Rash on the elbow
The skin is the largest immunologically active organ in humans. It forms a natural protective barrier and is in constant contact with our environment.
Various causes can cause the skin to develop rashes (Exanthema) respond.
The following article will look more closely at elbow rashes. This is understood to mean new skin symptoms that can be found on the outside as well as on the inside of the elbow.
However, there is no uniform definition for rashes on the elbow, as it is by no means a uniform clinical picture. There are many different causes for such a rash.
The elbow is a part of the body that is very often affected or at least affected by skin rashes. There are rashes on the outside as well as the inside of the elbow.
The causes are very diverse. In addition to infectious causes, such as viral diseases, allergies, such as on textiles (Contact eczema) or on medication to cause a rash on your elbow.
Parasitic diseases such as itch mite infestation are also very common. Typically, several people in one environment are infected with itch mites.
Clothes lice can also cause a rash on the elbow. It can be transmitted to people in the vicinity through clothing and textiles that are used together.
Another very large field of diseases that can also cause rashes on the elbow are inflammatory or chronic inflammatory diseases.
Two of them deserve special mention, namely atopic dermatitis (neurodermatitis) and psoriasis (psoriasis).
Read more on the topic under:
- Atopic dermatitis
- psoriasis
- Light therapy for psoriasis
Atopic dermatitis is most likely to develop on the inside of the elbow in adults.
Psoriasis, on the other hand, is more likely to be found on the outside of the elbow. They both have an itch in common.
Read more on the subject at: Causes of rash
Rash on the outside of the elbow
The following section aims to provide an overview of the possible causes of a rash on the skin Outside of the elbow represent:
- Psoriasis / psoriasis: Psoriasis is a chronic inflammatory skin disease that occurs in over 90% of cases after the age of 50 occurs. Itchy, red rashes that are accompanied by flaking of the skin are typical. It's usually the Stretch sides affected, so that the outside of the elbow is particularly affected on the arms.
- Atopic dermatitis in the baby: Atopic dermatitis is particularly evident in babies on the outside of the elbows. Typical are a severe itching and a dry skin.
In about 50% of the cases are Food allergies verifiable. - Other causes: The outside of the elbows can also be affected by a rash in many other skin conditions. Many of these rashes are called generalized because they affect much of the surface of the skin.
The classic teething troubles like this are an example of this Measles, mumps, rubella, and chicken pox, which usually affect the entire skin over time. Other causes can be Insect bites, Clothes lice or allergic reaction be.
Rash on the inside of the elbow / inside the elbow
One of the most common causes of a rash in the crook of the elbow is atopic dermatitis, also known as atopic dermatitis. This is a congenital predisposition to the development of scaly skin rashes, with the elbows next to the hollow of the knees and the face and neck area being one of the most frequently affected areas of the body. One speaks of so-called predilection sites. It occurs mainly in childhood and is usually associated with itching, dry skin and redness. Those affected often suffer from food allergies.
A certain form of psoriasis (psoriasis inversa), often appears in the crook of the elbows and in other body folds (e.g. belly folds, gluteal folds). A peeling of the skin in the affected areas is typical for this disease.
If the reddening of the skin is clearly limited to a round area, the cause is more likely to be infectious. The two most common pathogens for such a circular efflorescence (skin appearance) are Borrelia, which can be transmitted via a tick bite, and fungi.
Scabies / itch mite infestation can also cause skin rash in the crook of the elbow. Itch mites are skin parasites that are transmitted from person to person. They typically cause nighttime itching, redness, and a burning sensation 3 weeks after infection. On the skin you can see red, elongated appearances. These are the mite ducts that the mites form under the skin. The elbows, wrists, and spaces between fingers and toes are often affected.
Please also read: Rash from mites
Furthermore, allergies, insect bites, clothes lice and systemic skin diseases such as scleroderma (an inflammatory rheumatic disease) or lupus erythematosus are conceivable. However, the latter are among the very rare causes.
Concomitant symptoms
A rash on the elbow can have various symptoms depending on the underlying condition.
At parasitic diseases like that Itch mite infestation or the Clothes louse itching is a very common accompanying symptom.
Scratching the skin can be secondary to pain swelling arise.
Redness and swelling can occur, for example, with infectious or inflammatory causes. The psoriasis as well as the Neurodermatitis also go with a Flaking of the skin hand in hand.
At a allergic reaction In the worst case scenario, general symptoms can be like Shortness of breath or cardiovascular problems arise.
Lots Teething problemswhich can cause generalized rashes and which can affect the elbow as well fever and a general exhaustion entail.
Examples are the measles and rubella.
Rash and itching
itching is a very common symptom that occurs with skin rashes.
There are a number of rashes on the elbow that can be itchy.
A common cause is that Itch mite or clothing lice infestation. Especially with itch mites the itching is very strong and agonizing.
Other causes of an itchy rash on the elbow are the Atopic dermatitis (Neurodermatitis) as well as the psoriasis (psoriasis). However, the itching may also be absent.
Allergies to textiles, detergents or other allergens can also lead to itching.
Rash without itching
Lack of itching is typical of some causes of a rash in the crook of the elbow.
These include measles, for example, which usually manifests itself initially as a (itch-free) rash on the face and on the oral mucosa, which then spreads over the whole body.
The rash caused by borreliosis is usually not accompanied by itching and shows a characteristic, ring-shaped reddening with central pallor.
If the rash is caused by a fungal infection (e.g. seborrheic eczema caused by Malassezia furfur), there is usually no itching.
Itching may also be absent from a rash caused by certain medications.
