Home remedies for coughs

Synonyms in a broader sense

Tussis, irritable cough, irritated throat
engl .: to cough

Home remedies and naturopathy for coughs

The best-known naturopathic remedy for coughs that conventional medicine now recommends is hot milk with honey, which should be drunk especially before going to sleep in order to suppress the urge to cough.

Preparations are used as cough teas fennel, thyme, Eibich root, Lungwort and valerian related.

Chocolate would also be a cough remedy that you can buy in any grocery store. In the next article you will learn how helpful this is: Chocolate for coughs

As ingestible resp. inhaled oils become Eucalyptus, peppermint, sandalwood, Tea tree or Thyme oil recommended. Furthermore, it is recommended to drip a few drops of eucalyptus, peppermint or tea tree oil on the pillow or with it before going to bed chest rub in. Three or four drops of the tea tree or peppermint oil can also be dissolved in honey and taken, which is supposed to minimize an acute urge to cough. However, this combination should only be taken twice a day.

The morning and the evening would be recommended here. Chest pain that may occur as a result of prolonged periods of coughing can be relieved by a chest massage with massage oil, which should also be dissolved in tea tree oil. There is also a recommendation that one to three drops of vinegar should be drizzled on the pillow if you have an urge to cough.

The use of vinegar wraps, which are actually known for the treatment of sore throats, should also provide relief in the event of an acute urge to cough. A drink of water, honey and vinegar, when consumed twice a day, is said to reduce the build-up of mucus in the bronchi caused by the cough.
In addition, alternative medicine recommends taking numerous dietary supplements and minerals to boost the immune system. However, the actual effect is very controversial.
Homeopathy recommends taking Hepar Sulfuris for coughing in the case of convulsive, barking cough, which worsens in the cold and in the morning hours. If it is more of a nocturnal cough, aconite should be taken.

If there are coughing attacks in the form of overexertion in the case of colds, homeopathy recommends taking Causticum Hahnemanni. If the throat is dry, rough and the cough is hollow, Drosera should be taken. In the case of a rough cough and flu-like accompanying symptoms, therapy with Bryonia is recommended.
Before the cough has broken out properly, the body's defenses should be carried out prophylactically by taking echinacea.
The following remedies are also used for homeopathic cough control:

  • Sticta
  • Rumex crispus
  • Spongia
  • Hyoscyamus

Radish cough syrup

A baby which completed the first year of life has, for example, with the help of Radish cough syrup be treated.

This home remedy can be made easily and quickly by the parents of the affected baby. During the preparation of this home remedy, a lid must be cut off the fresh radish and the vegetables hollowed out with a spoon.
Then the radish With honey or Rock candy filled and closed with the lid. After an exposure time of about two to three hours, the finished Cough Syrup taken from the radish and stored in a cool container. In the case of an acute cough, a child or baby who has completed the first year of life can be treated with a teaspoon of radish cough syrup about three to four times a day.

Also read our topic: Cough syrup recipes

Onion cough syrup

This home remedy for coughs should also only be used on a child or baby who the first year of life completed has to be applied. When making this home remedy for coughs, an onion must be chopped as finely as possible and mixed with honey. Following should be approximately 1/8 (125ml) litre water to be added. In order to activate the necessary active ingredients, the mixture must be heated and simmered on a low flame for about 10 minutes. After an exposure time of three to four hours, the onion-honey mixture can be thoroughly filtered through a clean cheesecloth.
The child or baby suffering from an acute cough can be treated with a teaspoon of onion cough syrup approximately three to five times a day. The first successes of this home remedy are usually achieved after just a few applications.

Soothing cough tea

The advantage of this home remedy is the fact that it can also be used on a baby who is younger than one year.

Parents of the affected child or baby must make a tea before use:

  • 20 g thyme herb
  • 20 g marshmallow roots
  • 15 g ribwort
  • 10 g of fennel fruits
  • 10 g Icelandic moss and
  • Brew 10 g licorice root.

