How do I remove the bacon on the inside of the thigh?
Introduction - What's the best way to lose weight on the inside of the thigh?
Many people would like to lose weight in specific areas of the body. One of these parts of the body, which is often mentioned in this context, are the inner thighs. Some women in particular find slim thighs and especially the inner thighs aesthetic.
It is often attempted to achieve this aesthetic ideal through various sports exercises or a certain nutritional concept. But how do you remove the bacon on the inner thighs? Are there any specific exercises or tricks for slim inner thighs? The following article deals with these and other interesting questions on the subject of "How do I lose the fat on the inner thighs?"
First read our main page: Losing weight on the thigh - how fast does it really work?
How do I remove the bacon on the inside of the thigh?
A common problem area for many people is the inner thighs. Naturally, they preferentially store fat deposits, which is why many people want targeted weight loss there.
Even in otherwise slim people, the inner thighs can be a little stronger. This is by no means bad or unaesthetic, but quite natural. Nevertheless, many people want to lose weight there in order to meet a personal ideal of beauty. But how does it work?
In general, a reduction in fat pads on the inner thighs can be promoted by a general weight loss. This is especially the case with overweight people.
Lean people, however, who have flab on the inner thighs, should focus more on specific sports exercises to tighten the muscles of the inner thighs and reduce fat there. There are various sports exercises for this.
A very popular exercise are classic squats. These stimulate the muscles of the thighs and lead to an overall tightening.
Other exercise that can help reduce the fat on the inner thighs are lunges or jumping jacks.
There are many other exercises that can help you lose the fat on your inner thighs. When training, you should integrate regular exercises with sufficient repetitions that specifically promote the thigh muscles.
Eating a healthy diet can also help remove the bacon on the inner thighs. Above all, you should pay attention to a low-calorie diet. Fatty or fried foods and a high consumption of meat and carbohydrates should be avoided. Fresh and healthy products such as vegetables, fruits, salads and unsweetened teas as well as water are preferred.
In order to reduce the fat on the inside of the thigh, an overall weight loss is usually required. Find out everything you need to know about losing weight at:
- Tips on how to best lose weight
- How do I get a bikini figure?
Liposuction on the inside of the thigh
With liposuction, too Liposuction called, it is an operation performed by plastic surgeons. These are often referred to as cosmetic surgeons. Liposuction is a medical procedure that carries risks that should be considered beforehand.
Anesthesia is necessary for liposuction. In the case of liposuction on the inside of the thigh, a so-called tumescent solution is first injected into the tissue. This solution causes the fat cells to dissolve in it and can thus be sucked off. The suction leads to a loss of fat deposits on the inner thighs.
Immediately after the suction, there is still some swelling of the tissue due to the operation. After a few weeks, however, the end result is visible.
The suction of the fat pads on the inner thighs is of course a possibility to lose weight there, but it should be carefully considered with regard to its risks. Invasive surgery should only be considered if conservative measures such as exercise and a healthy diet do not really help.
The following articles could also be very important to you:
- Liposuction - what should you watch out for?
- Liposuction costs
Lose weight with training on the inner thigh
Targeted training is essential in order to specifically remove love handles on the inner thighs. There are various exercises that promote targeted weight loss in this zone. You should focus your training on tightening and strengthening the thigh muscles, if you want to train the inner thighs.
Squats are particularly suitable as a basic exercise. These can be modified so that they tighten the inside in particular. Squats with legs apart and with toes pointing outwards are particularly suitable for this.
Another very effective exercise is the leg lift. This simple exercise can also be done at home. To do this, lie on your back, if possible on an exercise mat, and lift both legs pressed together. Now make scissor-like movements with both legs so that the left or right leg is alternately up. This is repeated for 30 seconds at a time.
Would you like to perform specific exercises on the thigh so that you have beautiful and firm legs? So the following article is suitable for you: Leg muscle training - exercises for toned legs
How can you tighten the inner thighs?
The tightening of the inner thighs succeeds mainly through regular training. The training leads to a strengthening of the muscles and a breakdown of the fat layer under the skin, which is also known as subcutaneous fat.
In addition, regular massages of the skin and alternating showers with hot and cold water can help tighten the skin.
A sufficient amount of water - especially unsweetened tea and water - tightens the skin further and leads to smooth and toned inner thighs.
Recommendation from the editor
For more information on losing weight specifically on the inside of the thigh and getting beautiful legs, see:
- Thigh lift
- Cost of a thigh lift
- Fat off the thigh
- How do you get rid of an orange skin?
- Heavy legs - what to do?