If abdominal pain comes along with back pain, what can it be?


stomach pain and Back pain are common symptoms that can have many different causes.
Many diseases express themselves through one of the two or both symptoms. According to this, almost everyone suffers from it at one point in their life. Some patients also suffer from at the same time Abdominal and back pain, whereby these two symptoms do not always have to be directly related, but often also to two various causes can be traced back.


The possible causes of abdominal and back pain are many.

Back pain is most often caused by diseases of the skeletal system, for example by age-related wear, Sedentary lifestyle and resulting muscular weakness, Bad posture and Tension.
osteoporosis (Bone loss) and Bottlenecks in the exit points the nerves on the spine (Spinal stenosis) such as Herniated discs are also possible triggers of back pain.

Abdominal pain is often due to food intolerance. The Lactose intolerance (Lactose intolerance) who Fructose and the Gluten intolerance. Those affected often complain of other symptoms, for example Flatulence, Bloating and diarrheathat occur immediately after eating.

Another common cause of abdominal pain is one Gastrointestinal infection (gastroenteritis). You will most often through Viruses but also through bacteria or Parasites evoked. The gastrointestinal inflammation usually goes with abdominal pain, nausea, Diarrhea and / or Vomit hand in hand.
Other possible causes of abdominal pain are Gallstones, one Inflammation of the stomach lining (gastritis), one Appendicitis (appendicitis), one chronic inflammatory bowel disease (Crohn's disease, Ulcerative colitis) or a Irritable bowel syndrome.

There are also many other causes that can cause stomach and back pain. Consist Back and abdominal pain at the same time, a possible source of the complaints is the pancreas. It is located in the abdomen in front of the spine and can therefore be used both in the Abdominal and back areas radiate.

Accompanying symptoms as evidence of an illness

Depending on the cause, Abdominal and back pain express them differently and differently in their course. For example, you can permanent or periodically occur, stabbing or dull be.

Often other symptoms are added to the Abdominal and / or back painwhich can then provide clues as to the underlying cause. At a Gastrointestinal infection often nausea, diarrhea and / or vomiting occur. Also fever can occur.
Food intolerance can additionally Flatulence, Bloating, nausea, and diarrhea. At a Inflammation of the stomach lining the pain usually gets better immediately after eating, but gets worse again shortly afterwards.
Inflammatory bowel disease In addition to abdominal pain, they often cause bloody, slimy diarrhea. At Crohn's disease it often comes in addition to Fistulas and Abscesses in the Intestines and the Anal region.

Back pain are often due to muscular imbalance Lumbar region localized. Also Neck and shoulder pain are typical. Next to the spine, hardened muscle strands can often be felt.
At Herniated discs of the lumbar spine Depending on the size of the incident, there may be referred pain to the legs or feet as well as Sensory disturbances on the corresponding page. In the event of a maximum incident (Mass prolapse) the Blow- and Rectal function. It is a emergencythat must be operationally resolved as quickly as possible.

Abdominal pain and back pain with nausea

Abdominal and back pain associated with nausea go hand in hand are often on Gastrointestinal infections traced back.
Often those affected also suffer from diarrhea and / or Vomit. However, nausea-related abdominal pain can also affect one Inflammation of the stomach lining occur. The pain usually improves immediately after eating, but then returns strong intensity back.
Severe abdominal pain that radiates to the back and is accompanied by nausea and other symptoms can also indicate inflammation of the pancreas Clues (Pancreatitis).

Abdominal pain and back pain with constipation

At constipation occur frequently stomach pain on because the intestine does not manage to remove the congested bowel movement to be transported further. Very solid stool obstructs the intestines and the Intestinal motor skills is not enough to promote it to the outside world. The intestine then tries with all its might against the blockage, which pushes through cramping abdominal pain can make noticeable. Preparations that soften and soften the stool Removal of the chair facilitate, can provide relief.

Abdominal pain and back pain with diarrhea

Occur in combination with abdominal pain diarrhea This indicates a disorder of the gastrointestinal tract or digestive organs such as the gallbladder or pancreas. If back pain starts at the same time, it is often caused by the same abdominal cause.

A typical clinical picture that can cause abdominal pain, back pain and diarrhea at the same time is that Inflammation of the pancreas. It usually arises as part of a Alcohol addiction or gallstone disease. As a rule, patients complain of severe pain radiating from the upper abdomen in a belt-shaped manner around the body, nausea, Stool irregularities and a Yellowing of the skin. Such an inflammation of the pancreas needs to be treated in a hospital as it can be life threatening.

Gallstones If they prevent the bile from draining, they can cause diarrhea without affecting the pancreas, as well as pain in the right upper abdomen that radiates to the back.