One of acute to cough The affected child or baby receives approximately 30 ml of this home remedy several times a day. It is particularly helpful to give the tea in the morning immediately after waking up and in the evening before going to bed.

Expectorant cough tea

This home remedy can also be used without hesitation on a child or baby who has not yet reached the age of one.

When administering expectorant drugs for acute coughs, it should be ensured that the secretion that is in the airways is coughed up a short time after ingestion. For this reason, using it shortly before bedtime can result in the affected child's sleep being interrupted by the cough. To make this home remedy, the parents of an affected child or baby should make a tea made from:

  • 30 g primrose flowers
  • 10 g mullein herb
  • 20 g aniseed fruits and
  • 40 g common herb

to be brewed. A baby suffering from an acute cough may be given approximately 50ml of this home remedy several times a day. A child who has already reached the age of one receives around one cup of cough tea spread over the day.

Horehound herb mixture

Special herbal mixtures can also be used as home remedies for coughs in a small child or baby. Especially special Horehound herb mixture should help to alleviate the symptoms of the affected child quickly and effectively. The common herbal mixtures contain horehound, fennel and dill. Because this home remedy is due to the intense taste

Not accepted by many children, it is advisable to boil a tea from the mixture before use and to sweeten it with honey and / or rock sugar.


Since many of those affected do not want to resort to potent medicines straight away when they cough, honey is one of the most popular home remedies for acute cold symptoms.

Hot milk with honey In this context it is one of the best-known home remedies. While honey for a productive cough (Cough with sputum) is usually of little help. Hot milk with honey, especially dry coughs, can help effectively relieve the symptoms. However, caution should be exercised when using this ancient home remedy. Although honey can calm the throat even with a productive cough, milk should be avoided as a matter of urgency.

The reason for this is the fact that milk contains certain ingredients that stimulate the production of mucus and thus worsen the cough with sputum. People who suffer from a dry cough, however, can use this home remedy without hesitation. The effectiveness of hot milk with honey is mainly due to the ingredients in honey. For this reason, honey can also be taken pure or dissolved in warm tea as a home remedy.
Already a short time after the application, the debilitating cough attacks decrease significantly.

People who want to use this home remedy with hot milk should boil about a quarter liter of milk in a saucepan and add one to two tablespoons of honey. The hot beverage then has to cool down a little over a period of five to ten minutes. Hot milk with honey should always be drunk in small sips as a home remedy for coughs. Hot milk with honey should ideally be used a short time before going to bed. This way, sleep is less frequently interrupted by coughing attacks and the immune system is effectively strengthened.
When using this home remedy, however, it must be noted that honey products must not be administered to a baby who has not yet reached the age of one. The reason for this is the fact that raw natural products such as honey may contain bacteria that can lead to life-threatening diseases in babies.


The onion is also one of the most popular home remedies for the typical colds.

Either to cough and Sore throat, as well as Earache can be effectively alleviated by using the onion.
The reason for the effectiveness of this home remedy is the anti-inflammatory substances contained in the onion. Especially the ingredients Biotin, vitamin C, potassium and Flavonoid can help to alleviate cold symptoms within a very short time.

While with earache so-called "Onion sachets“The onion juice helps reliably against sore throats and coughs. Although the taste of this home remedy may take some getting used to at first, the onion juice is a real miracle cure for colds. Affected people should squeeze the onion before use and mix the juice with a little honey. After a short exposure time, the mixture can be drunk in small sips.

In addition, consuming onions regularly can help prevent colds. Especially in the cold months, small amounts of this home remedy should always be added to the food. In this way, the onion can help to strengthen the body's immune system and effectively prevent coughs and throat medicines.

You might also be interested in this topic: onion


Especially with strongly pronounced to cough, ginger is a popular home remedy.

