Causes of giftedness
Synonyms in a broader sense
Giftedness, giftedness, special gift, gift, talent, genius, special gift, high intelligence, highly intelligent, gifted, high performance, general intellectual gift, special gift, musical - artistic gift, psychomotor gift, social gift;
Partial performance disorder, dyscalculia, dyslexia, ADD, ADHD.
English terms: highly gifted, highly talented, endowment, giftedness;
The term giftedness implies that the gifted person is highly gifted and that the gifted person has a greater talent potential compared to others or that he or she uses his gifts differently, e.g. can use more purposefully.
Various research results show that in the area of giftedness a distinction must be made between:
- general intellectual talent and the
- special talents that relate to a specific area. A distinction is made, for example, between social talent, musical and artistic talent or psychomotor talent.
The general intellectual talent usually relates to several areas, so is less often limited to just one area of knowledge. Such a talent is noticeable to the outside world through a quick grasp of the situation and special memory skills, which, together with other talents, lead them to achieve special achievements.
In the following, the causes of giftedness will be discussed and furthermore it will be shown that a genetic disposition alone cannot bring people to high levels of performance.
Promotion of giftedness
To an existing Giftedness are to be funded Concentration games particularly advisable.
For this purpose, we have developed a game in combination with a game manufacturer, which can playfully promote giftedness.
Through the combination of concentration and play, various goals can be achieved very well.
We particularly value the high quality and workmanship of this game.
Both the talent and the potential to produce special achievements are genetically determined and are therefore inherited. However, the genetic basis alone does not say anything about the development of giftedness. It is now known that genetic predisposition alone is not enough to fully develop the abilities. In order for giftedness to develop, as many factors as possible must enable holistic personal development. This means that the environment of a gifted adult, adolescent or child plays a special role. This is what the triadic interdependence model after Mönks tries to represent. It shows that it is only the interaction of several (positively reinforcing) factors that enables the development of intellectual abilities in the form of giftedness.
From the intersection one can see that the development of giftedness is dependent on and is co-determined by many factors.
In other words:
A giftedness unfolds
not necessarily
by itself.
Intellectual abilities are often not fully used in toddlers, children and / or adolescents. Various reinforcing factors are required, such as:
- the suggestion
- of encouragement
- of promotion
- of patience
- of tolerance
- of support
While the above factors have an external effect on the child, there are special individual factors, such as
- the achievement motivation
- the stamina and the
- creativity
a major role. These factors have become indispensable in more modern definitions of giftedness, so that the determination of the intelligence quotient still plays a role in the diagnostic definition, but is not used as the only measure to define giftedness. Such a well-founded diagnosis requires the consultation of an experienced diagnostician (e.g. a child psychologist / adolescent psychologist).
More pages on giftedness
Here you will find further information on the topic of the Giftedness:
- Giftedness
- Giftedness in adults
- Characteristics of giftedness
- Problems of giftedness
- Diagnosis of giftedness
- Intelligence test
- Support for gifted people
- Educational games
Related topics
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- Dyslexia
- Dyscalculia
- Speech disorders
- Poor concentration
A list of all topics that we have published under our "Problems with Learning" page can be found under: Problems with Learning A-Z