Oily skin from diet
Synonym: Seborrhea
Oily skin has several causes and the individual hormonal balance is usually a major factor in this development. However, other factors such as various environmental influences, skin care and diet also play a role in the development and development of skin that is prone to fat formation.
Interfering with the hormonal balance is an option for combating extremely oily skin, but should only be the last resort, as intervening in this complex system is always associated with side effects. In women, this intervention in the hormonal status is easier by giving birth control pills and is often well tolerated.
For boys and men, on the other hand, the administration of an estrogen means, among other things, a feminisation of the physical appearance and can therefore only be given in moderation. Therefore, it is the simpler and gentler variant to consider the other influencing factors of the oily skin and thereby achieve an improvement in the skin's appearance. It should be noted that in very pronounced forms of oily skin, despite observing all care and nutritional information, no satisfactory result can be achieved. In these cases, the hormonal influence dominates, so that the smaller adjustment screws cannot have any effect on the skin's oil production.
A diet-related oily skin is expressed in the fact that a reinforced Skin oiling after enjoying Food occurs. This change in the complexion of the skin does not occur immediately after consumption, but manifests itself many hours to days later or as permanent Appearance of the complexion. It cannot be deduced directly from the food that triggered it, as is the case with an allergic reaction, for example. Often it is not just this one food, but one Combination of different substances, which unfavorable on the Complexion impact. The process leading to a oily skin does not run abruptly, but creeps in over time and is usually only noticed in its full form and perceived as annoying.
Differential diagnosis
A oily skin got to Not the consequence of nutrition but can also be through hormonal changesas they particularly during the puberty or the pregnancy occurs. The use of Anabolic steroids and Corticosteroids, which are often found in anti-inflammatory creams, lead to increased Sebum production and therefore oily skin. An important distinction to the so-called "ointment face" in an Parkinson's disease sick people is important, but only relevant in combination with other symptoms. Only an oily skin, especially facial skin, is no safe feature for one Dopaminedefectwhich is the cause of Parkinson's disease.
The root cause oily skin in various Forms of nutrition is Not clearly. There is a presumption that a high Insulin release from the pancreassuch as they are quickly available when consumed Carbohydrates out Sweets occurs, an increasing influence on the Sebum production of the skin Has. Diet has an influence on hormone production, but it has not been proven whether this changes the hormone balance in such a way that there is a visible effect on the skin's sebum production.
Diet-dependent oily skin test
To find out if the skin through your own nutrition is to be influenced is a Omit different Food necessary. Here it is important one Food group omit. For example, on products with quickly available Carbohydrates be waived. On too Dairy products, alcohol, Cigarettes or one high fat diet can be dispensed with. A strong Reduction in sugar consumption can also be helpful. If you adjust your diet accordingly, nutritional advice may be helpful. Since the process of greasy skin is long, the reverse is also required Normalization of the skin some time. After a week of foregoing a food group, no success is expected.
Occurs after a long time, however no success one, is the cause of the oily skin with high probability Not in their own nutrition to seek and the other reasons of the Skin oiling must be looked at and dealt with more closely. It should be noted that a large proportion of people affected by oily skin are affected by an Change of diet no improvement is felt, as the hormonal component of the skin change predominates here by far. Even not eating certain foods that are suspected of being in the long term cannot help in this case.
Nutrition tips for oily skin
Ferrous foods help with one improved oxygen supply of the body and therefore also of the skin iron at the Oxygen binding capacity of the blood is significantly involved. The better the skin can be supplied with oxygen, the greater its regenerative capacity. To the special ferrous foods belong Pork liver, Wheat bran, Soybeans and lenses. An intake of Iron supplements is - provided there is no iron deficiency - not recommendableas it can lead to an overdose which is harmful to the body as the iron builds up in the body.
The inclusion of zinc helps to improve the complexion in two ways. For one, it affects zinc directly positive to the Sebum production and takes effect directly at the point of Fat overproduction on. On the other hand, zinc ensures an improved Vitamin A metabolism.
Vitamin A in turn is responsible for the growth and differentiation of cells and tissues. If this system works well, or if it is improved by adding zinc, the tissues and thus also the skin are stimulated to grow and regenerate. Zinc can on the one hand locally in the form of Creams or Anoint applied to the skin. On the other hand it can be used as Food supplements be absorbed so that it can work in the body's circulation and thus influence the vitamin A metabolism. It is also possible to take up zinc through food. Have in particular Oysters, Lean meat and Cereal products a high content of zinc. Dairy products have a lower zinc content and vegetables contain almost no zinc, so that a vegetarian and particularly a vegan diet may require additional zinc intake. The important thing for cell structure Vitamin A however, is in many Vegetables to find. This includes Carrots, paprika, Swiss chard, Sweet potatoes, Celery and many other vegetables. The inclusion of the contained therein Vitamin A is only in combination with a feed of fat possible, whereby the amount of fat does not have to be large. However, since vitamin A is fat-soluble, this is the only way the body can absorb it and is not excreted again unused.
Another vitamin is involved in the structure of the skin, hair and nails. It refers to Biotin, which is also called Vitamin H. or Vitamin B7 is known. This vitamin can mainly be found in egg yolk, fish, Beef liver, Walnuts or rice Find.
In addition, it is often taken during pregnancy Folic acid - also as Vitamin 9, Vitamin 11 or Vitamin M known - necessary for cell regeneration. The body cannot produce this vitamin itself and is therefore always dependent on an intake of this vitamin. There Folic acid is involved in the structure of the DNA and is therefore involved in growth processes, this vitamin is particularly useful and needed in rapidly regenerating organ systems and the skin. Folic acid is in Yeasts, Grain germs, Legumes, Veal - and Poultry liver contained in large quantities. In some Vegetables, fruit, fish and Eggs it also contains folic acid, but in lower amounts.
The approach to treatment for oily skin due to diet-related causes is to change one's diet. Food that drives sebum production should be avoided. Instead, more foods should be consumed that promote the regeneration of the skin. In implementing this change in food intake, nutritional advice can be useful.
If this form of treatment does not work, other causes of oily skin must also be considered. The focus is on the hormonal balance, as this is the most common cause of oily skin.
Read more on this topic at: Care of oily skin and Nutritional advice.
A Diet-related oily skin can be combated with a change in diet. However, since in many cases the diet is not the main cause of the problematic skin conditions, it is often changed by the nutrition no success is achieved and the oily skin persists. There one oily skin however no pathological value has, but one cosmetic problem the problem can be dealt with calmly. If necessary, with the help of a Dermatologist the cause of the oily skin can be found out and treated accordingly. Is there a permanent one Overproduction of the sebum glands skin, the pores of the skin become increasingly clogged and inflamed, causing a acne trains that through the increased skin tension and local inflammatory reaction can also be painful.