M. teres major


Latin: Teres major muscle
English: teres major muscle

Synergists: M. subscapularis, M. latissimus dorsi, M. pectoralis major
Antagonists: M. supraspinatus, M. infraspinatus, M. teres minor, M. deltoideus


The large round muscle belongs to the group of the rear shoulder muscles. It typically runs across the back of the shoulder blade in humans. In addition, the large round muscle is together with the small round muscle (M. teres minor), the three-headed upper arm muscle (M. triceps brachii) and the humerus (Humerus) involved in the formation of the medial and lateral axillary gaps. Important vessels and nerves for the supply of the arms run through the muscle gaps known as axillary gaps.


Approach: Small hump ridge of Upper arm (Crista tuberculi minoris)

Origin: lower Shoulder blade angle (Angulus inferior scapulae)

Innervation: Thoracodorsal nerve (C6-7), Subscapular nerve (C5-6)


The main one function of large round muscle consists in the Raising the arms behind the body. This movement is called Retro version designated. In addition, he plays an important role for the unrestricted Internal rotation and Adduction, i.e. the lateral approach of the arm to the body. In this way it complements the large back muscle (M. latissimus dorsi) in his function, with whose tendon he works together on Humerus starts.

common illnesses

As part of a hypertrophy of the great round muscle muscular training or increased physical exertion can lead to a narrowing of the Axillary nerve in the medial axillary gap - between the large and small round muscles. As a result, temporary or permanent muscle paralysis and sensory disturbances over the skin of the arms can occur.

Furthermore, the muscle fascia of the large round muscle can stick to the fascia of other muscles, e.g. the Triceps come. Fascia are those connective tissue sheaths of a muscle. These adhesions restrict the mobility of the shoulder joint.

In case of tension in the muscle after excessive sporting activity pain occurs locally at the location of the muscle above the shoulder blade, which usually disappears within a few days, provided the muscle is still functionally intact.

Strengthening and stretching