Left stomach pain - what do I have?
Left side abdominal pain
Stomach pain on the left, or. stomach painthat occur on the left side of the navel and are of strong to strongest character, in addition to a stuck Ureteral stone and one Fallopian tube inflammation also a so-called Diverticulitis be.
Diverticula are bulges in the intestine that are actually harmless and usually go unnoticed by the patient. These diverticula can become inflamed, which leads to the pain on the left side that is typical of diverticulitis.
In general, the pain can occur in any body position. For example, some patients complain about Abdominal pain while sitting.
There are therefore many causes for left stomach pain.
Causes of left side abdominal pain
Pain in the left abdominal cavity can have a wide variety of causes. To a Diagnosis To facilitate, it is very important to characterize the left abdominal pain in more detail. Important information includes, among other things, the exact location of the pain (upper or lower abdomen), any radiation (in the back, chest or legs), frequency, intensity and type (stabbing, piercing, dull) of the pain and whether it is with associated with other symptoms.
Left-sided abdominal pain illustration
- Heart - Cor
- Liver - Hepar
- Spleen - Sink
- Stomach - Guest
- Pancreas -
Pancreas - Colon -
Intestine tenue - Small intestine -
Intestinum crassum - Fallopian tubes -
Tuba uterina - Ovary -
Ovary - Uterus -
You can find an overview of all Dr-Gumpert images at: medical illustrations
Pain in the left upper abdomen usually speaks for Stomach discomfort. This can happen if there is inflammation of the stomach lining or if something intolerable has been eaten. These findings are likely if the pain occurs depending on the food, that is, always after or when consuming (certain) meals or drinks. The same goes for diseases of the Colonwhich also occasionally manifest in the upper left abdomen. Also pain in this area is caused by inflammation or diseases of the pancreas (Pancreas) or the spleen. In rarer cases, certain can also heart the conditions in question put strain on the left upper abdomen. This can be the case with an atypical one, for example Heart attack it also happens that the pain mainly (or even exclusively) radiates into the left upper abdomen.
Pain in the left lower abdomen almost always suggests pathological processes of the Colon. First and foremost here is the Diverticulitis cited as the reason most commonly found in the sigmoid of the large intestine. This is a disease in which protuberances have formed in the intestine, which then lead to secondary inflammatory processes, which can be very painful. These diverticula can form for no apparent cause as a result of a long-standing one constipation or in the context of genetic diseases. In women, pain in this area is always accompanied by complaints Adnexa (Ovaries and fallopian tubes) should be considered as a trigger. Also stuck stones in the kidney or the Ureters can cause severe pain on the lower left side of the abdomen, although these are usually felt more in the area of the back or to the side.
However, since the pain rarely adheres to these rough guidelines, it is difficult to make a diagnosis of left abdominal pain based on the localization alone. Also pain caused by diseases of bladder, Small intestine or uterus (or Period pain) can occur more on the left side, although one would normally expect them to be in the middle. On the other hand, diverticulitis or gastric inflammation can also occur with a right emphasis. For this reason, stomach pain On the left side, the exact anamnesis is usually necessary and definitely pointing the way, but a subsequent further diagnosis with aids such as an ultrasound device or, depending on the assumption, for example gastroscopy or colonoscopy makes sense.
Localization of the abdominal pain
Lower abdominal pain on the left
When patients over stomach pain complain, it is particularly important to inquire in which Area of pain occur.
The approximate location of the pain allows an approximate estimate of which organs may possibly trigger this pain. Will the abdominal pain be around the left lower abdomen stated, come in principle as the cause Diseases of the intestine in question, but also urological or gynecological diseases can be to blame for this pain.
Also important in this context is the patient survey, which should find out since when the pain has been present, whether it only occurs when you press on it or whether it is also present without touch.
Since in the area of the left but also des right lower abdomen the ureter can lie, too Urinary tract infections Trigger abdominal pain in the left lower abdomen. Pain is often given on both sides, but also on one side. Especially in women who report pain on the left side of the lower abdomen, the urine should always be examined, which can immediately tell whether it is a Urinary tract infection or whether the urine is free of bacteria. A urinary tract infection that causes discomfort is a must antibiotic be treated.
