German term
Malacca nut
Use of Anacardium for the following diseases
- Ulcers of the duodenum
- Blistering rashes
- persistent constipation
Use for the following symptoms / complaints of Anacardium
- Loss of appetite
- Fasting pain in the upper abdomen, with improvement after eating
- generally depressed mood
- nervous exhaustion
- Rashes with pustules and blisters that are very persistent
- Constipation with the sensation of a blockage (also with Silicea) in the anus and the feeling of "never being finished" after defecation
Active organs
- Duodenum
- skin
- Rectum
- central nervesystem
Usual dosage
- Drops of Anacardium D3, D4, D6
- Tablets Anacardium D3, D4, D6
- Ampoules Anacardium D6.12 and higher