The effectiveness of this home remedy is based on the substances contained in the ginger root, which both relieve pain and strengthen the immune system. When making this home remedy, about two to three centimeters of fresh ginger root must be separated, peeled and cut into small cubes.
Then these ginger cubes must be boiled in ¾ liter of water.

The finished broth can be poured through a sieve into a drinking cup and, if you like, sweetened with a little honey. The addition of honey also has a pain-relieving effect on the irritated mucous membrane of the throat. In this context, however, it must be noted that the honey may only be added to the ginger tea a short time before consumption. Otherwise, the honey will lose its pain-relieving properties when it is boiled. In order to achieve the best effectiveness, the ginger tea should be drunk as hot as possible in the event of an acute cough.
With regular use of this home remedy (about two to three cups a day), the first successes can be noticed on the following day.

What should you watch out for with children and babies?

to cough is one of the most common diseases that make a visit to the pediatrician practice necessary for children or babies.

Due to the small diameter of the upper respiratory tract can cough in children or babies which often obstruct breathing. The most suitable treatment method depends on both the underlying disease and the actual impairment of the child concerned.
Is there a bacterial infection of the upper respiratory tract or the cough lung as a rule, antibiotic therapy must be initiated.
In the case of viral respiratory infections that are accompanied by a pronounced cough, only symptomatic treatment can be initiated. The symptoms of the affected child or baby can often be effectively alleviated with simple home remedies.

You can find out more about this here: Cough in baby

What should you watch out for during pregnancy and breastfeeding?

Especially during pregnancy and the following Lactation can last longer cough be very stressful.

The main reason for this is the fact that many of the potent drugs cannot be used safely during pregnancy and breastfeeding.
Read more about this at: Medication during pregnancy

In addition, a strong cough during pregnancy can put additional strain on the pelvic floor and in this way lead to severe pain.

But even when using home remedies for coughs, it should be noted that the intake should be discussed in advance with the gynecologist or midwife.
Some home remedies that appear harmless at first glance can have a negative impact on the course of pregnancy or pass into breast milk during breastfeeding.
Herbal mixtures in particular, which are used as home remedies for coughs, can be dangerous during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

honey On the other hand, it is one of the most popular home remedies for coughs, which can also be used without hesitation during pregnancy and the subsequent breastfeeding period: This home remedy can effectively alleviate the symptoms, especially with strong, dry coughs.
The honey can either be pure (one tablespoon three to four times a day) or be taken dissolved in warm tea.

It also counts elderberry juice one of the most popular home remedies for coughs during pregnancy and the subsequent breastfeeding period.
Elderberry juice is completely healthy, has a stimulating effect on the body's immune system and inhibits inflammatory reactions.
This home remedy can be enjoyed warm several times a day and mixed with a little honey or a dash of lemon as required.

Furthermore, the Inhalation therapy particularly effective for coughing during pregnancy and breastfeeding.
However, expectant mothers should refrain from inhaling essential oils.
Above all, inhalation therapy with salt water and chamomile however, it can be carried out safely during pregnancy and breastfeeding.
When using this home remedy, it must be remembered that the inhalation must never be carried out with water that is too hot.
Otherwise, the hot vapors can attack the upper respiratory tract, especially the sensitive mucous membrane of the throat, and worsen the symptoms.

Since dry cough can also be stressful during pregnancy and the subsequent breastfeeding period, especially at night, affected women should stay in the bedroom in the evening if possible ventilate extensively.
Otherwise, warm and dry air can worsen the symptoms and provoke severe coughing attacks.

In addition to the common home remedies, which can also be used without hesitation for coughing during pregnancy and breastfeeding, this can Support your hands on a firm base (for example a table) help relieve the pelvic floor during a cough attack.

More about homeopathy for coughs

More information about the naturopathic treatment of the cough can be found under our topics:

  • Homeopathy for coughs
  • Homeopathy for cough with sputum
  • Homeopathy for bronchitis