Since in the area of the left lower abdomen, large proportions of the Colon always has to be from someone Intestinal inflammation be assumed if left-sided lower abdominal pain is indicated.
In the so-called Diverticulosis it is a pouch of the large intestine that can be present in any person without causing any discomfort.
If these bulges ignite, one speaks of one Diverticulitis, it can too Lower abdominal pain on the left come.
A Ultrasound examination and especially the Blood test can provide clues as to whether the left lower abdominal pain is caused by diverticulitis. Mild courses of this disease can be with Antibiotics treated, severe or chronic courses usually have to be treated surgically. During such an operation, the inflamed parts of the Intestines cut out and put the healthy ends back together. During this procedure, other parts of the intestine can also be examined to see whether there are any other pouches that are also potentially inflamed.
Besides the Bowel disease and the urological infections always have to gynecological diseases, as the Fallopian tube inflammation, which can also trigger left lower abdominal pain.
For mild, rarely occurring pain with no other symptoms are common Flatulence responsible. They occur more frequently after eating flatulent foods such as beans, peas or various types of cabbage and usually disappear again quickly. If you also have diarrhea, nausea or fever, you are also affected Gastrointestinal infection or one Food intolerance to think. Also Muscle aches common in the left lower abdomen after a bruise or exercise.
You can find out more about this topic at: Lower abdominal pain on the left
Upper abdominal pain on the left
In the left upper abdomen are the spleen as well as parts of the Large and small intestines. In addition, the heart, lungs, stomach and the left kidney border directly on the left upper abdomen. Many diseases of all these organs can cause pain there.
If the pain is short-lived and occurs without accompanying symptoms, the causes are like Flatulence or one Food intolerance frequently. If diarrhea or fever occurs, it can happen Gastrointestinal infection be the trigger of the pain. Furthermore, in the context of various viral infections such as the "Pfeiffer's glandular fever“The spleen swells and causes pain in the left upper abdomen.
Pain due to these causes is harmless and improves relatively quickly.
Indications of more dangerous illnesses include sudden, very severe or frequently recurring pain, colic-like pain, an additional difficulty in breathing, chest pain, very severe diarrhea and blood in the stool. If any of these symptoms occur, a doctor should be consulted as soon as possible.
Important, serious illnesses are here the Heart attack, which can cause pain in the left upper abdomen in addition to chest pain, especially in women and the elderly lung infection as well as inflammation or a stone the left kidney.
Besides mentioned diseases you can also Injuries Cause pain in the upper left abdomen. Usually there is then pressure pain. In the case of bruises or rib injuries, this can last up to several weeks.
Read more on this topic at: Upper Abdominal Pain on the Left Side
Abdominal pain right
Abdominal pain, mainly located on the right side next to the belly button, could be due to a Appendicitis Clues (appendicitis).
This is not, as always assumed, an inflammation of the entire appendix, but rather the Appendix (appendix), which becomes inflamed and can cause very severe pain. The symptoms (abdominal pain on the right) can appear suddenly or gradually and then increase. Patients with a Appendicitis often also complain about a bad general condition nausea and possibly fever.
You can hardly walk, squatting on your legs is painful, and your stomach is tender. The more harmless form can be in what is called a Appendix irritation express that one Appendicitis is very similar but does not become stronger in its course and usually does not result in a fever or a poor general condition.
In addition to appendicitis, there are other complaints that can trigger abdominal pain on the right.
If you want to learn more, read our topic: Abdominal pain right
Pain in the left central abdomen
In the left central abdomen are the Small and large intestines as well as the left kidney. In women there is also the left one Fallopian tubes and ovary nearby. Diseases affecting these organs are possible causes of left central abdomen pain.
The most common pain triggers are here Infections of the small or large intestine, which are usually caused by viruses and heal within a few days without any medical treatment.
