Carbo vegetabilis

German term


Use of Carbo vegetabilis for the following diseases

  • Inflammation of the stomach lining
  • Bad breath
  • Varicose veins

Use of Carbo vegetabilis for the following symptoms / complaints

  • increased formation of Stomach acid
  • enormous flatulence
  • Pressure in the stomach and belching
  • Circulatory weakness with a cold sweat
  • skin pale, bluish, ice cold
  • Bad healing skin
  • Aversion to milk, fatty foods and alcohol
  • Aggravation in moist, warm air, evening and night.
  • Improvement in the fresh air.

Active organs

  • Central nervous system (especially respiratory center)
  • blood

Usual dosage


  • Tablets D3, D4, D6, D12
  • Ampoules D8, D12 and higher.