Abdominal pain and constipation


Stomach ache is a non-specific symptom which can indicate all kinds of disease processes. Often the pain is accompanied by other key symptoms, such as constipation. At a constipation becomes over a longer period of time, usually over multiple days, no bowel movements passed and accumulated in the intestines.
The causes for this are diverse and range from simple intolerance to serious illnesses. Most often, however, the former is the case - something was eaten that the intestine could not tolerate. Either spoiled food as well as Food allergies can acutely cause constipation. In addition to these mostly short-lived processes, blockages can also occur repeatedly or over a long period of time. The reason for this is often one improper diet. The psyche also plays an important role in the functioning of our intestines. Strikes many people emotional stress and stress negatively on the gastrointestinal tract, which can manifest itself in nausea, diarrhea or constipation.

Besides these natural processes, many also solve Diseases of the intestine Blockages out. These can be acute and short-lived, such as a wall eversion (Intussusception) or but chronic run how Crohn's disease or Hirschsprung's disease.
Constipation can become a real torment and is perceived as extremely uncomfortable to painful. Since this ailment is as old as man himself, it has been around for centuries Home remedies established that can provide quick relief as long as there is no serious underlying problem. High fiber diet and much liquid usually soften the stool and enable proper and painless digestion. Also fresh and dried fruit have proven themselves in constipation. There are also many different ones Medicationthat act differently in detail, promote and accelerate bowel evacuation.
Abdominal pain and constipation are age- and gender-unspecific conditions. However, there are special age peaks at Toddlers and at older people. People are also the one sensitive bowels have or under a so-called Irritable bowel syndrome suffer more often from the two extremes diarrhea and constipation. Patients too Medication received, such as opiate (morphine), have with Constipation as an unwanted side effect to be expected.

Do you suffer from stomach ache in the second half of the day?


Constipation are a widespread ailment and can cause a very stressful condition in the long run. If the blockages become more frequent or persist for a disproportionately long time, a doctor visited become. In addition to a detailed patient survey (anamnesis), he or she will find out about toilet behavior and, if necessary, initiate various examinations to get to the bottom of the causes.
The physical exam with listening, tapping and palpation of the stomach is usually in the foreground. Additionally can Laboratory tests, one Ultrasound examination or one Colonoscopy be made. The patient should first try to solve the problem without the use of medication.
There are several simple rules and Home remediesthat are supposed to stimulate digestion and provide relief. A balanced nutrition with much vegetables, fruit and Whole grain products are just as important as one sufficient amount of water to drink - at least 1.5 to 2 liters. The patient should exercise enough, but also allow himself and his body to rest. In many people, bowel activity is closely related to the psyche and is sensitive to stress.
Tried and tested Home remedies are a morning Glass of juice or a coffee, Dried fruit and Abdominal massages. When taking swelling agents like Flax or flea seeds got to enough liquid must be added because this is the only way to soften the stool.
If the tips do not help normalize bowel movements, the doctor can laxative to enable regular visits to the toilet. The most common remedy is Movicol® (Macrogol®), which has an attractive effect on water in the intestine. This will make that Increased stool volume and triggered the laxative effect. Other drugs affect the stool in other ways or increase bowel movement, which helps transport existing bowel movements.

What can be done about stomach pain and constipation?

At Abdominal pain and constipation the first step is to drink enough. Those who often struggle with constipation should at least during the day Drink 2 liters of water or tea. In the case of new constipation, in which the abdominal pain is still bearable, you can first try with Flea seeds or flax seedsthat are soaked in water to get a grip on constipation.
If this does not help, or if the symptoms are so severe that they can no longer be endured, a doctor should be consulted. This can laxative prescribe that in the short term ameliorate acute constipation. An enema can also relieve the situation. This method is mainly used with children.
In patients who experience constipation and abdominal pain frequent, recurring problem should first represent a permanent change in diet which contains a lot of fiber. Additionally can Lactulose or Macrogol be taken after consulting a doctor to draw more water into the intestines and soften the stool. When taking these substances, however, flatulence is more common.

Home remedies to treat abdominal pain and constipation

There are many for constipation that accompanies abdominal pain Home remediesthat can be taken as food or drink and are intended to regulate digestion.
Warm water gets the bowels going and a glass in the morning can be beneficial for digestion. All in all, plenty to drinkso that the chair is not unnecessarily thickened.
Also a small glass Prune juice on an empty stomach stimulates digestion, as does soaking overnight, dried plums. To try it out, you should start with a small amount so that the intestine does not overreact. Others too Dried fruits, how Figs or apricots have this effect.
One diet with many Fiber also has a beneficial effect on digestion. A lot of raw vegetables, lettuce and fruit should be eaten.
Also soaked flaxseed, Flea seeds or Chia seeds have this effect, causing more water to be drawn into the intestines and making the stool softer. In addition, heat acts in the form of a Hot water bottle or a grain pillow Supportive on the stomach and is perceived as pleasant, especially with accompanying abdominal pain.

