Rash without itching
A rash (Rash) can have different causes and manifestations. Some of these clinical pictures are not accompanied by pronounced itching, which distinguishes them from other skin diseases.
There are also a number of diseases that, along with other symptoms, also cause a rash that is not always itchy.
It is important to note that every person affected can react differently to the respective disease. In the case of the same illness, for example, severe itching can be in the foreground in one person, whereas this is not perceived as strongly in another person with the same illness.
For more information, see the main Rash article.
The causes of a skin rash that is not accompanied by or with little itching can be very different.
The causes of rashes can be divided into different categories. You can infectious in nature, i.e. caused by a certain pathogen, or by Drug induced be, as well as due to a toxic or allergic reaction occur. Also can Rash from exposure to the sun to be triggered.
Especially Infectious diseases can cause a rash that is not necessarily itchy.
So typically the rash that comes with the measles is not associated with an itchiness. Measles is a highly contagious infectious disease that caused by a virus will and mostly children concerns. Through comprehensive Vaccinations in many parts of the world the disease has become rare in Europe. In 2013 there were 1,769 documented cases of measles in Germany. A typical symptom of measles is the rash, which usually occurs on the 12th to 13th day of the disease and on Face and oral mucosa begins and then get from there distributed over the whole body. The rash usually disappears after about 5 days and does not cause itching.
You can find more on the topic at: Is my rash contagious?
A colonization of the skin with a certain mushroom (Malassezia furfur) can cause a rash, which seborrheic eczema is called.
This occurs because flakes of skin loosen with the fungus and the skin underneath is reddened. Most are Hairline and Nostrils affected by the disease. Children and people of the male sex are particularly affected by colonization of the skin with this fungus.
A rash can also result as a result Taking certain medications form. Especially Antibiotics, certain Painkiller, and Drugs for epilepsy are known for the possibility of such a reaction occurring. Depending on the severity of the reaction, such a rash need not be accompanied by itching.
Another condition that typically causes a non-itchy rash is the so-called Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE). This autoimmune disease goes with one, because of the form as "Butterfly erythema"Designated rash. It forms in the face and extends over the affected person's nostrils. Typically, however, the rash is not itchy and disappears completely with therapy. In addition, as a sign of the inflammatory reaction affecting the whole body, reddening can occur in other areas of the skin, which also usually do not itch.
Another infectious disease that is associated with a typical rash is infection with certain bacteria, the Borrelia. Is usually infected by one Tick bite (Also read our topic: Tick bite during pregnancy) The target-shaped rash usually develops after about 5-29 days. This rash, which is called Wandering redness (Erythema chronicum migrans) occurs in the first stage of infection. The rash usually does not itch and usually spreads in a circle to all sides.
This is not to be confused Granuloma annulare, which is very similar to the clinical appearance of Lyme disease. In contrast to erythema migrans, which is caused by Borrelia, the papules in granuloma annulare are raised and can occur in several parts of the body.
Another rash that usually has little or no itching is a rash that results from a HIV infection. In addition to other symptoms, about 50-70% of infected people develop a rash on the skin about 1-4 weeks after being infected with the virus. Skin rashes from other causes are also typical of an infection with HIV, as the immune system of the person affected is considerably weakened. Fungi in particular can multiply on the skin and cause a rash.
Rash without itching from stress
The skin as an externally visible organ reacts very sensitively to changes in the Hormonal balance. The smallest fluctuations in this equilibrium, as they can be triggered by stress and strain, lead to changes in the function of all organs, whereby the changes in the skin are visible to us from the outside.
The utterance, however, is very different. While some sufferers with Pimples and blemished skin react, others get an unspecific rash. This can occur on all parts of the body and take on different shapes and dimensions. Often there is no itchiness. After a stressful period has subsided, the rash will go away relatively quickly.
Otherwise, the rash can be caused by stress only treated symptomatically by e.g. a rich cream is applied when dry.
Whether a person gets a rash at all from stress is genetically determined on an individual basis, so many people in physical or emotional stressful situations do not have rashes but rather other symptoms such as stomach pain.
A skin rash is by definition a extensive, mostly uniform change in the skin to an immunological response from the body. The increased blood flow to the affected areas causes the skin to appear red where the rash occurs.
In most diseases that can cause a rash that is not accompanied by itching, the rash that occurs is only part of the symptoms. Symptoms can vary greatly depending on the cause of the rash.
