Symptoms of a torn ligament
What are the symptoms of a torn ligament
Almost every sports injury, provided it is a closed injury to the musculoskeletal system, is accompanied by symptoms of bleeding into the affected tissue.
There is a bruise (Hematoma). When doing sports, it is often not possible to conduct a closer examination directly on the field. Therefore it is difficult to make a further distinction of the injury. Is it a simple bruise, or is it a strain, a torn muscle fiber or a stretched ligament.
Many sports injuries, although they differ in the severity of the symptoms, have similar symptoms:
- Immediate, often severe pain
- Powerlessness of the affected muscles, restricted mobility and even inability to move
- Swelling and tenderness
Torn ligament on the foot
Usually one recognizes by the symptom Torn ligament a noticeable swelling in the area of the outer ankle caused by water retention and the bruise (Hematoma) are conditional. There is severe pain on pressure and movement over the injured ligaments. Stepping on and straining the foot usually results in severe pain.
If the pain isn't too great, you can Ankle gelsk 'unfold", i.e. the joint surfaces can be removed from each other due to the loss of the outer ligament function when the foot is turned inward or the lower leg is fixed Ankle Pushes towards the heel.
If you see external symptoms such as a bruise with corresponding discoloration of the skin, this is the first indication of a torn ligament. The bruise is a typical symptom that structures with blood flow, such as the joint capsule and the ligaments, have been damaged, but it can also be an indication of a Outer ankle fracture be.
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My name is dr. Nicolas Gumpert. I am a specialist in orthopedics and the founder of .
Various television programs and print media report regularly about my work. On HR television you can see me every 6 weeks live on "Hallo Hessen".
But now enough is indicated ;-)
Athletes (joggers, soccer players, etc.) are particularly often affected by diseases of the foot. In some cases, the cause of the foot discomfort cannot be identified at first.
Therefore, the treatment of the foot (e.g. Achilles tendonitis, heel spurs, etc.) requires a lot of experience.
I focus on a wide variety of foot diseases.
The aim of every treatment is treatment without surgery with a complete recovery of performance.
Which therapy achieves the best results in the long term can only be determined after looking at all of the information (Examination, X-ray, ultrasound, MRI, etc.) be assessed.
You can find me in:
- Lumedis - your orthopedic surgeon
Kaiserstrasse 14
60311 Frankfurt am Main
Directly to the online appointment arrangement
Unfortunately, it is currently only possible to make an appointment with private health insurers. I hope for your understanding!
Further information about myself can be found at Dr. Nicolas Gumpert
Symptoms of a torn ligament in different joints
Symptoms of a torn ligament of the knee joint
The symptoms of a Torn ligament on the knee are quite different depending on which of the ligaments is torn.
In the knee there are the so-called Cruciate ligamentswhich run inside the knee joint. If there is a torn ligament in the anterior or posterior cruciate ligament, the patient complains of various symptoms.
On the one hand, many patients hear when their cruciate ligament tears because it makes a cracking noise. In addition, the patients feel the torn ligament in the knee.
More symptoms in one Cruciate ligament tear In the knee, for example, there is swelling immediately after the crack, which is getting worse. There are also knee pain and bleeding, so-called hematomas, which usually only become more noticeable after several minutes.
Symptoms such as knee instability and kinking of the knee while trying to walk also occur.
In addition to the cruciate ligaments, there are also outer ligaments in the knee. If there is a so-called Outer ligament tear Similar symptoms arise, but they are usually easier to localize than with a cruciate ligament tear. If there is a torn ligament in the outer ligament of the knee, the patient usually complains of pain and slight swelling in the outer area of the knee.
Hematomas are rare here and the knee is also unlikely to buckle. Symptoms in an isolated one Inner ligament tear in the knee resembles those of a torn outer ligament, except that the patient localizes pain and swelling to the area of the inner knee.
Symptoms of a torn shoulder ligament
The shoulder has a very flexible shoulder joint which is surrounded by several ligaments to contribute to the stability of the shoulder.
It comes to one Torn ligament in the shoulder However, the patient does not always have direct symptoms as the shoulder is mainly stabilized by muscles and their tendons (medical professionals speak of the so-called rotator cuff).
However, if there is a torn ligament of the so-called Acromial-clavicle joint (in short: AC joint), the patient sometimes shows very clear symptoms, depending on whether there is a complete or incomplete Torn ligament is coming.
Between Acromion and Collarbone (Clavicle) there is a band, and between the Coracoid and the Collarbone another tape.
If there is a torn ligament between the acromion and the clavicle, the patient has few symptoms, mostly only slight pain or swelling.
If, on the other hand, there is a complete torn ligament in the shoulder, the patient has clear symptoms such as Shoulder pain, Swelling, Bruising (Hematomas) and above all a visible one The collarbone protrudes upwards there is a muscle, so-called sternocleidomastoid muscle, which now pulls the collarbone upwards and the ligaments are no longer able to counteract this and keep the collarbone in its original position.
However, this extreme case occurs very rarely and so a partial ligament tear in the shoulder shows only mild symptoms in many patients.
Symptoms of a torn ligament of the hand
The hand consists of many bones which are all connected to one another by means of ligaments.
It comes to one Torn ligament in the wrist the patient has different symptoms.
A ligament tear is particularly common between Moon leg (Lunate bone) and Scaphoid (Scaphoid), also scapholunal ligament. Many patients initially hardly notice this torn ligament in the wrist. Symptoms such as slight pain or swelling are also attributed to a compression but not taken seriously.
Nevertheless, the crack can lead to permanent weakness in the wrist area, which is often associated with painful periods. Immobility and stress problems arise, which then lead to the fact that the patient is only able to cope with everyday activities such as a honey jar more difficultly and sometimes not at all due to the torn ligament in the wrist and the associated symptoms.
Ligament tears can also occur between the other eight bones in the wrist, which usually only cause mild symptoms. Nevertheless, these should be taken seriously because if left untreated they often lead to incorrect loads and / or misalignments, which in the worst case can result in premature joint wear (Osteoarthritis in the wrist) and the resulting immobility of the wrist.
A torn ligament in the wrist usually only has mild symptoms such as mild ones Pain in the hand, Swellings and a more difficult load bearing capacity, but untreated ligament tears can have fatal consequences and should therefore always be examined and treated by a trauma surgeon, ideally a hand surgeon.
Illustration of a torn ligament
- Front fibula -
Ankle ligament -
Lig. Fibulotalare anterius - Fibula-calcaneus
Tape -
Calcaneofibular ligament - Posterior fibula
Ankle ligament -
Posterior fibulotalar ligament - Heel bone - Calcaneus
- Ankle bone - Talus
- Outer ankle -
(= Fibula bone)
Lateral malleolus - Fibula - Fibula
- Shin - Tibia
- Cuboid bone -
Os cuboideum - Scaphoid (of the foot) -
Navicular bone - Inner ankle -
(= Shin bone) -
Medial malleolus
I - I - Upper ankle
(Hinge line blue) -
Articulatio talocruralis
II - II - Lower ankle
(Hinge line purple) -
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