Gastrointestinal problems
Gastrointestinal problems are complaintsthat through the different causes can be evoked and can make themselves felt in different ways.
Gastrointestinal problems cause a large number of different symptoms. On the one hand, you can relate a little more to the stomach or to the intestines. Depending on the cause, both are equally affected. Furthermore, they can suddenly appear as a reaction to, for example, incompatible food and then subside again after a short time, or they can be continuously present.
Typical symptoms of gastrointestinal problems include abdominal pain, some of which can be spasmodic, stabbing or spread over the stomach and dull. Other typical symptoms are nausea, vomiting, gas, constipation and diarrhea. All of this can occur with varying frequency and severity. The loss of appetite can also be an indication of gastrointestinal problems. Heartburn or increased belching are other signs. In some cases, the symptoms can be related to food intake, i.e. appear immediately or a certain amount afterwards and be behind the gastrointestinal problems.
Read more about this under Burning in the stomach.
Pain in the gastrointestinal tract is usually diffuse. With certain diseases, however, the pain can be narrowed down to a precise section of the intestine or a loop of intestine.
Read on below: Pain in a loop of intestine
In addition to gastrointestinal problems, accompanying symptoms can occur, either because they belong to a certain clinical picture or because they were first triggered by the symptoms. These include a general feeling of illness, fever, fatigue, weight loss, headache or the like.
The causes of gastrointestinal problems are very diverse. You can also develop yourself through psychological tension and stress - an event can literally "hit the stomach / intestines". This can be due to an increased production of gastric acid, which in the long term attacks the mucous membrane and can cause damage that can then be very painful. But viral infections can also cause gastrointestinal problems, which occur relatively quickly and usually subside after a few days. They express themselves as a decreased appetite, malaise, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and possibly fever. The main focus is on the loss of fluid, which should definitely be compensated.
Read more on the topic: Low Blood Pressure And Nausea - You Can Do That!
A colonization of the stomach and intestines with the pathogen "Helicobacter pylori" can also attack the mucous membranes and cause problems. The pancreas also makes a major contribution to smooth digestion, as it releases enzymes that break down food components. If it is no longer functional, gastrointestinal problems also arise. Food intolerance and allergies also play an important role in the cause of gastrointestinal problems. Sudden occurrence of gastrointestinal problems with severe vomiting and diarrhea, which has never been experienced before, can in rare cases also be an indication of a cerebral hemorrhage, which should be clarified immediately.
Read about the Fox tapeworm.
The therapy of gastrointestinal problems depends very much on the causes. So you cannot use the same therapy for every gastrointestinal complaint. When having gastrointestinal problems Take a rest, one sufficient amount of water to drink and Light food the discomfort is not noticeable improve within two days should or the Condition deteriorates faster, then one should Consulted doctor for clarification become. Depending on the cause, he can recommend and prescribe appropriate medication.
Read more on the subject at: Medicines for gastrointestinal diseases
First of all, the Context in which the gastrointestinal problems occurred are about that Classify cause, for example if a Food intolerance or a viral infection present. Then a Ultrasound examination bring the abdomen further clarity. There is also Tests to diagnose an intolerance or an allergy, for example the H2 breath test at Lactose intolerance. If there is still uncertainty about one Stomach- or Colonoscopy assess the condition of the mucous membrane and, if necessary, take a small sample of tissue.
The prognosis again depends a lot heavily dependent on the cause of gastrointestinal problems and the Success of therapy from. At uncomplicated courses and when appropriate measures to alleviate the problems have been found, that is Forecast quite goodIn the worst case, the symptoms accompany you for a long time.
Since the Gastric and intestinal mucosa through various processes, such as infection or the Taking antibiotics, can be unbalanced and consequently the "Good" bacteria lose mass, it can be helpful to ingest the bifidobacteria and lactobacilli, which positively support the stomach and intestines. You can either do that via special tablets make or in the form of probiotic yoghurt or quark dishes, provided you have no intolerance to it, thus preventing a sensitive and easily irritable stomach and intestinal mucosa.
To the Stimulate bowel movement, foods with a high percentage of Fiber, if compatible, are used. In addition, for the prophylaxis of gastrointestinal problems, food that you cannot tolerate should be avoided and care should be taken to ensure that everything is prepared during preparation sufficiently cooked is so that harmful germs are not eaten. An AAdequate intake of fluids also has a positive effect on gastrointestinal problems, as well Avoid from excessive amounts of Alcohol and nicotine.
