Muscle building and anabolic steroids

Synonyms in a broader sense

Muscle building training, strength training, bodybuilding, supplements, doping, anabolic steroids, steroids


Anabol means anabolic. By taking anabolic substances, an attempt is made to specifically promote muscle building. The use of such preparations is very controversial due to their large number of side effects. Many are harmful to health and, in extreme cases, can have fatal consequences. The best-known form of anabolic steroids are man-made hormones (steroids), which are similar in structure to the male sex hormone testosterone.
In addition to these steroids, beta-2 sympathomimetics are also used to build muscle.
These were originally used to treat asthma, but had an anabolic (anabolic) side effect.
The third way to build muscles through additional preparations is by taking growth hormones, which are also used in cattle breeding.
It is forbidden to take any of these products in competitive sports because they are on the so-called doping list.


The body needs protein to build muscle.
This is exactly where anabolic steroids come in. They promote protein synthesis (protein build-up) and fat burning, and inhibit the breakdown of endogenous proteins, which leads to increased muscle building.
However, anabolic steroids only work in conjunction with hard physical training.
It is pointless to take anabolic steroids for beginners, as an untrained body can record immense increases in performance even without such an intake.

Read more about this topic under: Natural bodybuilding - what is it?

For some scientists, the effects of anabolic steroids are still controversial today. Some even assume a placebo effect.

Active ingredient anabolic steroids

  • anabolic silk:
    • Metenolone
    • Boldenone
    • Clostebol
    • Dehydrochloromethyltestosterone
    • Nadrolone
    • Metandienone
    • Fluoxymesterone
    • Methytestosterone
    • Oxandrol
    • Stanozol
  • Beta - 2 - sympathomimetics:
    • Clenbuterol and related compounds
      (illegally used in calf fattening)
  • Growth hormones:
    • Somatropin (growth hormone)
    • Somatomedin
    • Insulin + somatroponin

Tribulus Terrestris

Tribulus Terrestris is a naturally occurring anabolic steroid and therefore does not fall under the doping substances. Taking Tribulus Terrestris can stimulate the natural production of hormones, which increases testosterone levels in the blood. The herbal active ingredient can be taken without side effects and ensures a significant increase in testosterone content without affecting normal hormone production. As a result, more muscle cells are formed.
In addition to the dietary supplement, a balanced diet with an adequate intake of carbohydrates, fats and proteins is also required. Since the testosterone is not supplied from the outside in this way, but only stimulates the production of the body's own substance, this dietary supplement is a very body-friendly variant.
Some studies have not yet been able to conclusively prove that adding Tribulus Terrestris automatically increases muscle growth. However, this can also be due to the selected study design, since you naturally also have to carry out a training program for muscle building. Only the addition of the dietary supplement does not automatically ensure the formation of new muscle cells.


The use of anabolic steroids / anabolic steroids for the purpose of building muscle brings with it certain dangers and risks that you should know and inform yourself about before using this means to increase performance.

Long-term use of anabolic steroids can lead to physical and psychological dependence. The physical problems that can occur are an increase in the risk of heart attack and stroke and severe organ damage.
The liver, in particular, can be severely damaged when using anabolic steroids, because this is where the anabolic steroid is broken down.

The testicles in men, as well as the genitals of women, can be damaged and exposed to a variety of side effects.

When the anabolic steroids are injected with a cannula, large accumulations of pus can form at the puncture site, and the skin is also affected.

Due to the increased muscle mass, the body needs more oxygen, which can affect the lungs and airways.

The entire metabolism of the body is unbalanced. This is shown by increased sweat production and constant hunger. The body needs more and more energy to meet its needs.

The risk of other diseases increases drastically because the own immune system is attacked and no longer protects the body one hundred percent.

Due to the increased physical demands, the high energy requirements and the high metabolic activity, the risk of cardiac arrest is one of the most threatening health risks.

When women take anabolic steroids, especially during puberty, there is a risk that the female sexual characteristics will not fully develop and masculinization will occur due to the high testosterone value.

The psychological dependence shows up in withdrawal symptoms, aggressive behavior and can lead to severe depression. In the event of these psychological and physical symptoms, you should stop using it immediately and consult a doctor.

However, it is best to keep your hands off anabolic steroids and attribute your training success to hard work. Natural bodybuilding is one of the many ways of building muscle mass naturally and healthily.

Read more about this topic under: Natural bodybuilding - what is it?

Side effects

The risks associated with the consumption of anabolic preparations / anabolic steroids are listed in the table below.

