Treatment of irritable bowel syndrome


From a so-called Irritable bowel syndrome is the talk when typical symptoms like over a period of more than three months stomach pain or Flatulence and changes in the stool also occur.
The prerequisite for the diagnosis of irritable bowel syndrome is that there is no disease that can cause and explain the symptoms typical of irritable bowel syndrome.

Those affected, the majority of whom are women, suffer from a clearly noticeable reduction in their quality of life. A causal treatment for irritable bowel syndrome is not yet known. Nevertheless, there are a multitude of tips and tricks on how to alleviate the symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome. Medicines, home remedies or simply a change in diet can bring improvements.

Diet for irritable bowel syndrome

Not only what we eat but also the way we eat affects our well-being.
People with irritable bowel syndrome should therefore take enough time to eat and spread their meals throughout the day.

So it's bad to gobble up a large portion quickly in the evening. It should be ensured that sufficient spread over the day non-alcoholic Beverages are drunk in an amount of about two liters. You should definitely avoid the incompatible. Above all, this includes large quantities Alcohol, coffee, nicotine, hot spices, fatty and sweet foods as well as very cold or very hot dishes.
Sufferers of irritable bowel syndrome, who mainly suffer from constipation, should eat a diet rich in fiber and high in fiber. Dietary fiber actually stimulates intestinal activity.
Especially fruit, vegetables, Grain such as Potatoes contain a lot of fiber. Those affected are more likely to suffer diarrhea, then of course the advice given above does not apply.

In addition, these patients should absolutely avoid products that contain sorbitol. Sorbitol is a sugar substitute found in chewing gum, for example. Those who suffer from flatulence in particular should avoid fiber-rich legumes such as lentils or beans because they have flatulence properties.

Home remedies for irritable bowel syndrome

There are a variety of home remedies and measures that sufferers of irritable bowel syndrome can easily use at home.
A proven one Home remedies for abdominal pain is the application of heat.
Usually a hot water bottle is used, which is placed on the affected area. However, it should be noted that the application of heat must not be too hot and should not be applied directly to the skin, as this can cause burns to the skin.

If you have flatulence and a pronounced feeling of fullness in the course of irritable bowel syndrome, then natural remedies such as fennel, Caraway seed, anise, peppermint such as chamomile Help in the form of teas, because they have a puffing and calming effect on the gastrointestinal tract.
Suffer from irritable bowel syndrome sufferers Constipation, then bulking agents such as flea seeds or flax seeds are an alternative because they have a laxative effect. However, they must be taken with sufficient fluids. The psyche also has a significant influence on the well-being of our digestive system.
stress should be avoided if possible and instead allow sufficient time for relaxation and recovery.

Irritable bowel drugs

Here, too, it should be mentioned again that a causal treatment of irritable bowel syndrome is not yet known.

Only a symptom relief can be achieved through a suitable therapy. In the case of crampy abdominal pain, antispasmodic drugs, also known as spasmolytics, can be used.
These include mebeverine and butylscopolamine, which is also known commercially as buscopan.

Those affected by irritable bowel syndrome mainly suffer from diarrhea can temporarily use loperamide, which is also known as Imodium and inhibits bowel activity. Racecadotril, which is also available as Vaprino, or so-called probiotics (such as Kijimea®) can also be taken in the context of diarrhea.

Read more on the topic: Kijimea® Immun

In addition, in some cases of irritable bowel syndrome, low doses of antidepressants can relieve the patient's discomfort.

Read more on the topic: Irritable bowel drugs

Treatment of irritable bowel syndrome

Since the reasons for the development of irritable bowel syndrome are not known, the therapy is limited to the alleviation of the existing symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome.

With this clinical picture it is very important to keep in mind that there are very many different forms and degrees of severity that can vary greatly from person to person in terms of symptoms and course. For this reason, there is no standard therapy for irritable bowel syndrome that can be used to help everyone, but it has to be tailored very precisely to the individual. In general, therapy includes three different approaches Medication, general measures, and psychological supportthat can be used individually or in combination if necessary.