Pregnant / in pregnancy
Gastrointestinal problems are also one big issue in pregnancy. At the beginning, like in the first trimester, if you don't even know that you are pregnant, she is the one who plays nausea a major role. This occurs preferentially rather in the morning on, but can generally be present at any time of the day. The nausea can differently pronounced be accompanied by vomiting, for example, and are aggravated by various triggers such as strong smells or spicy tastes. There is a high probability that this is behind these gastrointestinal problems HCG hormone, "Human Chorionic Gonadotropin", which formed more at the beginning of pregnancy is going to the Implantation of the embryo to guarantee. So you have no pathological factor here, but can still be perceived by the women concerned as very unpleasant. At very strong expression the nausea should be the best attending gynecologist consulted who can then recommend medication for the nausea or other measures.
Also count constipation and Flatulence one of the common gastrointestinal problems in pregnancy. There are two explanations for this. On the one hand presses the one that gets bigger and bigger uterus on the intestinal loops and can thus die Slow down the passage of the intestinal contents. On the other hand, it should Hormone progesterone, which plays an important role in pregnancy Intestinal musclesthat pushes the intestinal contents forward through regular, rhythmic contraction, slacken to let. So can more liquid withdrawn from the food pulp and it comes to constipation. This form of gastrointestinal problems can also be bothersome and painful. If the symptoms are more severe, it can be helpful to see a gynecologist.
Basically, however, it can be said that these gastrointestinal problems always occur too demonstrate, that the Pregnancy is going wellbecause the causative hormones seem to be working. So there is usually nothing to worry about. With simple measures, you can usually achieve relief, for example, should nutrition care should be taken that no bloating vegetables, like cabbage vegetables, is included, and ideally it should several small portions be consumed when you are pregnant, because this seems to be better tolerated. As complement to do this ginger, for example in the form of Ginger capsulesthat reduce nausea.
What to do
First of all, if you have gastrointestinal problems, you should, if possible, take a rest and for one adequate hydration and a gentle food in small portions. At Flatulence can do something Movement to provide relief. Sometimes also can warmth do well and provide relief. If you notice that you cannot tolerate a food component, then it is best to avoid it completely and try out whether the gastrointestinal problems get better. If these measures do not improve, it is best to do one See a doctorwho then further diagnostic means can use to find the causes.
By heat
Gastrointestinal problems can well be too triggered by heat become. This allows the body to pass through at high temperatures increased sweating trying to cool the body will also do that Intestinal contents withdrew more fluid. This can be done through a adequate intake of fluids compensated become. Usually enough for an adult two liters of fluid a day out, in heat it should, however around three liters be. If this cannot be achieved, it will increasingly occur constipation. Also, some are developing one nauseacaused by the heat. Also here is usually the high loss of fluid responsible for sweating because that Blood volume and also the Blood pressure can sink. As a result, it can become Feeling of Vertigo come and feel sick.
The diet can be through a Allergy or intolerance to certain components often cause gastrointestinal problems. The typical causes are definitely the Lactose intolerance. Here absence the necessary Enzymeswhich the components of the diet normally process. Instead, they will decomposed by bacteria and produce gases in the intestines that too Flatulence and diarrhea being able to lead.
At a Gluten intolerance it comes because of one thing Loss of function of the intestinal mucosa likewise to gastrointestinal problems in the form of Diarrhea. Also one too greasy food can cause digestive problems and intermittent Cause stomach cramps. But you can with one healthy and balanced diet also prevent gastrointestinal problems and provide relief from problems. At diarrhea can with Pretzel Sticks and one sugary drink the fluid loss and the salt balance are normalized again and the symptoms are reduced. If you have gastrointestinal problems, the Digestive organs initially spared be what for example with Soups, porridge, rusks or bread can work well without whole grains.
The Taking a drug can often mean “curse or blessing”. Because next to the desired effects occur in part Side effects that can cause gastrointestinal problems. In the first place there are those Antibiotics to name, which not only kill the harmful, disease-causing bacteria, but also the good, wanted bacteriathat colonize the intestine and are indispensable for its function and independent defense against pathogens. So you can do that too unwanted bacteriasuch as Clostridium difficile, which then causes diarrhea.
In addition, cause a Range of other drugs via different mechanisms gastrointestinal problems. It is best to read this carefully before taking it Package insert through or asks in this regard one Pharmacist or doctor. But since you also take a drug to alleviate gastrointestinal problems, they can also be a blessing. For example, you produce too much stomach acid and thus has complaints, then can for a certain time Gastric acid blockers to take. You should, however do not take too longIt is best to discuss taking it with a doctor, as the stomach acid also provides a certain protection against pathogens that pass through the stomach. Further medication that can improve the problem can be obtained from a doctor or pharmacy.
With alcohol
Gastrointestinal problems can be caused by alcohol in two ways. At Drinking too much alcohol all at once it can follow as a result of alcohol poisoning to nausea and Vomit come. It will Vomiting center in the brain through the alcohol irritated. It can also be at permanent use high levels of alcohol can damage the stomach and / or intestinal lining. On the one hand, this damage can be very painful, on the other hand, there is a risk that it can bleed.