In addition, abdominal pain, back pain and diarrhea occasionally in diseases of the esophagus or at Irritable bowel syndrome on. If back pain existed before gastrointestinal complaints occurred, the underlying diseases are usually independent of one another.

Abdominal pain and back pain with flatulence

Abdominal pain, back pain and Flatulence are very common and unspecific symptoms. Mild abdominal pain and flatulence occur briefly in many people as part of disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, for example in the context of Overeating or one Gastrointestinal infection. Such disorders can, albeit rarely, cause mild back pain. Such symptoms often go away within hours or a few days.

Most of the time, back pain is present long before the abdominal discomfort. You then have other, unrelated causes such as a lack of back training, obesity, previous herniated discs or osteoporosis.

In rare cases, severe abdominal pain, gas and back pain occur at the same time or in quick succession. They can then be signs of an illness that requires treatment and should be clarified by a doctor if they do not improve significantly within a short period of time. Important triggers are in this context Diseases of the pancreas. These include the Inflammation of the pancreas as well as arising in the pancreas Cysts such as Tumors.

Besides that you can Gallbladder diseases - for example gallstones or the Inflammation of the gallbladder - cause severe discomfort in the right upper abdomen and the right part of the back.

Abdominal pain and back pain with heartburn

The cause of heartburn is mostly in the Overproduction of hydrochloric acid im stomach. The excess acid enters the esophagus over and damages the mucous membrane there. Burning pains develop in the upper abdomen and behind the breastbone.
Many pregnant women also complain of heartburn. The growing baby presses on the organs - including the stomach - and thereby promotes the transfer of Stomach acid into the esophagus.
Heartburn is very uncomfortable and can persist too serious damage on the lining of the esophagus. Therefore, acid blockers are often used to treat it.The most proven preparations are the so-called Proton pump inhibitorsthat become a throttling of the Gastric acid production to lead. This allows the damaged mucous membrane to heal and the symptoms recede. With a general Imbalance between acid and protective mucus production in the stomach it can otherwise lead to gastric mucosal inflammation or even to the development of a Gastric ulcer come. Abdominal pain is the result.

Abdominal pain and back pain with fatigue

Abdominal and back pain can also occur in combination with fatigue.

Abdominal and back pain combined with fatigue can have different causes. They are not always directly related.
At Infectious diseases, for example one Gastrointestinal infection, occurs frequently nausea and Vomit on. The patient feels tired and weak because of the infection is exhausting for the body.
Also at malignant diseases fatigue can be a symptom, although it is very unspecific and can have many different causes. Patient with Tumor diseases can with bone metastases Back pain to have.
Abdominal pain, for example, can be caused by large ones Lymph nodes triggered in the abdomen. Also at rheumatic diseases, for example Joint pain back pain and abdominal pain associated with fatigue may occur. Due to the very unspecific symptoms, a visit to the doctor is advisable if the problem persists.

Abdominal pain and back pain with headache

Abdominal, back and headaches that occur at the same time or in close temporal relation rarely have a common, organic cause. In most cases there is one "Psychosomatic" illness the trigger. Diseases in which the psyche and body strongly influence each other are referred to as psychosomatic. As a result, for example, originally stronger, psychological stress to physical symptoms and increased awareness of pain.

Psychosomatic disorders are viewed with skepticism by many patients, but are proven by modern science and, contrary to the belief of many, occur very frequently. With treatment methods like that Behavior therapy, biofeedback or Relaxation techniques psychosomatic complaints can be significantly improved in many cases.

Abdominal pain and back pain with shortness of breath

Abdominal pain and back pain that comes with Shortness of breath go hand in hand, make one think of a cause that with heart or lung has to do. For example, a Heart attack express in this way. They don't always kick typical pain in the left arm on. Instead, pain in the Neck-Jaw area, at the move and in belly consist. The shortness of breath is explained by the reduced pumping capacity of the heart, which means that the cells of the body no longer have enough oxygen is made available.
Another possible cause is, for example Pulmonary embolism. This leads to a relocation of the Pulmonary arteries, for example through Blood clots (Thrombi). As a result, the blood is no longer adequately charged with oxygen and the right ventricle pumps against increasing resistance. If left untreated, it can eventually become one Right heart failure come.

Abdominal pain and back pain with chest pain

Abdominal, back and Chest pain rarely all occur at the same time. Usually they are up different causes traced back.
As common cause Blockages in the area of ​​the vertebral joints come into consideration, caused by the ones running there annoy radiating Pain can trigger.
Even with serious abdominal diseases, for example the acute abdomenDisseminated pain in Stomach, back and chest occur. This is often a subjective impression, as the pain in the acute abdomen is so severe that the patient feels it everywhere. Chest pain can be pinched alongside Intercostal nerves also on one Heart attack or one Pulmonary embolism Clues.