Especially with less pronounced symptoms than is sufficient Treatment of irritable bowel syndrome often a corresponding diet out. However, there is no special treatment through the "irritable bowel diet", one should simply try to eat a balanced and healthy diet in general. First and foremost, this includes ensuring that you drink plenty of fluids and that you eat a varied mixed diet that is rich in fiber. Poorly digestible drinks and food, such as strong spices, coffee, alcohol, flatulent (beans, cabbage) or fatty foods and especially hot or cold foods should be avoided if possible.
In addition, the portions should not be too large when eating and should not be consumed too quickly. Nutritional advice may also be helpful. In some cases, foods that contain cultures of microorganisms (usually bacteria) (so-called probiotics) also help. However, these are not always effective and if they are, then only if they are taken regularly.

Heat also has a soothing effect on the pain of irritable bowel syndrome, so hot water bottles or spelled pillows can be placed on the stomach to reduce acute discomfort.

Depending on which Symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome exist, sodiarrhea, constipation or Flatulence, various drugs are used. With all preparations, however, it should be noted that they should not be used over a long period of time and that they should only be taken after consulting a doctor.

In the case of constipation, one can first try this by high fiber nutritionTo loosen movement and increased hydration. If these measures are unsuccessful, drug treatment should be initiated. Serve as a laxative for example Lactulose, Macrogel or flaxseed.

In the case of diarrhea, on the other hand, swelling agents are used, for example pectins or flea seed preparations, and drugs are prescribed that inhibit bowel movement and thus the bowel movement, for example loperamide. Herbal preparations (phytotherapeutic agents), for example in the form of various teas (Chamomile, caraway, peppermint, fennel, anise) and swelling agents are recommended. If abdominal pain or cramps dominate the clinical picture, antispasmodic pain relievers (antispasmodics) such as butylscopalamin or mebeverine are used. In addition, painkillers may be indicated for all forms, the dosage of which must be adapted to the severity of the pain. There are also medicines that contain active cultures of lactic acid bacteria (see also probiotics) and so are natural ones Intestinal flora can build up, which can also improve symptoms in some patients with irritable bowel syndrome.

If you have any form of irritable bowel syndrome that is triggered or worsened by psychological factors, it is advisable to improve these circumstances. For example, everyone can do something about the treatment themselves Stress relief contribute by doing relaxation exercises (there are an infinite number of these that appeal to everyone to different degrees, as examples are autogenic training or to name meditation), observes an orderly daily routine, regularly plays sports, etc. Under certain circumstances, targeted psychotherapy can also prove to be very helpful, but very few patients make use of it. There are also various options here:

Talk therapy, hypnosis, group therapy, psychoanalysis, etc.
Also drugs against depressions (such as tricyclic antidepressants or serotonin uptake inhibitors) are sometimes useful to reduce the psychosomatic component (physical impairment caused by psychological factors) of the disease. With such drugs in particular, it is extremely important to consult with a doctor and / or psychotherapist on an ongoing basis.

For the treatment of irritable bowel syndrome there has been a completely new approach to therapy for some time. The Stool transplant is already used for the treatment of inflammatory bowel diseases and is now also intended to help treat irritable bowel syndrome.
A stool transplant is the transfer of stool or the bacteria contained in stool from a healthy donor into a patient's bowel. The stool transplant pursues the goal of being irreparable restore damaged intestinal flora of the patient and thus to create or at least promote a physiological, i.e. healthy microbiome.
Since the cause of irritable bowel syndrome is largely unexplained to this day and the term irritable bowel syndrome actually seems to be a collective term for various diseases, a lot of research is still needed on the subject. There are virtually no studies, case collections or experiences of treating irritable bowel syndrome with a stool transplantation worth mentioning.