Stretching exercises for piriformis syndrome


Piriformis syndrome is a bottleneck syndrome of the Sciatic nerve in the area of Infrapiriform foramen. Those affected feel severe pain in the buttocks and rear thighs, which can radiate to the knee and increase, especially when turning. With simple exercises the development of a piriformis syndrome can be prevented. Likewise, an already manifest piriformis syndrome can be alleviated with the help of physiotherapy for the piriformis syndrome, the course of the disease can be weakened and the duration of the piriformis syndrome shortened.
They can be carried out at home by the person concerned without any aids. However, it is particularly important that the exercises described are performed regularly and conscientiously. This is the only way to achieve lasting improvement.

How often should you stretch?

In piriformis syndrome, stretching is an effective measure that can both relieve existing pain and prevent the symptoms from recurring.

In principle, the following applies: the more often and more extensively you stretch, the more effective the exercises are. Stretching for a short time several times a day is also more effective than doing a single long stretch. It is therefore recommended that you incorporate three to five stretching units into your daily routine. This can be, for example, immediately after getting up, during lunch break and before going to bed. If you stick to the units very regularly, you can achieve a lot with just 10 minutes of stretching.

Also read our topic:

  • Duration of piriformis syndrome


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My name is dr. Nicolas Gumpert. I am a specialist in orthopedics and the founder of .
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The hip joint is one of the joints that are exposed to the greatest stress.
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I treat all hip diseases with a focus on conservative methods.
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Which therapy achieves the best results in the long term can only be determined after looking at all of the information (Examination, X-ray, ultrasound, MRI, etc.) be assessed.

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Further information about myself can be found at Dr. Nicolas Gumpert

Exercise 1

In the first exercise, the patient sits up straight and extends one leg forward. An angle of 90 ° should then be created in the knee joint. The outside of the thigh is in contact with the ground. The other leg is stretched as far back as possible, here the inner thigh is turned towards the floor. When this starting position has been reached, the person concerned slowly leans their upper body forward and supports their hands on the floor. The stretch should now be felt on the outside of the buttocks of the front leg. The intensity of the exercise can be increased by moving the upper body along the front leg towards the foot. The stretched position should now be held for about 20 breaths. Ideally, the exercise is done two to three times per side.

exercise 2

In this exercise, the patient lies on their back with their left leg bent on the floor. The right leg is then positioned so that the ankle is behind the left knee. Now the right foot is pulled towards the hip as far as possible. Now the left leg is carefully pulled towards the body with both hands below the knee. The stretch should be felt here in the right buttocks and hip area. To increase the stretching intensity, you can press your right elbow lightly against your right knee. During this exercise, too, the position should be held for about 20 breaths and performed at least two to three times per side.

Exercise 3

During the next exercise, the person concerned lies down on the floor on their side. A pillow can simply be placed under the head for greater comfort. Now the upper leg is bent at an angle of about 90 degrees, the lower leg remains stretched on the floor. At the same time, both arms are stretched in front of the body so that a right angle is formed between the arms and the trunk. When the body has stabilized in this position, the upper arm is rotated in a straight axis to the other side. The head should be rotated with this movement. This stretching exercise becomes effective when the rotational movement is carried out so far that a noticeable resistance to stretching occurs. The position described should then be held for a period of approximately 5 seconds. Now the described exercise is repeated about 20 times per side.

Special stretching

Since the piriformis muscle is a strong holding muscle in the pelvis, it can best be stretched passively. The positions should be held for about a minute so that the stretching effect reaches the muscle.

The piriformis muscle mainly causes an external rotation in the hip; the muscle also plays a role when the leg is spread apart. Therefore, the most effective stretching exercises are those in which the thigh is turned inward. Exercises that are performed lying on your back are usually the most comfortable.

With the "knot for the buttocks" you first put both legs up. The outside ankle of the affected leg is placed on the thigh of the other leg so that the knee points outwards. Now pull your sound leg as close as possible to your upper body. A similar posture can also be achieved with just the affected leg. The bent knee is brought to the opposite shoulder.

Also read:

  • Physiotherapy for piriformis syndrome

Self massage

Who is ready in a Self massage roller (so-called Blackroll), these can be bought on the Internet in various price ranges. As a starting position, place the roll under your buttocks and place the affected leg over the angled healthy leg. With your hands you support yourself behind your back, but you should make sure that the upper body posture remains as upright as possible. Now roll in between along the course of the muscle Seat hump and Iliac crest and massages the muscles. The same exercise can alternatively be used with a matching one Massage ball instead of the role. This enables a more selective massage, which is why the exercise is recommended for advanced users.

Warmth and stretching exercises

Warmth and stretching exercises are ideal in the acute phase of piriformis syndrome.

The warmth allows the muscle to relax and the blood circulation and metabolic activity of the piriformis muscle are stimulated. This additionally improves the muscular situation. A certain relaxation of the muscle is also achieved by stretching. Overall, however, warmth and stretching only work against the symptom of piriformis syndrome. Once the pain has subsided, you should also do exercises that strengthen the piriformis muscle. This is the only way to permanently prevent the symptoms from recurring. Bad posture and excessive strain should also be corrected or avoided.

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  • The best therapy for piriformis syndrome

Exercises with a tennis ball

A tennis ball can be used during stretching exercises to increase the effect.

Since the piriformis muscle is deep in the pelvis, it is difficult to get close to it. However, the stretching exercises, in which the bent thigh is rotated inward, puts the muscle in a favorable position. In order to work on the muscle, one practically sits on the tennis ball while stretching. The ball should come to rest just below the painful pressure point of the piriformis muscle.