Kinesio tape
Kinesio-, K-Active-, Kinematic-, Chiro-, Pino-, Medi- or K-Taping
Kinesio taping is a treatment technique in which highly elastic adhesive strips on the skin can be glued on to achieve different effects.
The term kinesio taping should not be confused with the so-called Tape bandage from the Orthopedics.
This method was developed by him just over thirty years ago Japanese chiropractor Kenzo Kase. He was looking for a way to Pain to alleviate naturally without medication. For this he initially used skin-colored adhesive strips, which he first tested on sumo wrestlers, as one of them increased injury potential consists. In 1987, he even used this method on his dog, a Chihuahua, when it was bitten by a much larger dog to relieve his pain.
It is now Kinesio taping Also quite common in Germany, especially under Athletes. It is estimated that as many as thirty to forty percent of Olympians now use kinesio taping.
Kinesio taping is said to relieve pain and that Blood circulation improve in the treated areas. It mainly aims at muscular problemsthat can cause a number of problems and diseases.
Do this extremely elastic, a few centimeters wide, breathable and based on cotton manufactured adhesive strips on the skin applied near painful areas.
The effect is explained by the fact that the tapes put the skin under tension and thus the uppermost skin layers slightly raised the upper layers of the skin are lifted and with every movement lightly massaged. This should make the Blood flow and Lymphatic drainage are facilitated and promoted so that injured regions can be better supplied with blood to the the body's own recovery process to promote.
In addition, the Inflammatory response and for injuries the Accumulation of blood or tissue fluid a swelling and thus pressure on those sitting between the skin layers Pain receptors. The elastic tapes reduce the pressure on the receptors, resulting in a Pain relief can lead.
This makes it possible to move the affected body parts normally again. As a result, less relieving postures be taken and painful cramps be avoided. The kinesio tapes also offer a certain stability, direct the direction of movement and, above all, promote it Perception of the muscles, one's own resilience and mobility, the so-called Proprioceptionwhat better move and one Improve muscle tone (Muscle tension). Due to the elastic properties, however, they do not restrict the range of motion, so there is no stiffening or so-called Contractures arise.
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Kinesio taping is used to treat injuries, especially in the case of:
- Sports injuries,
- like torn hamstring
- Back pain / herniated disc
and - Tension pain
- Edema treatment
- Joint pain
- Posture corrections
and - Overuse symptoms
- like tennis elbow
or - Tendinitis
or one - Achilles tendonitis
- like tennis elbow
We have dedicated a completely separate topic to the kinesio tape for a herniated disc.
Read more on this topic at: Herniated disc (kinesio) taping
Headaches and menstrual pain also belong to the scope of kinesio taping and it can also be used for lymph drainage, as it promotes lymph drainage as described.
It is also popular for the prevention of sports injuries, especially for preventing leg cramps in marathon runners.
The kinesio tapes remain on the skin for a few days up to two weeks.
They are offered in different colors, which are said to have different positive effects. Red is said to promote blood circulation, yellow to brighten the mood and blue to have a calming effect.
However, the inventor once said in an interview that he originally used it in beige, i.e. skin-colored, and only offered other colors that the patients liked better when some patients complained about the color.
Kinesio taping is also used for injuries to the finger joint. As a result of accidents or unnatural stresses on the ligaments on the finger, this can also lead to overstretching. Read more about this under: Overstretched finger
Kinesio taping on the knee
Discomfort in the knee joint can severely limit the quality of life and physical resilience. Kinesiotape is said to help against a wide variety of complaints in the knee area. The tension created by the tape is said to relieve pain and stimulate blood flow.
In general, it is important for the Kinesiotape treatment that the tape is attached correctly for an optimal effect of the treatment. The way in which the tape is applied to the knee joint differs depending on the symptoms. It may therefore be necessary to have someone who is familiar with the treatment apply the kinesio tape. In general, the kinesio tape usually runs around the kneecap and comes together again above and below the knee. This is supposed to stabilize the knee and the area around the knee, and to relieve the pain that often occurs around the kneecap.
