Does a tingling sensation indicate a herniated disc?
General information
A disc prolapse can cause very different symptoms and consequences.
A commonly perceived symptom are Paresthesia in the form of tingle at the most varied of locations. The tingling is known in medicine as "Paraesthesia“And can be identified by the processes at the Spine which are caused by the incident are explained.
The location at which the tingling sensation is perceived is determined by the Height of the herniated disc significantly influenced. Depending on which one nerve If the incident is affected, the tingling sensation and other symptoms may appear in different parts of the body.
The tingling will be not treated in isolation, since the therapy of the herniated disc itself is in the foreground and if the therapy is successful, the abnormal sensations usually disappear.
Other accompanying symptoms that may indicate a herniated disc
Tingling sensations in various parts of the body is one of the most common symptoms after a herniated disc. The tingling sensation can occur in different parts of the body, depending on the location of the incident.
Along with the tingling sensation, other symptoms such as pain or disorders of sensitivity or motor skills can occur in the same place.
The symptoms that occur after a herniated disc are typically localized to a region on the body and can radiate into the arms and legs. A herniated disc should be assumed as a possible cause, especially if the tingling persists for a long time and this is not due to accidental pinching of a nerve by pressure.
To be sure that the perceived symptoms are symptoms of a herniated disc, a doctor should be consulted who can undertake a comprehensive diagnosis. The therapy for the tingling sensation that arises in the context of a herniated disc depends on the therapy of the incident itself. As soon as the nerves are relieved by the herniated disc therapy, the tingling usually disappears by itself.
The totality of the occurring symptoms and a physical examination can help the attending physician make the suspected diagnosis of a herniated disc. The diagnosis of a herniated disc is usually certain after performing magnetic resonance imaging.
Read more about this at: Symptoms of a herniated disc
Appointment with a specialist for a herniated disc?
I would be happy to advise you!
Who am I?
My name is dr. Nicolas Gumpert. I am a specialist in orthopedics and the founder of .
Various television programs and print media report regularly about my work. On HR television you can see me every 6 weeks live on "Hallo Hessen".
But now enough is indicated ;-)
A herniated disc is difficult to treat. On the one hand it is exposed to high mechanical loads, on the other hand it has great mobility.
Therefore, treating a herniated disc requires a lot of experience.
The aim of any treatment is treatment without surgery.
Which therapy achieves the best results in the long term can only be determined after looking at all of the information (Examination, X-ray, ultrasound, MRI, etc.) be assessed.
You can find me in:
- Lumedis - your orthopedic surgeon
Kaiserstrasse 14
60311 Frankfurt am Main
Directly to the online appointment arrangement
Unfortunately, it is currently only possible to make an appointment with private health insurers. I hope for your understanding!
Further information about myself can be found at Dr. Nicolas Gumpert
Tingling on the arm
A tingling sensation on poor perceived can occur there for various reasons. An impairment of certain nerves is usually responsible for the discomfort.
A herniated disc the Cervical and thoracic spine can also be the cause of the tingling on the arm. This leads to an impairment of the nerves which leave the spine in the direction of the arm at the point of the herniated disc.
Since herniated discs on the cervical and thoracic spine are relatively rare, the tingling sensation on the arm is also only rarely a sign a herniated disc. If the symptoms persist for a long time or if they are accompanied by other complaints, it is still advisable to see a doctor.
Tingling in the hand
In addition to other places on the body, the tingling sensation may occur after a Herniated disc of the cervical spine occurs on the hands.
Typically, the herniated disc, which causes discomfort in the hands, is the Neck- or Thoracic spine localized. The nerves of the cervical and thoracic spine are responsible for the sensory and motor functions of the hand and arm.
If these nerves are impaired, it can therefore Paresthesia such as Functional failures come. A tingling sensation in the hand does not necessarily have to be associated with a herniated disc.
If the one running on the arm is clamped annoy tingling may also occur. If the symptoms persist for a long time, a doctor should be consulted for clarification.
Tingling in the leg
One of the most common places where the typical tingling sensation can occur are the legs.
This is due to the typical localization of a herniated disc. Most herniated discs arise in the lumbar spine. Since this is where the nerves run, which supply the legs and especially the feet in a sensitive and motorized manner, failures and abnormal sensations often occur in this region.
Other typical symptoms besides a tingling sensation in the leg that suggest a herniated disc in the lumbar spine are the inability to lift the toes and sensory disturbances (such as numbness) in the foot and leg.
If a herniated disc triggers tingling in the leg, the disorders more often only occur on one side, but rarely the tingling in the legs can affect both sides.
If you suffer from other symptoms in the leg, read our topic:
- Tingling on the leg - what's behind it?
Tingling on the foot
Foot complaints are common symptoms which are part of a Herniated disc of the lumbar spine may occur. In addition to motor disorders, it can lead to a Tingling on the foot come. The exact location of the symptoms of a herniated disc can often provide information about the height of the spine at which the herniated disc of the lumbar spine is located.
The tingling sensation on the foot is caused by the impairment of the nerves caused by the herniated disc. In addition to a herniated disc in the lumbar spine, temporary pinching of the nerves can lead to tingling in the foot.
Tingling in the big toe
A tingling sensation on big toe can be caused by different causes. A herniated disc the Lumbar spine can be responsible for the tingling sensation, among other things. Since the same nerve components supply other parts of the foot and the lower leg in addition to the big toe, it is not uncommon for tingling to occur on other parts of the foot and leg in addition to the big toe.
The tingling sensation is caused by an incident Nerve root irritation caused.
Tingling in the genital area
Tingling in the genital area is relative in the context of a herniated disc frequent Symptom. The genital area is supplied by nerves which the Spine left in the lumbar area. In the event of an incident in this region, the nerves that are responsible for the sensitive supply of the genital area can be impaired.
However, the tingling sensation in the genital area can also be caused by a variety of other medical conditions. Especially if the tingling occurs only in certain positions and temporarily, it is usually one other disease responsible for the complaints.
If the tingling sensation in the genital area persists, you should medical advice and the cause can be found.
Tingling in the face
A Tingling in the face can arise due to different causes. However, a herniated disc cannot be the cause of the symptom. The skin In contrast to other parts of the body, the face is not supplied by nerves that leave the spine in their course. Instead, a certain nerve (Trigeminal nerve) responsible for the sensitive care of the face. This runs from brain straight to the face and leaves the facial bones in different places.
In a herniated disc, the nerves that run in the spinal canal are irritated. The areas that are supplied by these nerves are typically noticeable in a herniated disc with symptoms such as tingling. Since the nerve that supplies the face does not run in the spinal canal, a herniated disc cannot be held responsible for the discomfort in the face.
In summary, abnormal sensations, such as tingling of the skinDepending on the location of the symptoms, they can be caused by a herniated disc. Abnormal sensations caused by the Legs or on foot occur because herniated discs in the lumbar spine are particularly common.
A medical clarification of the symptoms is recommended in any case, especially if the symptoms persist without an apparent cause. Typically, however, other symptoms occur in addition to the tingling sensation, which are also caused by the disc prolapse caused.
This is particularly important when pain occurs at the same time movewhich radiate to other parts of the body as well as numbness and motor failures to think of a herniated disc.