either via the respiratory tract as a droplet infection or via the faecal-oral route, for example via contaminated drinking water. Fecal-oral means that the pathogens that are excreted with the stool are absorbed through the mouth. Depending on the transmission route, different diseases can then be caused.

incubation period

The typical incubation period a summer flu approx. 2 to 14 days.

The incubation period is the time from ingestion of the pathogen to the appearance of the first symptoms of a disease. This time passes without the affected person noticing anything of the flu-like symptoms. By the time the first symptoms appear, the viruses that have penetrated have multiplied so far in the human body cells that these host cells burst and flood the body with viruses. The body then begins to fight the infection by trying to get the germs out in the form of a cold or by having a fever make the immune system work better.

Concomitant symptoms

The summer flu can be ingested via a droplet infection various cold symptoms entail. Next fever, sniff and Sore throat, can also to cough and Headaches and body aches impress.

Further show up often Loss of appetite, such as Respiratory tract irritation. Also Lymph node swelling in the neck area can be observed. These symptoms do not have to come together. Depending on the state of the immune system and the amount of germs ingested, they develop to different degrees. Are accompanying the fever chills or one accompanied by sweating Feeling hot possible as symptoms.

Furthermore, a skin rash occur as part of the common cold. This is often the case with children because the Coxsackie virus is also considered to be Hand, foot and mouth disease pathogen proven. This leads to reddish dots on the palms of the hands, the soles of the feet and around the mouth, sometimes with blistering.

Body aches

Body aches are common Harbingers of an approaching flu-like infection. They are often described by those affected as muscle pain and are located mostly in arms and legs, but can also occur on the back. Usually reports of a creeping onset of pain accompanied by a weakened general feeling and the onset of flu-like symptoms. Painkillers can be used for treatment in the event of heavy stress.


In addition to the commonly mentioned cold symptoms, a fever can also develop during the summer flu. Accompanied by early symptoms such as headache and body aches it comes first to a Feeling cold, often together with chills.

The fever is as normal physical defense reaction to understand. The Activation of the immune system with all its components can work better under the increased temperature to fight the invaded pathogens. For this reason, the advisability of lowering the fever should, under certain circumstances, be discussed with a doctor.


Is nausea in the traditional sense not a typical characteristic the summer flu. Nevertheless, flu infections like summer flu are always subject to an individual development of the person affected, so that nausea cannot be excluded as a symptom.

The virus that causes the summer flu can also symptoms of gastrointestinal inflammation favor with nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. However, the symptoms mentioned do not all have to occur in parallel.

skin rash

The summer flu can have several faces. On the one hand, it appears like a flu-like infection, on the other hand, it can also be related to a skin rash. The causative agent of the summer flu, the Coxsackie virus, is also the trigger for the Hand, foot and mouth diseasewhich mainly overtakes children. It is possible to get a rash accompanying the flu-like symptoms of summer flu.

Duration of the summer flu

If the immune system is intact, the usual summer flu should not last longer than a week. If this persists for a long time and if the fever persists, you are strongly advised to consult a doctor.

People with a chronic illness who take drugs to modulate their immune system are at risk of catching the summer flu for more than a week. The same is usually the case with young children or the elderly. Here the summer flu can drag on for up to three weeks

Read more on the topic: Superinfection

Treatment / therapy

In the vast majority of cases, the summer flu is a disease with a mild course, which is not comparable to that of the seasonal flu. In general, you should ensure you drink enough fluids and exercise restraint.

Warm teas and inhalations with lightly salted, steaming water can relieve irritation of the throat and respiratory tract.

In the case of stressful headaches and body aches, you can consider taking a pain reliever such as paracetamol, which has an additional side effect of lowering your fever.

Furthermore, as a hygienic measure, regular hand washing should be ensured, since the viruses are spread particularly favored by poor hygiene.

Because viruses cannot be treated with antibiotics, only symptoms can be treated. If the fever persists for more than 3 days and there is little improvement in symptoms, a doctor should be consulted. As a rule, however, the summer flu subsides during this time and often leaves only a slight cough or runny nose.

Home remedies for summer flu

General measures such as regular exercise in the fresh air, a balanced healthy diet and a conscientious one Hand hygiene can generally be helpful as preventive measures.

In addition, a Avoidance of strong temperature differences, For example, care must be taken between air-conditioned rooms and very warm outside temperatures. If you are unlucky to catch summer flu despite all the good prevention, one can help generous hydration and physical conservation. Commercially available teas can be used, whereby the tea made from the ginger root mixed with fresh lemon juice and honey, particularly proven. The natural ingredients have a positive effect on the disease. Against a sore throat or difficulty swallowing Lozenges can be purchased at the pharmacy. Of the Stay in the sun and great heat should avoided if possible as this usually has a worsening effect on the symptoms.


Also homeopathic remedies can be used in the treatment of summer flu supportive be effective. On the whole, it should with deterioration In any case, a doctor should be consulted for symptoms and duration longer than 1-2 weeks, because no homeopathic remedy can replace medical treatment.

Homeopathic remedies can be found in pharmacies and drugstores in the form of globules, drops or juices. The manufacturers promise the activation of the body's self-healing powers, as well as less pronounced symptoms of the common cold. Unfortunately there is no scientific evidence their effectivenessthat they would be more effective than a placebo. All in all, everyone should fall back on the means that have given him or her relief in the past.

Can you get summer flu in winter?

Basically, the causative agent of the summer flu can be detected all year round, and that's it possible to get a summer flu in winter. However, this has no further consequences, since the treatment of mild viral infections does not depend on the pathogen and symptomatic therapy, i.e. the treatment of the individual complaint pattern is preferred.

It is important with long-lasting flu-like infections one To see a doctor, as additional bacterial infections can occur if the immune system is weakened. The doctor then has to treat these with antibiotics if necessary.

Since the summer flu is caused by a special virus and this causes symptoms, which can also be caused by other viruses in winter, one would not speak of summer flu in winter.

What is the difference between the summer flu and normal flu?

First of all, a distinction is made between the summer flu and the normal flu by the pathogen and the respective symptoms. Because the Summer flu shows in its normal course an essential milder expression than the normal flu. The one called normal flu Influenza brings with one incubation period from a few hours to a few days, suddenly high fever and a clear feeling of weakness a much more aggressive course with itself.

The treatment also shows differences, because while with the summer flu you only fight the symptoms that occur, you can with influenza, antiviral drugs give. These can significantly weaken the course of the disease by preventing the viruses present from multiplying. However, these can only work if they within 48 hours of the onset of symptoms are given.

Another difference becomes clear through the prevention of influenza, because here one is annually Vaccination for people at risk Recommended by the STIKO (Standing Vaccination Commission). These include immunocompromised people, all people over 60 years of age, residents of old people's and nursing homes and pregnant women.

How contagious is summer flu?

Whether it be a infection Coming with a summer flu always depends on the individual immune status of the person concerned. If you are slightly bruised, by hypothermia or frequent stays in air-conditioned buildings, infection can occur more easily. Basically, an infection always depends on the Amount of germs transferred from, this can go through Avoiding infected people, as well as a good hand hygiene be bypassed.

Please also read: How can you prevent flu?