Nevertheless, if symptoms persist in this area, you should definitely consult a doctor who can rule out major damage and illnesses if necessary. Especially in the knee area, the cause of the pain may be a meniscus damage or a strain.
Read more on this topic under: Taping your knees
Kienesiotaping the calf
The kinesio tape can be used on the calf for several diseases. It can prove to be very helpful in the case of strains, tight muscles or torn muscle fibers.
There are several ways to apply the tape, each different depending on the cause.
Starting from the sole of the foot, the tape is attached towards the hollow of the knee. Depending on the technique, a Y-shaped tape can be used here or several long tapes with different courses are attached.
Kienesiotaping the shoulder
The shoulder is needed for almost every movement in everyday life. An impairment here is quickly noticeable, as the simplest movements lead to pain.
There are many causes that can lead to shoulder problems and depending on the cause, the tape must be applied accordingly. Accordingly, there are many different ways of taping the shoulder.
However, there is a base tape that can be applied if the shoulder pain cannot be precisely localized. It supports the large shoulder muscle, the deltoid muscle, which covers the entire roof of the shoulder.
A Y-shaped tape is needed that is attached to the base of the muscle on the outside of the upper arm. The legs of the Y are then glued around the front and back of the deltoid muscle so that they overlap on the shoulder at the end.
Kienesio taping on the foot
In the area of the foot, the ankle is most often taped. Not only for athletes, it is a heavily stressed joint that can be supported by kinesio tape in case of pain.
In both acute and chronic pain, tape can help stabilize the ankle and relieve pain under stress. Donning is also often a helpful measure in the case of inflammation or after sports injuries.
The kinesio tape is applied to the seated patient. The toes should be pulled up slightly to create a right angle between the foot and lower leg. The first tape is then placed above the inner ankle and stuck with strong tension over the inner ankle and over the heel to the sole of the foot. It is then glued over the outer ankle without excessive tension and then attached to the outer calf. Then three shorter strips of tape are glued across the pain point.
Even with hallux valgus, the so-called crooked toe, i.e. a misalignment of the big toe, a kinesio tape can be put on to reduce the discomfort and for support. Starting from the metatarsophalangeal joint of the big toe, one side of the tape strip is fixed towards the heel. The other side runs behind the big toe, through the space between the first and second toe and is then fixed on the metatarsophalangeal joint after being wrapped around the toe again. Then a shorter strip is glued across the metatarsophalangeal joint
Kienesio taping on the elbow
Tape can be placed on the elbow if there is inflammation or chronic pain. It is often used to relieve the symptoms of what is known as tennis elbow.
For this purpose, a long strip is glued from the back of the hand over the forearm to just below the elbow. The second shorter strip is glued diagonally from the elbow to the inside of the forearm. It is important that it does not run through the crook of the elbow.
In addition to this method, there are also others that start on the outside or the inside of the elbow and should support it. Which method is used depends on the patient's complaints and requires an accurate diagnosis.
You can find out more about taping tennis elbow here.
You might also be interested in the following article: Inflammation of the periosteum on the elbow.
Kienesio taping on the back
Kinesio tapes on the back can help relieve back pain, as they support the muscles in painful movements. A tape can fulfill this function especially in the lumbar spine area.
Here, too, there are various ways of attaching the tape. Basically, a long strip is fixed with the base on the sacrum and glued to the side of the lumbar spine towards the head. Either two long strips can be used for this, one for each side, or one long strip in the shape of a Y.
However, there are also tape methods for the back at thoracic level. Here a long strip of kinesio tape is glued parallel to the thoracic spine and a third short strip across the pain point, i.e. at right angles to the other two.
Kinesio tape can help with pain in the neck area due to sports injuries or strains. A Y-shaped tape can be attached with the Y-legs running along the side of the neck.
