Lose weight with exercise
The following principle applies to losing weight: In order to lose weight, the body needs to use more energy than is consumed through diet. Therefore, sport is particularly suitable for losing weight, as it burns a lot of energy. If the diet is not already balanced, exercise should be considered best combined with a change in diet become.
Which sports are particularly effective?
Endurance sports are generally best suited for losing weight.
Will be a sport for "sport beginners" sought so is suitable for Start mainly walking. It is on the correct technique to be careful so that it cannot be compared to a normal walk. Walking is special gentle on the joints and is therefore well suited for getting started and building fitness. Is also easy on the joints cycle, as cycling mainly stresses the leg muscles and the joints are not exposed to the entire body weight.
To strengthen the entire body suitable especially swimming. As when swimming, as with cycling, the body weight does not rest on the joints, swimming is also considered to be particularly gentle on the joints.
Of the most effective exercise for weight loss, but at the same time probably also from the previously mentioned most strenuous sport, represents that To run For beginners it is advisable to start slowly and, for example, to increase the intervals that are run. A method to get started would, for example, alternate between running for 2 minutes and walking for 1 minute. After a week, increase to 3 minutes of running, walking for 1 minute and so on until you are at some point in condition to run the distance.
- To run
- jogging
Anyone who would like to try something different in winter is welcome Cross-country skiing Recommended as a sport - a sport in which almost all muscles are used and endurance and muscle strength are well combined.
Although Endurance sports The most effective exercise for losing weight is suitable also strength training. The strength training will built more muscle mass. Muscles consume more energy than other types of tissue and even at rest, so that trained people one higher energy consumption to have. The basal metabolic rate of the body increases with more muscles. Basal metabolic rate is the energy that a body needs when it is at rest. The following applies: the higher the body's basal metabolic rate, the more food can theoretically be consumed without this being directly noticeable on the hips or other problem areas.
Sports like cycling and jogging claim as Endurance sports especially the leg muscles and build fewer muscles than other sports, so it is recommended perform additional muscle building exercisesso that the body burns more energy through the increased muscle mass.
In conclusion, a combination of endurance training and light strength training / muscle training is optimal.
- Endurance sports and fat burning
- Fat Burning Through Weight Training - Is It Possible?
How Much Exercise Should I Do?
How much sport a person should do cannot be answered across the board mainly depends on the physical condition of the person concerned.
Sports beginners should not straight from zero to one hundred go. This may still work in the initial phase, but it works quick to frustrationso that the sports program is usually stopped again quickly. At the beginning you should start building your stamina slowly. Units of 20 minutes per day are sufficient for the time being, which can be integrated well into a break. Thanks to the short units, you can quickly see success in athletic fitness. Gradually, the units can be extended and your own limits grow with you.
In the long run you can say that at least half an hour of exercise a day makes sense is to achieve long-term goals. Of course it is not always feasible in everyday workso that longer loads on weekends can be used for failed units.
Studies have shown that shorter but more frequent intervals of doing sports are more effective Contribute to fat burning: Three 30 minute intervals of exercise a day are therefore more effective than 90 minutes.
Units twice a week are also suitable for losing weight. Of course, it then takes longer to achieve success, but the feasibility is also more realistic. So it is true that sport does not necessarily have to be done every day, but the more sport is done, the more effective it is. One should get away from The frequency and duration of exercise are also individually realistic in each case “Prescribe” units, otherwise the frustration of not following the training plan may outweigh the problems. Sufficient breaks should also be taken so that the body can regenerate. If you have overdone the sport on one day, it is best to take a break the next day. Breaks should be observed, especially when doing muscle training, as muscle growth only takes place in phases of rest.
Can I also do sports at home?
Of course, sport can also be done at home.
Strength training in particular is ideal for doing sports within your own four walls. The advantage of this is that exercises at home can quickly be inserted as a break and you also save on the costs of a gym and travel times, for example. You can find many helpful videos for exercises at home on the Internet. Small dumbbells are often useful here, which can be used for exercises and thus make muscle building more effective. Endurance sports can be difficult to do at home unless you invest in an exercise bike.
How quickly can success be expected?
Often those who want to lose weight find the initial phase very frustrating, as there are no effects in their eyes, i.e. the scales show an unchanged value.
In the beginning: stay patient and don't give up too quickly.
Exercise not only breaks down fat, but also builds muscles, which of course also carry a proportion of the body weight, so that the effects, if you only look at the displayed weight of the scales, initially neutralize each other. Sometimes the weight even increases at the beginning due to the increasing muscle mass.
The positive thing about building muscle is that muscles consume a lot of energy and thus improve the weight loss process. At the beginning of the "diet through sport", the body relies heavily on quickly utilizable energy from carbohydrates. Only after about thirty minutes of exercise does the body gain around 80 percent of its energy from fat. In the course of losing weight through exercise, the body learns to switch to fat as an energy supplier faster and faster, so that more fat is burned in the course of the process than in the initial phase.
Also read our article: How can you boost fat burning?
Diet change
If you want to lose some excess kilos, you should not only resort to exercise, but also focus on and rethink your lifestyle, i.e. your diet. Meals should be taken regularly and snacks / snacks in between should be avoided. If the body receives food again and again, it is not dependent on using fat reserves as an energy source.
