The Bach flower White Chestnut
Description of the flower White Chestnut
The horse chestnut (White Chestnut) blooms in May to early June. The male flowers grow at the top, the female further down the tree. Your color is next yellowish white, later reddish spots appear.
State of mind
Certain Thoughts go round and round in your head, you can't get rid of them. One conducts inner dialogues and self-talk.
Expression children
Children in the negative White Chestnut state can become not concentrating while studying and at school. Your thoughts revolve around a specific topic.
Expression adults
People are in the negative White Chestnut state trapped in the world of their thoughts, the head is full of internal chatter and conversations with itself.
You cannot think clearly, you are distracted. "I almost ran into a lamppost from all the internal discussions!" Thoughts about past events spin in your head, it occurs to you what else you could have said and with which words you could have defended yourself.
The Falling asleep becomes difficult because the carousel of thought keeps turning or you wake up and can no longer sleep. You are dominated by a record in your head that is stuck in a certain place. You have become so used to these inner dialogues that you consider them normal. You want to escape this thought of a certain event in order to be able to think clearly again, but you can't. One becomes with one Faced multitude of thought impulses and is not able to filter out the really important ones. You work internally over and over again on the same problems without finding a solution. One acts on one's environment because of the excessive flow of thoughts unfocused and overheard a lot.
People with the negative White Chestnut condition often suffer from Tension headache around forehead and eyes, Grinding teeth at night.
The opposite of White Chestnut is Clematis. Clematis is a daydreamer and with his thoughts in a world of his own in which he wants to stay. White Chestnut wants to escape the inner carousel of thought.
Target of the Bach flower White Chestnut
White Chestnut is supposed to help to filter out important thoughtsto come to inner calm and mental clarity. You are able to relax, switch off, have clear thoughts and come to the desired problem solutions. There is mental calm and peace in the head.
Read more about White Chestnut
- Bach flowers
- Bach flowers when there is no interest