Figure mother ligaments

Figure of the uterine ligaments: uterus (seen from behind), female pelvis (median section), pain and therapy

Mother bands
Uterine ligaments, Uterine ligament

  1. Broad mother band (1a, 1b, 1c) -
    Ligamentum latum uteri
    (Mesometrium, mesovarium,
  2. Round mother band -
    Lig.teres uteri
  3. Ovarian ligament -
    Lig. Ovarii proprium
  4. Uterine tip -
    Fundus uteri
  5. Uterine body -
    Corpus uteri
  6. Ovary - Ovary
  7. Fallopian tubes - Tuba uterina
  8. Ovarian artery -
    Ovarian artery
  9. Main hanging strap
    the uterus -
    Cardinal ligament
  10. Scabbard - vagina
  11. Ovary hanging strap -
    Lig. Suspensorium ovarii
  12. Peritoneum pocket between
    Urinary bladder and uterus -
    Excavatio vesicouterina
  13. Urinary bladder -
    Vesica urinaria
  14. External urethral mouth -
    Ostium urethrae externum
  15. Rectum - Rectum
    Pain causes:
    A. - Stretching of the uterus during
    pregnancy, through sport,
    Loosening of the pubic symphysis,
    Appendicitis, kidney stones
    B - lying down, warm baths,
    Placing a hot water bottle,
    Massages (rosewood, lavender, chamomile),
    Waist belt

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