Ready-made products in particular contain a lot of unnecessary calories, so you should trust your own kitchen. When it comes to quark, butter, milk or cream when cooking, you can buy many reduced-fat products. Alternatively, you can also use soy milk, for example. Even sweetened drinks, especially lemonades, are sugar / calorie traps that should be avoided entirely. It is good to get your metabolism / digestion going through your diet: fiber, which is mainly found in fruit and grain products, is particularly suitable for this.
If you adhere to these comparatively unrestricting measures, a few unnecessary calories are already eliminated.
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low carb
The "low carb" diet, which is currently very fashionable, is a low carbohydrate diet.
Carbohydrates are sugarwho the most important and fastest energy supplier represent our body. The working principle of the low carb diet is to provide the body with less energy-rich carbohydrates, so that the body has to rely more on fats as an energy supplier, so that the fat reserves are attacked and weight is reduced. The reduced absorption of carbohydrates also reduces the body's insulin release. Insulin lowers the blood sugar level, enables the absorption and thus utilization of carbohydrates (Glucose) into the body cells and ensures fat build-up. It is precisely this fat-building (anabolic) effect of insulin that is supposed to be counteracted by the low carb diet.
What kind of food do you eat on a low carb diet? The to avoidant carbohydrates become through fats and proteins in food replaced. The diet consists mainly of vegetables, fish and meat, as well as dairy products. Usually carbohydrates make up around 50% of the diet. How drastically one ultimately reduces the carbohydrate content is one individual decision. The maximum form is the so-called ketogenic diet, in which the carbohydrate content is reduced to almost zero.
How can I avoid the yo-yo effect with this diet?
The yo-yo effect usually occurs when a lot of weight is lost over too short a period of time. The diet is then usually drastically restricted and various diet powders are often used. The calorie intake / energy intake is drastically reduced, so that the body adjusts and throttles its basal metabolic rate. The body will also get by with less energy in the future. The successes come relatively quickly. However, since this form of diet is usually associated with severe loss of quality of life, it is only carried out until the desired kilos are down. Then the diet is normalized again, often resumed in the same way as before the diet. However, the body is now prepared to burn little energy because it is only provided with little energy. If it is now supplied with a lot of calories / a lot of energy again, it still consumes little energy at first and the rest of the calories are again in the form of fat, so to speak as an emergency reserve. The body is still programmed to store all excess calories as reserves in order to be prepared for even worse times. This leads to the infamous yo-yo effect.
It is therefore important to find a form of nutrition that reduces the calorie intake, but with which one can also become friends in the long term and that does not lead to a drastic reduction in energy intake. Starving is therefore not a long-term form of losing weight, as the body then goes down on the back burner and fat accumulates again with a normalized diet. The best way to shape your diet is to combine it with exercise so that you can treat yourself to a few "culinary delights" in between.
Read more about this at: Lose weight without the yo-yo effect - how does it work?
What are the alternatives to losing weight through exercise?
The only alternative to losing weight through exercise is sticking to a diet (see also: Fitness diet). However, the best results are achieved when you combine sport and a change in diet. If you only trust the diet to lose weight, unfortunately in most cases the well-known yo-yo effect strikes again after successful weight loss.
Weight-loss powders and weight-loss pills (appetite suppressants) are not recommended, as these usually also have a yo-yo effect and weight-loss pills can be associated with a health risk. In contrast to drugs, dietary supplements are not subjected to strict controls before they go on the market, so that side effects are sometimes poorly tested. One should especially refrain from buying preparations on the Internet.
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Losing weight with / through exercise and alcohol - is that compatible?
If you do sports to lose weight, you should do it Refrain from consuming alcohol after exercising. Fat is not only consumed during exercise, but also for a long time after exercise. The body needs energy to repair muscle fibers that have been damaged during exercise, which means that fat is also used as a source of energy. If alcohol is consumed after exercise, this process is disrupted.
To the Building muscle will be growth hormones needed. Alcohol lowers however the distribution of growth hormones so that muscle growth cannot be fully utilized.
In addition, alcohol makes for one stronger water excretion, whereby the removal of harmful substances is disturbed and muscle cells cannot be supplied with sufficient nutrients. Alcohol consumption both before and after exercise should therefore be avoided.
What sport do I have to do if I want to lose weight, especially on the stomach?
Most people, especially women, want to lose weight on their stomach. This not only has visual advantages, but also health benefits, because excessive belly fat has an adverse effect on health. A large waist size is an important risk factor for cardiovascular diseases.
Compared to losing weight on the thighs or buttocks, it is easier to lose weight on the stomach, because belly fat is inner belly fat, while other fat pads are subcutaneous fat tissue, which acts as a long-term energy store and acts more passively. The inner belly fat, on the other hand, is quite metabolically active, so that it can be mobilized quickly, i.e. it can be broken down faster, but also built up again faster. So it has its advantages and disadvantages.
Read more on the topic: Losing weight on the thigh - how fast does it really work?
A combination of endurance training and muscle training is best for losing weight on the stomach. While endurance training has more of the whole body in mind and thus also affects the stomach and, as just explained, is usually noticeable first on the stomach, you can specifically train the stomach with muscle training. However, one should not get false hopes, it is individually genetically influenced in which parts of the body one builds or breaks down muscles and fat better or worse. It is often wrongly assumed that if you train muscles in the stomach, you will also burn more fat.
For muscle training, even small units, preferably several units a day, are sufficient, which you can do well in between.
If you already have a slim figure and just want to get your stomach in a little more shape, abdominal muscle training is particularly recommended. There are many different exercises for this, which are best acquired in the form of videos available on the Internet.
Read more about this under How to successfully train your abs