To run
Running is currently still one of the number 1 fat killers in Germany. Although sports such as Nordic walking are increasingly on the rise, jogging is the most common remedy used against obesity. Compared to other endurance sports, running has the advantage that it can be used practically anywhere, takes very little time and, in connection with a dosed strength training, guarantees the highest possible success. Running is the most cost-effective variant of active fat burning and is possible at practically any age . In no other endurance sport is a comparable number of kilocalories burned in the same time as running. However, the increased calorie consumption per unit of time also leads to faster fatigue of the muscles. Beginners often reach their performance limits quickly and break off the training due to a loss of motivation. If you are very overweight, there is also a greatly increased strain on the knee, ankle and hip joints. At least every endurance athlete should have tried running, but beginners are advised to use other endurance sports.
Tips for running training
This section takes a closer look at the classic endurance discipline of running. In the past few years, off-road running (crossrunning) more and more into the field of ambitious recreational sports. Running is and will remain the most effective form of endurance performance. However, the correct running technique is a prerequisite for healthy running. In the case of existing orthopedic diseases, a medical examination is necessary at any age. In addition, a professionally performed running analysis is advisable for every athlete in order to determine possible deficits in running style.
Please also read: Correct breathing during running training
Why is running so healthy?
No endurance discipline achieves such pronounced signs of adaptation in the short-term Cardiovascular system like running regularly
- Enlargement of the heart volume
- Lowering blood pressure
- Lowering the resting heart rate
- The heart works more economically
- The general performance increases
- The immune system is strengthened
- Sports loads can be regenerated faster.
The latest studies have shown that physical activity is also age-related Dementia prevent.
The human heart beats an average of 75 times per minute at rest. If the resting heart rate is reduced to 55 beats through regular running, the heart saves more than 10 million beats per year.
Regular running improves the local blood circulation and thus prevents diseases such as arteriosclerosis. In addition, the amount of blood in the body increases, which means that the organism is better supplied with oxygen. Further research has shown that regular running exercise improves general mood.
Also read our article: Running - the endurance sport for body and mind
Who should do without?
The question of the optimal endurance discipline is discussed again and again. Regardless of how the respective discipline works, the question of motivation for a sport is much more crucial. There is no such thing as the best endurance discipline, only an individually preferred one. If you have more fun cycling, you should cycle, regardless of how many kilocalories more running training burns per hour. Durability is crucial for success, and this can only be achieved if there is motivation for doing sports. Beginners with deficits in the area of long-term endurance are often overwhelmed with running training and already reach performance limits and the associated loss of motivation at slow speeds. Sports such as cycling, Nordic walking or swimming are more appropriate here. Especially with swim However, it is important to use the correct technique, as muscle tension is often the cause of incorrect swimming technique.
Likewise, there are athletes who are very overweight who should first use Nordic walking due to the high stress on their joints. The statement "To run is bad for the joints "but it is wrong. Today we know that regular adequate stress on the joints affects the entire passive musculoskeletal system (Bones, ligaments, joints etc.) strengthens.
How fast should you run.
The question of the correct running speed is an interesting topic in sports science. In the past, the resolution for optimal fat burning was a slow pace. Today it is known that fat burning plays a crucial role in the phase after running. Basically, a healthy running pace applies, at which the running route can be completed without problems - the correct running pace. If the running speed or the intensity (heart rate) is increased for a short time, it does not pose any problems. On the contrary, the variation in load / strain always has a positive effect on the muscles and the entire organism. However, higher stress becomes problematic with cardiovascular diseases. A medical examination is therefore advisable before endurance training and at regular intervals.
Learn more about: Fitness training
Typical errors when running are:
Regular running promotes the preservation of health, leads to an increased burning of body fat and increases the general fitness. Nevertheless, particularly athletic beginners often make mistakes.
Typical mistakes include:
- too fast running pace: Beginners often run too fast and thus quickly reach their personal performance limits.
- wrong running technique: Running is only healthy with the right technique. A healthy, smooth running style with slight pronation is a prerequisite for long-term success.
- wrong footwear: The different Running style types need different running shoes with different orthopedic insoles.
- too few or too many breaks: the running training should be divided into 2 to a maximum of 3 units per week. The body has enough time to regenerate. Advanced users can increase their running quota accordingly
- no warming up: The muscles should be warmed up sufficiently, especially in the cold months. Relaxed running is advisable here. see also warming up
- not stretched sufficiently: Stretching is always useful, but should not be done immediately after running. It is better to stretch in days without exercise. However, the effects of stretching should not be overestimated. see also stretching exercises
- wrong diet: A runner's muscles need a sufficient amount of carbohydrates. You should therefore always ensure that the carbohydrate storage is adequately replenished. see also nutrition
The equipment is at To run Relatively inexpensive compared to other endurance sports. However, running shoes and running clothes are crucial for being comfortable while running.
The running shoe is the most important piece of equipment. Although the shoes should last about 1000 km without any problems, they usually lose their important damping properties much earlier. The average running shoe is usually worn for significantly more than 1000 kilometers. Those who save on the running shoe are definitely saving at the wrong end. The advice of a professional should always be sought when purchasing a running shoe. Anyone suffering from a misalignment of the feet should find out about insoles from the orthopedic surgeon beforehand. These can avoid long-term complaints in the area of the foot, knee and hip joints. Clothing must always be adapted to the thermal conditions. Breathable runners' clothing is ideal.