Other, frequently occurring and harmless diseases of the intestinal tract are Flatulence and the Irritable bowel syndrome. They usually occur without any accompanying symptoms and can usually be treated with simple treatment methods such as diet changes or the use of probiotics.
There are more serious illnesses that can cause stomach pain in the middle left and must be clarified by a doctor Inflammation of the female genitalsthat often occur after intercourse. Waves of pain also require clarification Kidney stones or Inflammation of the urinary tractcausing flank pain or pain when urinating.
Often are too Intestinal hernias left near the navel the reason for abdominal pain. They can cause pain around the belly button and, if left untreated, cause parts of the intestine to die.
Abdominal pain under the ribs
Abdominal pain to the left of the navel immediately under the ribs are localized, in many cases have a cause that cannot be found in the abdominal cavity. Possible reasons for the development of abdominal pain links under the ribs are one lung infection or a Heart attack. The reason for the perception of pain in the abdomen is the close proximity of the lower sections of the lungs, the apex of the heart and the upper abdomen. In addition, you can bacterial or viral infections of the gastrointestinal tract and Colon diseases lead to abdominal pain on the left under the ribs.
Further causes for such a pain localization are inflammatory processes in the field of left kidney and Diseases of the spleen.
Since it is so difficult to differentiate between intra-abdominal (found in the abdomen) and intrathoracic (found in the chest) reasons for the development of abdominal pain on the left under the ribs, the affected patients should consider possible Concomitant symptoms observe. A Heart attack often goes with the pain in the left upper abdomen Chest pain, a feeling of anxiety, cold sweats, panic (fear of death) and Discomfort in the left shoulder hand in hand. Infectious diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, however, usually cause accompanying symptoms such as nausea, Vomit and diarrhea.
Should abdominal pain persist, left under the ribs urgently consulted a doctor and appropriate treatment initiated.
Abdominal pain around the belly button
Abdominal pain to the left or right of the belly button can be a first indication of a beginning Appendicitis be. Typically, abdominal pain in the right lower abdomen is associated with acute inflammation of the appendix.
In reality, however, the symptoms usually begin in the area around the belly button.
Only a few hours later do the complaints felt by the affected patients migrate to the right lower abdomen. At this point the inflammatory processes have already spread very far.
Abdominal pain on the left around the navel that is caused by acute appendicitis is associated with other symptoms in most cases. Typically, it becomes more pronounced in the affected patients nausea and Vomit.
The actual pain symptoms are very strong in the case of appendicitis. Often those affected can barely walk and adopt a protective posture.
In addition, in the course of this disease it can happen that the burst inflamed parts of the intestine and focus on that Peritoneum spread out (Construction ignition). At this point at the latest, it is important to be in a hurry. Peritonitis is a must promptly operational be treated. A typical indication of the presence of peritonitis provoked by appendicitis is the so-called "Concussion pain“.
In addition, abdominal pain can be left around the belly button by one Umbilical hernia caused. In this disease, parts of the abdominal viscera emerge through a weak point in the abdominal wall (in this case the navel).
You can also inflammatory processes within the stomach (for example a Inflammation of the stomach lining) lead to abdominal pain on the left around the belly button.
In addition, abdominal pain to the left around the belly button in some cases provides an initial indication of the presence of one severe gastrointestinal disease. Most diseases that lead to such symptoms are less harmless because they cause you chronic course can accept. Especially inflammatory processes in the area of the pancreas (Pancreatitis) and the so-called "Irritable bowel syndrome“ (Crohn's disease) require urgent medical clarification.
In addition to diseases of the digestive tract, the causes responsible for the abdominal pain on the left around the navel can also be found elsewhere. For example, an upcoming one expresses itself Heart attack (Myocardial infarction) in some cases by a hard, tense abdominal wall, which is accompanied by abdominal pain on the left around the navel.
Women who suffer from persistent abdominal pain on the left side of the belly button can also use one gynecological problem exhibit. Especially inflammatory processes in the field of uterus or the Ovaries can cause such pain symptoms.