At acute infectious diseases for example, are usually a part of the rash that occurs general feeling of illness such as fever in the foreground.
Burning or pain in the affected skin areas can also occur with various clinical pictures.
In the event of a skin rash of unknown cause, a doctor should be consulted for clarification, even if the affected areas do not itch.
Rash on the abdomen without itching
A rash can also affect the abdomen and there are several possible causes that need to be considered. Often the cause is an allergy, e.g. Cosmetic products or detergents in question. Medicines (e.g. antibiotics such as penicillin) can also cause a rash on the stomach a few hours to days after ingestion. In this case, the drug should be discontinued immediately and the attending physician should be consulted.
Excessive exposure to the sun can also cause a kind of rash on the stomach, which is sometimes associated with, sometimes without a rash (skin rash from the sun).
Sometimes a rash on the stomach is also caused by stress. The skin is an organ that reacts very sensitively to changes in the hormonal balance and so it can lead to a rash, which some patients describe as itchy, in others this itching is completely absent.
Finally, a rash on the stomach can also occur as part of infections. A local infection with bacteria or fungi (limited to the abdomen) or a general infection, which is usually triggered by viruses, is possible. These include rubella, rubella, measles, and mumps. These so-called childhood diseases are highly contagious and can affect both children and adults, although the course can often be severe in adults and especially pregnant women. Vaccination for your own good and that of those around you is therefore a very effective prevention.
In the case of this disease, the rash is accompanied by various other symptoms, which often include fever, fatigue and swelling of the lymph nodes. In some patients the rash may be partially itchy, in others it may be completely absent. In other diseases such as chickenpox, however, the itching is characteristic.
A characteristic rash on the abdomen, usually found in the elderly or in patients with a weakened immune system, is shingles (Herpes zoster). Its pathogen is the varicella, with which most people come into contact in the form of chickenpox in childhood and which subsequently persist in the nervous system. In shingles, reactivation occurs, the viruses spread along nerve fibers in the stomach and chest area. The shape of the rash is typically belt-shaped, as the supply area of a sensitive nerve is affected. The rash appears in the form of spots and blisters and is often very painful, itching is not obligatory.
Read more about this under: Rash on the abdomen
Often rashes are localized near the genital area. Read more on the topic Rash in the genital area
Rash on the face without itching
A rash on the face can have different causes and take different forms. Depending on the patient, severe itching can occur in the same disease or it is completely absent, depending on the severity of the disease and the sensitivity of the patient. The diagnosis should be made by the dermatologist, who can often deduce a cause from the anamnesis and precise inspection of the rash and start therapy.
A rash on the face is often associated with considerable distress for those affected, as the patients feel disfigured and are approached by others about the rash.
Contact dermatitis is often the trigger, and various irritants such as pollen (skin rash caused by pollen), certain foods, cosmetics or animal hair can trigger the rash. If the irritant is avoided, the rash will typically resolve.
Read more on this topic at: Contact dermatitis
Eczema on the face (small patches of inflammation on the skin) are often triggered by environmental influences or cosmetics.
A common cause, especially in adolescence, are acne diseases, which are typically associated with purulent pustules (skin rash with pustules).
In childhood, skin rashes on the face often occur as part of infectious diseases such as chickenpox, measles or rubella, all of which are highly contagious and sometimes occur with or without itching. Chronic inflammatory diseases such as neurodermatitis or psoriasis also often manifest themselves on the face, but are often accompanied by severe itching.
In adults, sexually transmitted diseases can also lead to rashes on the face, often accompanied by symptoms on the genitals such as itching or rashes. Many germs such as bacteria or certain fungi can also lead to rashes and inflammation on the face.
Certain medications such as antibiotics (especially penicillins) can also lead to rashes on the face; the time the rash appears a few hours to days after taking the medication. It is not uncommon for excessive exposure to sunlight to be the cause of a rash on the face, which may or may not be itchy.
Read more about this under: Rash on the face
Rash without itching in the baby
A skin rash is not uncommon in babies, the reasons are diverse, as in adulthood. The rash can appear anywhere on the body, often in the face, in the Diaper area or sweaty parts of the body such as the elbow or squat. Whether the rash is accompanied by itching is sometimes difficult to judge in babies, as the little patients cannot express themselves and cannot scratch all parts of the body. However, if the child is very restless and whining, this can of course be traced back to an annoying itch.