Discomfort during pregnancy

During the pregnancy the diagnosis of abdominal complaints is significantly more difficult. Due to the location of the uterus including the baby, existing pain cannot be localized well and is an enormous psychological burden for the expectant mother. Abdominal pain during pregnancy is usually alarming for patients. Constipation however, are widely used in pregnant women and should therefore always be considered.
Due to the changed hormone levels in women it comes to Decrease in bowel movements. The hormone progesterone, which is increasingly released into the blood, actually serves to relax the muscles in the uterus, but also has an effect on the intestines. By the growing child is also the Gut displaced and can possibly be prevented from smoothly moving the stool.
In addition to natural causes, it can cause various pregnancy-related illnesses among others Constipation with abdominal pain come. For example, if a Hypothyroidism, an underactive thyroid, the body can no longer manage its energy balance properly due to the lack of thyroid hormones. The patient becomes limp, tired and the overall activity sags - including the bowel movement. The result can be constipation.
Even the one often observed during pregnancy high blood pressure (hypertension) blockages can occur. Lots Pregnant women suffer Iron deficiency and therefore take supplements with a high iron content. While this ingestion is important to a Iron deficiency anemia However, preventing (anemia) can also lead to constipation. The high iron content irritates the intestinal wall and can cause corresponding effects.

Interplay between constipation and diarrhea

The Interplay between constipation and diarrhea can be triggered by various underlying diseases. The intestine is closely connected to the psyche and in many people reacts very sensitively to extreme emotions or stressful situations. If these occur frequently or if a person is permanently exposed to stressful situations, for example at work, this can result in irregular digestion.
During the first several days not on Toilet can be walked, suddenly followed by a period of violent Diarrhea. Treatment of such conditions consists in eliminating the factors that provoke the psychological distress. Also entangled with the psyche or not necessarily connected with it is the so-called Irritable bowel syndrome. The patient suffers from a very sensitive gastrointestinal tract. Those affected have to pay close attention to what they eat and are often plagued by diarrhea and constipation alternating between them. A conscious diet and the targeted use of laxative medication and anti-diarrheal drugs can create an acceptable illness situation with which the patient can live well. In the event of persistent complaints and such changeable stool behavior, a Colonoscopy should be considered in order to be able to rule out a tumor disease of the bowel.

Nausea and abdominal pain

Nausea can also occur with abdominal pain and constipation.

Nausea and abdominal pain are often signs of one Gastrointestinal infection. The infections are caused by bacteria or viruses. However, they are usually associated with diarrhea and less so with constipation, which indicates the presence of a bacterial or viral gastrointestinal infection constipation makes unlikely.
Constipation is often associated with pain or discomfort in the abdomen. This discomfort can spread to the Nausea followed by vomiting increase. At a Intestinal obstruction (Ileus) it comes from mechanical obstruction of the intestine or from insufficient movement of the intestinal muscles (paralytic ileus) to a halt in digestion. If the closure does not come loose, it can possibly lead to a Backlog of bowel movements come. While in many cases patients develop nausea at this point, in the end-stage congestion it is a sure symptom. The thickened food and the stool have backed up into the stomach and may be vomited with nausea.

Abdominal pain and constipation in the toddler

Constipation in childhood are particularly common in young children. The problem here is usually of a functional nature. For days the child does not empty its bowels and the stool builds up.
The reasons for stool retention can be varied. An important point is pain when going to the toilet, which of course does not initially occur without it. The child holds the chair back and the rectum fills. Due to the constant fullness of the rectum, which normally triggers the stimulus to defecate through the wall tension, the intestine is desensitized - the feeling and the urge to go to the toilet initially disappear. This situation causes a variety of problems, including pain when you pass stool. Because this is now hard and dry. Another cause can be a unbalanced diet and one to small amount of drink represent. The latter is particularly a problem for young children. They often only drink when necessary and do not ensure that they are adequately hydrated on their own.
In the case of frequent constipation, the Feeding the children respected and parents are trained on this subject. In addition to the disorders described, various diseases Induce constipation with abdominal pain. Often the time of diagnosis is in childhood. Classic examples of diseases that can cause constipation in young children include: Hypothyroidism (Hypothyroidism), Hirschsprung's disease, Celiac disease, early childhood brain damage, and many others.


This is an important part of digestion Intestinal flora in the colon. It consists of innumerable bacteriathat can break down various components of our food, which our body reaches its limits when using them. At your work the intestinal flora forms gases, which can cause gas. This happens particularly strongly with the breakdown of high fiber foods as well as from Legumes.
In moderation, these gases are harmless and can be released without any problems and pain. If the gas is unusually strong or if it lasts for a long time, this indicates digestive problems. This is often based on a converted or incorrect diet or Intolerances or food allergies.
In addition to painful Flatulence and constipation diarrhea can also occur intermittently. The symptoms are therefore very unspecific, but can usually be interpreted by the patient himself. Everyone has eaten something “wrong” and felt uncomfortable afterwards. The combination of abdominal pain, constipation and severe flatulence can indicate certain clinical pictures. Appropriate Gastrointestinal diseases are these Irritable bowel syndrome and Crohn's disease, both chronic diseases.

Back pain associated with abdominal pain and constipation

In patients with a so-called Irritable bowel syndrome Abdominal pain and indigestion such as constipation are more common than other people. The intestine is easier to irritate, for example by certain foods. In addition to stomach pain, you can also Back pain occur.

These are also related to the chronic condition Fibromyalgia socialized, which can also be associated with irritable bowel syndrome. If the abdominal pain occurs in connection with back pain, organs other than the intestine can also be responsible.

Kidney pain Many patients are unable to pinpoint the location and therefore describe it as back pain. So can extensive Infections of the urinary organs trigger corresponding pain. An ascending cystitis can spread to the kidneys and thus cause a Pelvic inflammation with severe malaise, high fever, and pain in the abdomen and lower back. The Projection of pain in the back due to abdominal organs is not uncommon and does not necessarily mean a problem with the intestines or kidneys. In addition to all the circumstances described, however, there can also be isolated problems of the spine Gastrointestinal disease be the cause of this clinical mixed picture.