In general, one can assume that abdominal pain is located on or around the navel as a left serious are to be seen.
Affected patients should absolutely consult a specialist promptly and have the causal disease clarified. In many cases, if you have abdominal pain, you need a left around the navel operative treatment be initiated.
More symptoms
Left abdominal pain and back pain
Become to left side abdominal pain also Back pain stated, the foresight and the involvement of the triggering organs must still be expanded.
It is also important to find out if it is isolated stomach pain With isolated back pain acts or whether both pains are related.
Often a Pulling in the stomach described. A typical description would be that the abdominal pain is localized on the left side and then radiates into the back area. This can be with diseases like the pancreas to be available. But sometimes also belt-shaped abdominal pain indicated, which then radiate into the back. In this case you should definitely use the Liver values and the Pancreas values in the Blood count check.
Another important condition that can represent the combination of left abdominal pain and back pain is infection of the urinary tract.
That would be mentioned here Urinary tract infectionin which bacteria cause inflammation of the bladder and the ureter can come.
If a urinary tract infection is not treated early, it can lead to an ascending urinary tract infection. The germs then rise up the ureters and can thus reach the calyx systems Kidneys and the Renal pelvis to reach. If this leads to an infection, in addition to characteristic laboratory changes in the urine, pain in the back area can always occur.
If pain is reported as a combination of left-sided lower abdominal pain and left-sided back pain, a unilateral urinary tract infection must always be considered, which then urgently needs antibiotic treatment.
In order to get clues for this disease, the abdomen should be palpated to see the pressure depth at which the pain is indicated
This should be combined with patting the back. While the abdominal examination is performed on the patient lying down, the pat on the back should be performed on the standing patient.
If a moderate to even severe abdominal pain is indicated and back pain when tapping the back, then a must absolutely Ultrasound of the kidneys to see if that Renal pelvis is inflammatory changed.
Here you would then from one Pelvic inflammation speak that urgently needs antibiotic treatment.
In addition to urological diseases, orthopedic diseases can always be a combination of the two types of pain Abdominal pain and back pain trigger left (Tension of the back muscles).
Left abdominal pain and nausea
For the creation of Abdominal pain left those with pronounced nausea and / or vomiting go hand in hand, there can be various causes. Especially bacterial and viral infections of the gastrointestinal tract can cause left or right abdominal pain in affected patients. Also the appearance of nausea, Vomit and diarrhea is one of the typical symptoms of an infectious gastrointestinal disease. Especially Abdominal pain and nausea often perform together.
To uncover the real problem, both exact localization abdominal pain and any symptoms associated with the pain can be observed.
Abdominal pain in the left upper abdomen, for example, can be due to a Disease of the stomach Clues. Especially the Inflammation of the stomach lining is one of the typical diseases that can lead to left stomach pain and nausea. The reasons for the occurrence of gastric mucosal inflammation can be very different. Either acidic foods and beverages, as well as the regular consumption of alcohol play a crucial role in the development of gastric mucosal inflammation. In addition, you can mental problems how stress, fear and depressions lead to an inflammation of the gastric mucosa with left abdominal pain. Due to the impairment of the gastric function caused by the inflammatory processes, many of the affected patients also experience a pronounced nausea.
Other causes for the development of stomach pain on the left are associated with nausea Left kidney disease, of Colon or the spleen. You can also inflammatory processes in the pancreas (pancreas) lead to abdominal pain to the left of the navel.
If the abdominal pain felt by the affected patient occurs predominantly on the left in the lower abdomen, this is often due to a disease of the colon. A typical example of such a disease is the so-called "Diverticulitis". Diverticulitis is a disease in which small bulges in the bowel become inflamed.
Persistent left abdominal pain requires medical treatment in most cases. For this reason, affected patients should urgently consult a specialist promptly and have the underlying problem clarified. Some of the diseases that are typical for the development of abdominal pain that is associated with nausea can fail dangerous course to take.