In many cases, a rash is in babies harmless and can be treated with simple means. The so-called Diaper rash, an unspecific umbrella term for mostly acute irritation of the skin in the buttocks area. The urea contained in the urine irritates the skin, especially when wearing diapers, and it can become too Rashes and sores come. If these are also infected with a bacterium or fungus, one speaks of one Diaper rash or. Diaper thrush.
Babies can also participate various teething problems disease, some of which typically pass without itching. This includes e.g. mumps, a highly contagious infectious disease caused by mumps viruses, which mainly affects children, but can also affect unvaccinated adults and can be very difficult there.
Of course, all causes that lead to a rash without itching in adults can also trigger the same symptoms in babies. These include e.g. Intolerances of cosmetics or Drug allergies (e.g. against penicillin). Also one Food intolerance or additives in convenience foods can cause a rash in babies. Then partly kick other symptoms like indigestion.
Other specific skin conditions such as psoriasis (psoriasis) or Atopic dermatitis in babies are often accompanied by severe itching. Babies are also very sensitive to UV radiation, which can be caused by excessive exposure sunlight severe rashes occur. For this reason, babies should best be protected by clothing and a high sun protection factor, and strong sunlight and midday sun should be consistently avoided.
Rash without itching in the child
Many children suffer from rashes from time to time. As with adults, this can have and is a wide variety of causes mostly harmless.
Often children react to Detergent or care products with a rash. This is particularly likely if the rash appears after switching to new products and disappears after switching off those products.Generally it is recommended for babies and children Products without perfumes and dyes to use, which can often lead to irritation.
A dry, red rash with tears on the skin Earlobe, of the Elbow or other specific body parts may be indicative of Neurodermatitis (a chronic inflammatory skin disease) that occurs with or without itching.
Finally, a rash often occurs with one Infectious disease on. The children often have other symptoms (depending on the illness, often fever, fatigue, etc.) and the rash appears relatively suddenly at the beginning or during the course of the illness. The shape of the rash is in part very characteristic of the disease in question and decisive for the diagnosis of the disease.
At measles is the occurrence initially one Redness of the palate and then a widespread rash (often starting behind the ear and spreading over the whole body) is typical. In many cases, the rash typically runs without itching. In this disease, the rash resolves on its own after a few days.
At rubella (Rubella) the rash typically starts on the face and spreads to the trunk and extremities. However, this is single spotsthat do not confluence (flow together). Fever, swelling of the lymph nodes, and headache or body aches were often associated with this. In general, it can be said that especially in children with one and the same illness, one child can experience severe itching, while it can be completely absent in the next child.
Are specialists in diagnosing a rash Dermatologists. They can diagnose the disease using different methods. At the beginning of the diagnosis of a disease there is usually a detailed doctor-patient discussion: the anamnese. During this conversation, a number of diseases can be ruled out and under certain circumstances one or two possible causes for the rash that occurs can be considered.
Depending on the appearance and accompanying symptoms, an anamnesis is performed physical examination the data subject. It is important for the doctor whether the rash is accompanied by flaking skin, where the rash occurs and whether it can be pushed away with a finger or not.
If a rash occurs for no known reason and without itching, it is always a good idea to to see a doctor, so that Diagnosis made, and the causes can be treated, if possible.
The treatment of the rash depends entirely on the cause of the skin change. Usually comes first Treatment of the triggering factor.
The typical diseases that are associated with a non-itchy rash are treated very differently. There is no causal therapy against measles or HIV, and therapy can only be given symptomatically.
If a seborrheic rash is present, an antifungal ointment will help. The wandering redness, which as a result of an infection with Borrelia after a Tick bite develops, or a rash as a reaction to a certain drug, disappears by itself after a few days.
Many herbal ingredients are good at treating rashes by relieving potential itching and anti-inflammatory properties. By moisturizing and supplying important nutrients, they also help make the skin more resilient.
You can read more information on this topic here: Home remedies for a rash
Further causes
You can find more information about rashes without itching here:
- Main subject rash
- Rash causes
- Rash from allergy
- Rash after vaccination
- Rash baby
- Rash in children
- Rash red spots
- Rash on face
- Rash HIV
- Rash pregnancy
- Back rash
- Rash on the abdomen
- Rash in the crook of the elbow
- Red spots on the body
Other general topics that may also interest you:
- measles
- allergy
You can find an overview of the previously published topics in dermatology under Dermatology A-Z.