Upper abdominal pain and flatulence - what's behind it?


Bloating = flatulence


Upper abdominal pain are a common occurrence. You can quite various causes to have. Flatulence can be used for Pain in the upper abdomen to be responsible.

When determining the cause of upper abdominal pain, it is important to pay attention to when the pain occurs (after eating / before eating), where it is (more on the left, in the middle or on the right), whether it occurs suddenly or over a longer period of time consistently exist. The quality of the pain (stabbing, pressing, dull) can also be an important indicator to determine the cause of the pain.


A common one root cause For Upper abdominal pain put Flatulence These are usually caused by food intake. In principle, foods that promote flatulence include: fiber-rich foods, raw vegetables and legumes (beans), sorbitol-rich foods (as a sugar substitute in soft drinks, chewing gum, among others), asparagus, various types of cabbage and plums. Otherwise there is too individually not well tolerated mealsthat in each person flatulence and thus Pain in the upper abdomen can trigger. In this case, it can initially be helpful, in consultation with the doctor, to try out which foods are involved and to leave them out for a certain time. If the flatulence improves, it should be checked whether this can be deleted from the menu in the future. Of course, it should be noted that if one food is left out, the nutrients are at best replaced by another of the same value. This is best done in consultation with the doctor. With help of a Food diary it is often easier to find out which foods may be responsible for the uncomfortably painful overproduction of gas.

It is also relevant "how" the food was consumed. When eating too quickly, a lot of air is often "swallowed", some of which then also gets into the intestines. Furthermore must on Food allergies/-intolerance thought (see subsection diarrhea).

Upper abdominal pain, gas and diarrhea

Go diarrhea and Upper abdominal pain together, this can be for one, for example Gastrointestinal infection speak. Flatulence can occur in connection with the diarrhea. Often you can feel and hear a "belly gurgling" sound.

Virus infections are particularly common here. Another characteristic of a (virus) infection is the occurrence of fever and chills. Keep the (Upper) abdominal pain longer than 2-3 days and if there is an increase or no improvement in the other symptoms during this period, is a Visiting a doctor is definitely recommended. The doctor will then listen to and palpate the abdomen and, if a cause other than a virus infection is suspected, examine it with the ultrasound device. In the case of a “simple” (viral) infection, treatment usually “only” consists of rest and a sufficient supply of fluids.

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Also at Food intolerance can Flatulence and diarrhea occur in combination. This mainly happens with the Lactose intolerance or fructose intolerance but also with the Celiac disease (Gluten intolerance). Abdominal cramps are often present as additional complaints. Food intolerances can be confirmed with medical tests, which are usually carried out by a gastroenterologist. These include the H2 breath test, which is usually included in Lactose intolerance, bacterial overgrowth and short bowel syndrome are positive or the determination of fat in the stool to determine maldigestion (poor digestion) in the context of celiac disease.

The same applies to allergic reactions to food, with here usually additional symptoms like skin rash or itch stand in the foreground. Well-known foods that are often allergic to are: cow's milk, fish, nuts, legumes (especially peanuts) and soy.
Please also read our article on this Food allergy

Upper abdominal pain, gas, and nausea

Also nausea can with a Food intolerance be represented among the symptoms. Especially with the Lactose intolerance After ingestion of milk sugar (lactose), flatulence, upper abdominal pain and nausea occur. Otherwise, nausea associated with epigastric pain is a fairly unspecific symptom. Another cause of the symptom complex epigastric pain and nausea can be acute or chronic gastritis be. However, flatulence is rarely found here. In the acute gastritis are the Pain usually very strong and there is also vomiting, there is also constant belching and a feeling of fullness. With chronic gastritis, the symptoms usually appear over a long period of time and are often only slightly or hardly noticeable.

At a Ulcer of the stomach (Gastric ulcer) or des Duodenum (Duodenal ulcer) the upper abdominal pain is also rarely associated with flatulence, but all the more with nausea and irregular bowel movementsIf the pain and nausea occur immediately after ingesting food or are independent of food consumption, then this speaks for a gastric ulcer. If they appear sober (especially at night) or if they get better with food, then it is more likely to be a duodenal ulcer. However, the symptoms are not necessarily specific, which is why a diagnosis must be made before treatment can be started.

Upper abdominal pain, gas and bloating

First of all it has to be said that it is completely normal after one big meal a Bloating to get. This is not of direct disease value. Some foods can make you feel full. These include foods that cause gas, such as beans or cabbage, foods that are very fatty, and foods that are heavily sweetened.

Psychological factors how Tension, stress, fear such as depressions can promote a feeling of fullness.

However, if the feeling of fullness occurs more frequently and not in connection with food intake, this can indicate digestive disorders. In addition to the main symptom of "bloating", a Indigestion additionally Flatulence, Eructation, nausea, Vomit and diarrhea occur.

The range of causes is very broad, but roughly you can say that inflammatory bowel disease (how Ulcerative colitis or Crohn's disease), Gastric mucosal inflammation and diseases of the pancreas can play a role. Especially with Crohn's disease, flatulence is also a symptom, but the pain is then often most pronounced in the lower right abdominal cavity. It is good to have a detailed clarification with the doctor if further diagnostic measures are to be carried out, such as the xylose stress test with which one can evaluate the digestion in the upper small intestine.

Upper abdominal pain and gas during pregnancy

In the pregnancy it does indeed come to increased Flatulence. There are various causes for this, depending on the time of pregnancy. There will be a lot at the beginning of pregnancy progesterone produces, which has a relaxation-promoting effect and thus also slows down digestion, what Flatulence, Bloating and Eructation favor after a meal. At a later point in pregnancy, it starts infant on to the To press stomachwhich also slows digestion.

Pain in the right upper abdomen with flatulence

Upper abdominal pain in the right area are typical of Gallbladder problems especially if the pain is sudden and sharp in quality. Gallbladder pain usually occurs after a high-fat meal, when the gallbladder releases its digestive secretions. Symptoms generally associated with a Inflammation of the gallbladder in addition to the upper right abdominal pain, are: nausea, Bloating, Vomit and Flatulence .

Pain in the upper left abdomen with flatulence

Upper abdominal pain in the left area are very rare. Anatomically there is that spleen located, but only causes complaints when it has become very large and thus presses on other organs. Another cause, which most people are likely to know, are simple side stitches as part of a side stitch during sport.

The cause of left side upper abdominal pain could also be in the left kidney or that ureter that are inflamed, for example. However, one would have rather left flank pain and only rarely is the pain projected into the left upper abdomen. In addition, the causes mentioned for left-sided upper abdominal pain usually come in addition no gas in front.

Belt-shaped upper abdominal pain

Belt-shaped upper abdominal pain should urgently be clarified by a doctor, especially if they are also in the Radiate back. These can be signs of an acute Inflammation of the pancreas be (Pancreatitis). More symptoms in one acute pancreatitis are: Flatulence, nausea and Vomit, Jaundice ("Jaundice"), fever, diarrhea with fatty stools and weight loss.

What can be done to prevent painful flatulence?

It is advisable to eat slowly and chew each bite at least 10 times. Lots small meals as opposed to a large one are also beneficial. A walk after the main meal helps to stimulate digestion and thus prevent flatulence. Start taking care of yourself: when does the gas occur? What did you eat before? Did you experience stress at meal times? Try to avoid foods that generally cause gas or that have been found to cause gas in you.

Sweetener and sugary foods should be avoided (with fructose not more than 65g per day recommended). It is best to stop smoking as well as consuming a lot of coffee or caffeine.