Left abdominal pain with diarrhea
One of the most common causes of abdominal pain with diarrhea is one Infection of the gastrointestinal tract. Abdominal pain isolated on the left side is also not uncommon. Such infections are mostly caused by viruses and heal within a few days without consequences. Various home remedies can be used to promote healing. It is particularly important to eat little and drink a lot at the same time until the diarrhea is over.
Another common cause of left-sided abdominal pain and diarrhea is one Food intolerance. It arises when certain foods cannot be digested properly, for example with lactose or histamine intolerance, or is allergic. Food intolerance and Allergies can also develop in adulthood.
Are a few days or weeks before the start of the complaint Antibiotics ingested, a certain germ that is resistant to many antibiotics called "Clostridium difficile“Have increased in the intestines. The diarrhea when infected with this germ often smells very strong and can contain mucus or blood.
If left abdominal pain and diarrhea recur within a few weeks, a chronic disease of the intestine be the cause. Frequent diseases from this group are the Crohn's disease and the Ulcerative collitis.
Rarer diseases that cause left stomach pain and diarrhea at the same time are one Inflammation of the pancreas or a Irritable bowel syndrome.
Left abdominal pain during pregnancy
There is a patient when established pregnancy Pain in the area of the left abdomen, in addition to the urological diseases that can trigger such complaints (Urinary tract infection), always to one gynecological disease be thought. There can always be one in both pregnant and non-pregnant patients Fallopian tube inflammation come that also as Adnexitis referred to as.
This can trigger either right or left lower abdominal pain.
Often the abdomen does not have to be touched in order to trigger the pain and is indicated by the patients to different degrees, regardless of movement.
The Diagnosis is done using a Ultrasound image, in which one can see characteristic changes in the Fallopian tube able to see. A blood test with a determination of the inflammation value can also indicate a Inflammation of the fallopian tube give.
Mild gradients can be conservative, treated with antibiotics while severe courses require surgical treatment.
Is a pregnancy has been found in a patient and she is in an early stage (only pregnancy test positive), if the pelvic pain is indicated, it must always be from one Ectopic pregnancy can be assumed.
In this disease, also known as extrauterine pregnancy (EUG), the fertilized egg is not in the uterus but it is in the Fallopian tubes remained lying. The further the pregnancy progresses, the greater the pain usually becomes.
The Pregnancy hormone will continue to be produced, which is why the pregnancy test despite the wrong location of the Egg cell is positive.
The patients often come to the clinic with very severe pelvic pain, which is why rapid treatment is necessary.
Treating a Ectopic pregnancy is done purely surgically, as the pregnancy cannot continue like this. In the case of very severe pain, a Fallopian tube rupture (Rupture of the fallopian tube) are thought to be the case The nested egg cell becomes larger threatens.
If the course is uncomplicated, the operation is carried out endoscopically (minimally invasive through the keyhole) without major incisions. The Egg cell will remove that Fallopian tubes are sewn up again. The pregnancy was terminated because of the wrong situation.
If there has already been a rupture (tear) of the fallopian tube, or if the anatomical conditions of the fallopian tube are unfavorable, the patient may have to undergo open surgery, i.e. the skin incisions in the area of the left lower abdomen are correspondingly larger. As a rule, the fallopian tube can be reconstructed without any further problems for the patient.
Abdominal pain left after eating
Become stomach pain in the area of the central or abdominal area Left specified, after eating, and always comes with this pain Ingestion and is otherwise absent, many diseases can already be ruled out.
Most likely it is then Not around a urological illness or to gynecological diseases.
The pain seem to be directly related to that Stomach fullness to stand, which is why a Inflammation of the stomach lining or similar diseases are suspected. In addition to a Inflammation of the stomach lining, which are also called gastritis is referred to, it can also be causally a Gastric ulcer act, which is present in the stomach wall and leads to discomfort with increasing stomach filling.
After a while, when the food has been directed into the deeper intestinal sections, the stomach is in a relaxed state - the pain becomes less.
If you complain of stomach ache that gets better after eating, it will also be a ulcer suspicious, but this is most likely in the Duodenum.