Anabolic steroids
With the anabolic steroids, in addition to the desired anabolic effects, there are also undesirable "androgenic Side effects ”to be expected.
These are the male's external and internal sexual characteristics. The body's own production of testosterone can be impaired by the intake. In women there are outward manifestations such as a beard and a deep voice etc.

  • anabolic steroids:
    • Cardiovascula - side effects
    • Damage the liver
    • Gynecomastia (breast formation in men)
    • Testicular trophy (Atrophy of the testicles)
    • acne
    • Beard growth (in women)
    • deeper voice
  • Beta - 2 - sympathomimetics:
    • Cardiovascular side effects
    • Muscle tremors
    • Muscle spasms
    • a headache
  • Growth hormones:
    • increased risk of cancer (such as leukemia)
    • Acromeglie
    • Diabetes mellitus (type 2)

Other side effects when taking anabolic steroids:

  • Malfunctions kidney
  • Increased risk of heart attack
  • Increased risk of thrombosis and embolism
  • Impairment of fertility (infertility)
  • Androgenization
  • Hair loss
  • Female breast formation in men
  • In adolescents, bone growth can stop when the growth plates are closed. The end of puberty is signaled by the hormones.
  • depression when stopping the anabolic steroids
  • Increased aggressiveness

Substitutes for the use of anabolic steroids and alternatives

Anabolic steroids are used to build muscle and increase the formation of new muscles. Testosterone is the substance in the body that is responsible for this. Athletes can use anabolic steroids to increase their testosterone levels. However, since these substances are on the doping list, it is strongly discouraged. Natural anabolic substitutes are also available in the form of zinc, magnesium, vitamin D and proteins. Supplementation with these nutrients can also affect testosterone levels in the blood. Thus, these natural anabolic steroids can also make a good contribution to a muscle building program. In addition to the choice of dietary supplement for building muscle, age also plays a role. In adolescents who currently have a high testosterone level in their blood, the supply is not as effective as in older athletes who have less biologically testosterone in their bodies. However, a healthy, balanced diet is still the best and gentlest way to build muscle mass and not take any health risks.

Read more on the topic: Nutritional supplement

In addition to the physical and psychological risks associated with taking anabolic steroids, there are a number of side effects.
Many of the side effects only show up in one long term Ingestion. But even single and irregular use can cause various side effects.

On psychic level can Mood swings, Emotional outbursts, aggressive behavior and Bad mood up to severe and recurring depressions to lead.
A vicious circle develops for many users because they think “nothing works without anabolic steroids”.

Regular consumption creates the desired body image, but also an addiction to develop it further. If you take off your anabolic steroids, you lose the trained body shape very quickly, and the athlete has no choice but to give in and to give in again anabolic steroids to grab. Getting out of this vicious circle is extremely difficult and most athletes need outside help.

The physical side effects are at least as serious and dangerous as the psychological ones. With men and women they become Genitals attacked. With the woman one can Enlargement of the clitoris occur and in men, depending on the degree of abuse of the anabolic steroids, a temporary to permanent impotence.
By the age of puberty, the bones may stop growing and the actual sexual characteristics may not fully develop. It can become a masculinization or to one Feminization come.

Other side effects are high blood pressure, increased eye pressure, Changes in blood counts, Hair loss, Heart growth, a headache and Water retention. In adults, as in puberty, clogged sebum glands can cause a acne break out, showing mainly on the back.
Especially that Heart growth is a very dangerous side effect as it is in conjunction with Hardening of the arteries to Cardiac arrest and Heart attack can come.

Excessive use of anabolic steroids can theoretically lead to death. You should think carefully about whether you want to take this risk "only" to achieve your dream body.With hard work, this can also be achieved on a “normal” training path.

Alternatives to taking anabolic steroids

Anabolic steroids are used to build muscle and increase the formation of new muscles. Testosterone is the substance in the body that is responsible for this. Athletes can use anabolic steroids to increase their testosterone levels. However, since these substances are on the doping list, it is strongly discouraged. Natural anabolic substitutes are also available in the form of zinc, magnesium, vitamin D and proteins. Supplementation with these nutrients can also affect testosterone levels in the blood. Thus, these natural anabolic steroids can also make a good contribution to a muscle building program. In addition to the choice of dietary supplement for building muscle, age also plays a role. In an adolescent who currently has a high testosterone level in the blood, the supply is not as effective as in older athletes who have less biologically testosterone in their body. However, a healthy, balanced diet is still the best and gentlest way to build muscle mass and not take any health risks.

Summary warning

Serious and permanent damage to health can occur from taking anabolic steroids.
Therefore it is strongly advised not to take any anabolic steroids.