If the neck pain affects only one side or if it radiates from the shoulder, a tape method that is one-sided and involves the shoulder should be used. This is the only way to permanently relieve neck pain.
Kienesio taping on the Achilles tendon
The Achilles tendon is the thickest and strongest tendon in the body. Kinesio tape can help relieve inflammation and pain, which are often the result of overuse.
First a long tape in the shape of a Y is required. I can make this myself by cutting about two thirds of a normal tape. Starting from the pain point of the Achilles tendon, this is attached to the bottom of the sole of the foot and the split part is glued to the inside and outside of the calf down to the hollow of the knee. The ends of both tapes stick on top of each other so that the tape cannot peel off as quickly. The second shorter tape is also attached to the Achilles tendon and the sole of the foot and is glued from there straight over the calf to about the middle. A third short tape is stuck across the Achilles tendon. The last short tape is needed to attach the two long tapes under the sole of the foot and is therefore stuck across here.
Kinesio taping the neck
Pain in the neck area is a very common symptom of many people. They can be very uncomfortable and severely reduce the quality of life. The pain in the neck can be very different, which is why the application in this area should always be based on the specific pain.
The tape can not only be used for muscle pain, but has also been used in the treatment of headaches related to muscular problems in the neck area. In order not to aggravate the pain, it is especially important in this area that the tape is not attached improperly. Since this area of the body is difficult to access for oneself, it is advisable to ask someone to apply the tape.
Kinesio taping ankle
Ankle pain usually indicates an ankle problem. This often results from a "buckled foot". A broken bone or a torn ligament should be clarified by the attending physician.
If there is pain in this area, many patients also use kinesiotape. This can help to alleviate the symptoms and counteract restricted mobility. The kinesiotape can be used for a wide variety of diseases in this area. It can be used to stabilize this area, as well as to treat inflammation and pain in the event of overload.
There are different ways to apply the kinesiotape to the ankle area. As always, it is important to pay attention to where the pain occurs and to coordinate the application of the tape. Most applications focus on stabilizing the joint and enclosing the ankle with the tape.
A treatment with Kinesio tapes is not covered by the statutory health insurance and must paid by the patient himself become.
The price of taping a single one Joint can be between 5 and 6 euros, depending on the doctor plus other costs, such as anamnesis or chiropractic treatments. This can result in costs of around 10 - 13 euros for a tape. Many private health insurance companies reimburse the costs.
Some patients have moved on to themselves to tape yourself. However, some experts see this with critical eyes, as they think kinesio taping belongs in the hands experienced therapist. You justify this with the fact that the skin need a certain voltage for the taping to work. However, if you apply the tapes yourself, the Twisting when sticking the fabric placed under improper tension.
In addition, it is part of such treatment, including the Treat the causes and not just the effects using the kinesio tapes. Also be good anatomical knowledge important.
Showers with kinesio tape
Since kinesio tape is often supposed to stay attached to the skin for longer, it is important that it is protected from external influences such as water, dirt, sweat, etc.
That is why showering with kinesio tape is not a problem either.After showering with kinesio tape, it is important to note that the affected area should not be dried off normally, but rather dabbed with a towel to prevent accidental removal of the tape. Since kinesio tape does not contain any adhesives, but has self-adhesive properties due to the special acrylic coating, there is no fear that the tape will come off by itself when you shower.
However, the effectiveness of kinesio taping becomes great controversial. So far just lies very little study material which scientific standards meet.
These studies don't show a great effect of Kinesio tapes compared to other tapes. Apparently a certain one could Effect on muscle activity are shown, a benefit in terms of Pain reduction however could not be proven. Only one study was able to compare the speed of the Pain reduction from movement pain compared to placebo, however no reduction in resting pain.
It is believed that most of the effects of kinesio taping tend to be on Placebo effect are based, which still has to be proven. In this respect she knows sports medicine not much about this method of treatment. However, it is not necessary to reject them because of this, after all, what the Patients report. Many seem to be from kinesio taping too benefit and in sports medicine this procedure has long been used established.