Shortly after something has been eaten, the abdomen is painless, even if it is touched while the patient is lying down or is only slightly tender. The Abdominal pain will be after eating often stated as stinging or burning, rarely radiating into other areas of the body.
To Diagnosis can a Ultrasonic be carried out, but rather also to other diseases of the liver or des Biliary system to exclude.
The standard diagnostics is the Gastroscopy, at the one hand Gastric ulcer can also be seen samples for histological (tissue) examination can be sent in as well as a so-called Helicobacter test can be carried out.
This is a bacterial colonization of Intestinesthat go unnoticed for a long time but eventually become one gastritis (Inflammation of the stomach lining) or to a Gastric ulcer can lead. Is done a Helicobacter pylori Evidence, should be treated immediately with antibiotics. If a gastric ulcer is diagnosed and no malignant tissue is detected histologically, conservative drug treatment can be started (e.g. with Pantoprazole, Omeprazole). It refers to Gastric acid blockers, which should initially be taken regularly to avoid overproduction of the Stomach acid to prevent.
Today, gastric ulcers only have to be operated on in rare cases and with pronounced findings. In addition to the malignancy, the depth of the ulcer is also decisive. Findings that protrude deep into the stomach wall must be surgically removed.
Upper abdominal pain in children
Generally are Left abdominal pain in children much more difficult to assess than in adults. The reason for this is the fact that it is often difficult to prove the exact location of the pain. Children are usually much more difficult to describe which ones quality have a stomach ache that you feel. Also the indication of the Pain intensity is often not easy for children. These problems are most common in children Abdominal pain in the upper abdomen.
The insufficient information regarding the perceived complaints is particularly problematic because abdominal pain in the upper abdomen affects almost every child at least once. In addition to the typical organic causes Pain often through in the upper abdomen on the left in children mental stress caused. Anxiety, grief, and stress can all be triggers for stomach ache.
You can also infectious causes (bacterial or viral pathogens) be involved in the development of abdominal pain in the left upper abdomen.
In order to narrow down the possible reasons for the occurrence of the symptoms, the affected children should be asked to show exactly where the pain is. In general, the following rule of thumb applies to upper abdominal pain in children: The further the pain is from the belly button, the more likely it is that there is a physical cause. Abdominal pain in the upper abdomen that is located relatively close to the belly button suggests a psychological component.
The physical causes for the development of abdominal pain in the upper abdomen can be different in children. Although the lung located in the chest cavity can be different Lung disease cause abdominal pain in the left upper abdomen in children.
The most common lung diseases that cause upper abdominal pain in children are Lungs- and pleurisy. Side effects such as Shortness of breath, to cough, Expectoration and Chest pain in these cases suggest a disease of the lungs.
In the event of such a constellation of symptoms, a Pediatrician and appropriate treatment initiated.
Abdominal pain left in the upper abdomen can also be a result of various problems in children Heart disease occur. While Coronary artery diseases are a rarity in childhood Pericarditis one of the more common causes of stomach pain in the left upper abdomen.
In this context, it should be noted that heart disease is typically of Chest pain, more pronounced Shortness of breath, fear, nausea and dizziness to be accompanied. Every heart disease is one medical emergency which requires urgent medical clarification. For this reason, parents who notice a corresponding combination of symptoms in one of their children should immediately have one Children's clinic seek out. In case of doubt, even a Emergency call be dropped off; be discontinued; be deducted; be dismissed.
In most cases, however, upper abdominal pain is left through in children classic diseases of the digestive organs caused. A simple one bacterial or viral infection can lead to severe abdominal pain in the left upper abdomen in the affected children. In most cases, the pain is caused by an infectious gastrointestinal disease nausea and Vomit accompanied. However, these symptoms may occur later than the first time you feel abdominal pain.