Abdominal pain and back pain in pregnancy

Also in the pregnancy abdominal and back pain can occur. The two complaints often occur together, especially in late pregnancy.

The reason is that the increasing weight of the child on the one hand presses on the intestines and stretches muscles and ligaments in the abdomen, on the other hand overloads the back. Various strategies can be tried to reduce abdominal pain. For example, you can do without flatulent foods like beans and cabbage to relieve pressure on the intestines. Also Massages and Heat applications in the stomach and back area can help. Back pain can also be effective with Sports and aids such as a support belt.

Abdominal pain and back pain after eating

Abdominal pain after eating can turn to one Food intolerance Clues. Often occur in this case too Flatulence and a Bloating on. Is the pain in the Stomach region, it could also be a Gastric ulcer act.
Other causes that could explain the symptoms are Gallstones and a Inflammation of the pancreas (Pancreatitis). At Gallstones are the pains mainly in the right upper abdomen in the area of right costal arch localized and often appear spasmodic.

Abdominal pain and back pain emanating from the kidney

Abdominal and back pain can also be from the kidney come.
The kidneys are in the posterior abdomen in the immediate vicinity of the Back and are therefore suitable for both types of complaint. This is particularly common Pelvic inflammation, mostly by an ascending Cystitis is triggered. Those affected feel strong Flank pain on the corresponding page and can also stomach pain to have. Kidney inflammation is treated with antibiotics. If left untreated, it can cause permanent kidney damage and become dangerous Blood poisoning (sepsis) to lead.


A medical consultation is essential to diagnose abdominal and back pain. The doctor asks for the exact details Complaint picture of the patient who temporal course and the temporal occurrence of symptoms and factors of improvement or deterioration.

This is followed by the physical examination:
Regarding the Back pain the doctor performs various orthopedic and neurological tests who can provide information about whether the complaints from Musculoskeletal system go out and thereby possibly annoy are impaired.
At stomach pain an examination of the Belly. The doctor first listens to the stomach and then palpates it Organ enlargements, Indurations and Tenderness from.

If there are any abnormalities, a Ultrasound examination respectively. If there are indications of a cause of the symptoms in the stomach or intestines that needs clarification, a Stomach- and or Colonoscopy to be ordered.
Regarding the back pain, imaging is in the form of roentgen, Computed Tomography (CT) or Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) conceivable.


The therapy for stomach and back pain depends on the cause.

Abdominal pain and back pain are treated differently depending on the underlying cause.
For back pain caused by Tension or bad posture mainly help to bridge the gap Painkiller such as Heat applications and physical therapyto strengthen the muscles.
Also Herniated discs are usually treated conservatively if they are not so pronounced that a surgical procedure is unavoidable. Pain medication and physical therapy are the drugs of choice.
stomach painthat through a Inflammation of the stomach lining are usually conditional with a Acid blockers treated, for example one Proton pump inhibitor. This will make the Acid production throttled and the injured Gastric mucosa can heal.
Is a bacterium responsible for the gastric mucosal inflammation (usually Helicobacter pylori), are additionally Antibiotics administered.
Gastrointestinal infections usually do not require therapy. They subside on their own within a few days. With very pronounced Fluid and electrolyte losses however, in rare cases a Infusion therapy be performed.
Food intolerances are avoided by avoiding the triggering one Nutritional component treated.
For inflammatory bowel disease there is a special therapy regimen with Immunosuppressants and other preparations that use the Inflammatory reaction in the intestines should suppress. For the numerous other causes of abdominal and back pain, different therapies are carried out accordingly.


The prognosis for abdominal and back pain depends on the underlying disease. Generally have stomach pain doing a better prognosis than Back pain, since the latter is not infrequently due to age Wear and bad posture that have a higher tendency to become chronic infectious or inflammatory are conditional, usually go back within a relatively short time with appropriate therapy or on their own.


A general prophylaxis to avoid Abdominal and back pain there is not any.
Around Back pain To prevent it, however, it is advisable to exercise enough, especially to compensate for the predominantly sedentary work at work. By strengthening the muscles, bad posture and tension can be prevented.
Around Herniated discs To prevent it, it is advisable to work in a way that is easy on the back. Heavy objects should always be kept out of the Legs out and not out of that move be lifted out. Abdominal pain cannot always be avoided. Gastrointestinal infections are frequent and affect everyone once. For prevention should be on general hygiene measures like regular Wash your hands be respected.