Please also read:
- Medication rash
- Symptoms of measles
- How can you recognize Lyme disease?
Rash caused by sweating
Sweat is an irritant to the skin, partly because of its salt content. As a result, many people suffer from rashes caused by sweating. This heat rash is also known as miliaria and in most cases forms on the face area, as the skin is particularly sensitive here. However, parts of the body where skin rubs against skin (e.g. the crook of the elbow) are particularly prone to the development of a rash as a result of sweating due to the additional mechanical irritation. The rash caused by sweating can manifest itself in the form of a simple reddening or pimples. Infants are particularly often affected, as they are often dressed very warmly and this can lead to an excessive flow of sweat, which clogs the sweat glands.
If the rash in the crook of the elbow occurs in connection with profuse sweating (e.g. during exercise), the clothing must first be questioned. Functional clothing (e.g. made of merino wool) is ideal, which absorbs sweat and thus keeps it away from the skin. It also weakens the skin-irritating effect of skin rubbing, which is inevitable during sport.
Read more about this at: Rash caused by sweating
If a rash in the crook of the elbow does not resolve itself after a few days or if it is accompanied by excruciating itching or general symptoms such as fever and joint pain, a visit to the family doctor or dermatologist is recommended. This can often make an astonishingly accurate estimate of the underlying cause of the rash from the appearance and distribution pattern of the rash as well as from the patient's reports on the development of the rash over time and any accompanying symptoms.
An allergy test is also often done.
If there are still doubts about the exact diagnosis, a blood test may also be necessary, for example to look for antibodies against a certain pathogen that are circulating in the blood. In addition, with neurodermatitis and psoriasis, certain values in the blood are increased and can thus provide clues about the disease.
The therapy of the Rash on elbow understandably depends on the underlying cause. Not every skin rash can be treated immediately. The common causes are discussed here in brief and with attention to theirs therapy being represented.
Therapy of inflammatory diseases
Treatment of the Neurodermatitis is very complex and encompasses both drug and non-drug approaches.
There are various options for external use cortisone creams and Tacrolimus-Ointment to disposal. Also moisturizing creams are good for the irritated parts of the body.
It should also be scratchy clothing and triggering factors such as stress be avoided.
In the psoriasis (Psoriasis) Creams and ointments are mainly used that keratolytic are. This means that they shed the excess skin flakes.
Creams are suitable for this Salicylic acid and urea. Also be Glucocorticoids and other active ingredients applied locally.
For both diseases there are other therapeutic approaches like that Phototherapy (Use of UV rays) and one systemic drug administration in question.
Therapy of parasitic diseases
Of the Itch mite infestation is treated with an ointment containing the active ingredient Permethrin contains. This will kill the mites.
It is important that contact persons are also treated, otherwise mutual contagion will keep coming back.
At the Clothing lice infestation treatment of the skin is not necessary. Only the clothes have to be cleaned with a hygienic washer.
Therapy of bacterial and fungal infections
Skin rashes caused by bacteria will be with Antibiotics treated.
Fungal diseases can be resolved with topical Antifungal drugs fight. These are active ingredients that are effective against fungi and are applied locally to the skin.
Duration of the rash
Elbow rashes can vary in duration. The course can also be very different.
During parasitic diseases with a consequent therapy mostly after one to two weeks heal, diseases such as atopic dermatitis and psoriasis often show chronic coursesthat are associated with recurring attacks and symptom-free intervals.
Therefore, it is difficult to establish a blanket duration for a rash on the elbow.
There are skin rashes that last a few days to weeks, but also chronic diseases that show long-term courses.
Rash on the elbow in the child
It is not uncommon for children to experience rashes. There are a variety of conditions that lead to skin manifestations in children.
The region of the elbow is also not an uncommon location for a rash.
The most important causes are to be named in this section, but no claim is made to be complete.
Teething problems
The classic teething problems include of the Scarlet fever, the measles, rubella and Ringlet rubella. What they have in common is that they typically cause a skin rash that has the whole body concerns.
As part of these diseases, the elbows and the outside of the elbows are also often affected. Concomitant symptoms such as Fever and fatigue are not uncommon.
Infectious mononucleosis
As part of an infection with the EBV virus (Kissing Disease, Infectious Mononucleosis, Glandular Pfeiffer fever) a large, blotchy, red rash may appear, which especially on the trunk and on the arms and legs occurs.
Typically it comes to high fever and one Tonsillitis. Young people are particularly affected.
Atopic dermatitis
Atopic dermatitis is the most common skin disease of childhood. Especially in the Infants and adolescents the typical rash occurs in the elbows, but also shows other localizations.
Typically the skin dry and reddened. Severe itching is perceived by those affected as particularly unpleasant.
Lice diseases and scabies
Parasitic diseases are also not uncommon in children. Especially through the close contact of the children in kindergarten or school is especially with an infestation with Itch mites assume a high risk of infection.
This is shown by red, lumpy, severely itchy skin changes on the bend of the elbow and the Areas of skin between the fingers.
This skin disorder manifests itself by strong itchy, scaly rasheswhich mainly occur on the outside of the elbows.
The disease occurs 10% in children, but is far more common in adults.
Rash on baby
Babies and newborns also occasionally experience rashes on their elbows.
Probably the most common cause of a rash on the elbow in babies is the Atopic dermatitis which develops between the 3rd and 6th month of life.
In contrast to older children, the typical red, itchy rash in babies does not appear on the bend of the elbow but on the outside. Often the face is also affected.
Other causes of a rash on the elbow in babies are also parasitic infestations with itch mites or Intolerance reactions and Allergies.