In addition, many children classically begin to vomit first before the diarrhea begins. Parents of affected children should especially make sure that enough liquid is consumed. If normal amounts of drink are vomited quickly, slowly adding fluids with a teaspoon can help dehydration (Dehydration) to prevent. If the affected children show signs of a drainage (e.g. dry lips and standing skin folds) should consulted a pediatrician immediately become. Especially with children less than a year Often times, it is not possible to compensate for the amount of fluid excreted by diarrhea and vomiting. Because of this, a hospitalized usually necessary.
Also include Violations of the spleen and Left kidney disease to the typical diseases that lead to abdominal pain in the left upper abdomen. Also Blockage of the lower urinary tract can cause such symptoms. Particularly in childhood, various mechanisms can narrow (or block) the intestinal passage. Depending on the location of this narrow point, the affected children may experience abdominal pain in the left upper and / or lower abdomen.
Due to the fact that abdominal pain in children is generally very difficult to assess, it is recommended in case of doubt, always consult a pediatrician promptly.
Abdominal pain in children in the lower abdomen
Infectious gastrointestinal diseases can in children too Abdominal pain in the left lower abdomen to lead. Regardless of the exact localization of the abdominal pain, both the bacterial, as well as the viral gastrointestinal disease usually with diarrhea and Vomit hand in hand. In children in particular, however, these symptoms can only appear several hours after the onset of the abdominal pain on the left side of the lower abdomen. In addition, some of the affected children develop severe vomiting without changing stool consistency while in other sufferers enormous diarrhea can be observed without vomiting. Infectious gastrointestinal diseases in children that lead to abdominal pain on the left side of the lower abdomen are more often caused by viral than bacterial pathogens. Because of this, a antibiotic therapy in most cases not very useful.
Another cause of the development of abdominal pain in the left lower abdomen in children can be a so-called "hernia" be. The term hernia is understood to mean a disease in which there is Escape of the abdominal viscera comes through the abdominal wall. As a rule, congenital weak points in the muscles represent the ideal point of passage.
Based on the localization of the occurrence, this disease is divided into two forms: the inner and the external hernia. In cases in which the hernial sac can be seen from the outside or the hernial port leads from the inside of the body towards the skin, this is called an external hernia. Hernias that lie within the trunk and for this reason cannot be seen from the outside are called internal hernias. A hernia can cause a number of symptoms in affected children. At the onset of the disease begins to appear on the abdominal wall conspicuous lump to build. When pressing or screaming, it can also be observed that there is a significant increase in volume in the area of the hernial sac. A hernia does not have to be painful for children. Unproblematic course of the disease is rarely associated with abdominal pain. A hernia that still causes pain in the left or right lower abdomen must be treated surgically within the shortest possible time. In these cases there is a risk of so-called incarceration (pinching) of the hernia. The parts of the intestine located in the hernial sac are therefore pinched off at the exit port. The problem with this situation is the fact that these clamped-off parts of the intestine are usually only inadequately (or not at all) supplied with blood.
In addition, a acute inflammation of the appendix (Appendicitis) Cause abdominal pain in the left lower abdomen. Typically, the abdominal pain experienced by children with appendicitis will be in the right lower abdomen localized. In fact, the symptoms of appendicitis usually begin in the area of the belly button before they migrate to the lower abdomen. Children who have a misalignment of the appendix or in whom the appendix is several centimeters long can, however, report abdominal pain in the left lower abdomen if inflammatory processes are present. The treatment of acute appendicitis is also carried out in children by the surgical removal the affected areas.
The so-called "Intussusception“Is one of the typical diseases in young children that can provoke abdominal pain in the left or right lower abdomen. Intussusception is a disease in which a higher part of the intestine turns into a lower part. This phenomenon mainly affects parts of the early Small intestine which are in the Large intestine put on. Children who suffer from intussusception usually experience sudden severe abdominal pain in the right or left lower abdomen. In addition, small children and babies in particular appear restless and anxious when there is intussusception. The surface of the abdomen arises at the beginning of the disease when viewed as clearly indented In the further course, however, blockages (constipation) occur which make the abdomen appear increasingly bloated. An intussusception that must lead to severe abdominal pain in the right or left lower abdomen treated promptly become.