Kidney Pain During Pregnancy
Symptoms right / left
In addition to insufficient drinking, kidney stones and ascending urinary tract infections, tension and hardening (myogelosis) of the muscles around the spine can also be used as differential diagnostics for both right-sided and left-sided pain.
Read more on this topic: How can I relieve kidney pain?
The left kidney is anatomically slightly higher than the right kidney. For this reason, one can roughly say that pain that comes to the left of the kidney tends to start a little higher. These assessments are very vague, as each person's kidneys have different heights. In the differential diagnosis of deeper pain, the causes are more likely to be found in muscular tension next to the spine.
Fever as an accompanying symptom of kidney pain
Kidney pain in pregnancy that involves fever should always go hand in hand medically clarified become. Fever complaints generally speak for this Presence of infection.
If kidney pain occurs, an inflammation of the renal pelvis (Pyelonephritis) to think. This must be adequate, especially during pregnancy Antibiotics treated to avoid complications.
If left untreated, there is a risk of Urosepsis. In the worst case, this can threaten the lives of mother and child. As a rule, however, an inflammation of the kidney heals well and without consequences with appropriate treatment.
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Causes of Kidney Pain During Pregnancy
Kidney pain during pregnancy is relatively common, can have various causes and should not be treated lightly, as it can be very dangerous because it can cause premature labor.
Because the uterus becomes very large during pregnancy, it can displace surrounding structures. If it presses on the ureter, urinary bladder or the kidney itself, urine congestion can occur.
On the one hand, this is painful, on the other hand it leads to a change in the elimination behavior of those affected and can lead to an increased risk of inflammation of the kidney tissue. If there is a short-term expansion of the uterus due to sudden movements of the embryo, severe flank pain also occurs, but then disappears just as suddenly as it has appeared. If the kidneys become symptomatic from such a mechanical defect, repositioning can help. In a particularly large number of patients, kneeling and hunching back are perceived as pain-relieving.
Can kidney pain be a sign of pregnancy?
Kidney pain is characterized by some typical symptoms out. They are called violent, stabbing pain in the flanks described and can occur unilaterally and bilaterally.
in case of an Ureteral stone it also comes to Cramps and nausea.
Kidney pain in itself can usually no sign of pregnancy be. However, there is the rare case of pregnancy in which the fertilized egg becomes implants outside the uterus.
This so-called extrauterine pregnancy can cause a wide variety of complaints. This also includes pain that appears as kidney pain. It starts with severe abdominal pain, Convulsions such as Nausea and vomiting. In addition, depending on the location of the nestled egg, this can also be a sign of pregnancy Flank pain occur. The kidney itself is only affected when the uterus increases in size.
If there is no menstrual period and you suspect you may be pregnant, pain that is impressive as kidney pain can be a sign of extrauterine pregnancy. This is especially true if there are additional symptoms mentioned above.
An actual kidney pain, however, is Not to be seen as a sign of pregnancy.
A recommendation from the editors: Ectopic pregnancy
Which kidney pains during pregnancy are normal? When do they appear?
The question asked by pregnant women with kidney pain is often: Which kidney pains are normal during pregnancy and when do they start?
Kidney pain especially occurs during pregnancy from the half and in the last third pregnancy. Here the baby is so big that the uterus other organs displaced. So can Pressure on the kidneys advertise, which leads to pain.
It is difficult to speak of “normal” kidney pain, as a disease to be treated can always be responsible. Mostly harmless However, kidney pain in pregnancy is when they are occur especially when lying down and subside again while standing.
The intensity of the pain should not be too strong. Light pain however, they often occur in this way and as a rule have no disease value.
Also in upright position Kidney pain can occur during pregnancy if the child moves around in the abdomen and presses on a kidney. These pains are short and violent. Not infrequently stuck too Back pain or tight muscles behind, which are interpreted as kidney pain. If the pain is extremely severe or if accompanying symptoms occur, a doctor should be consulted immediately.
When is kidney pain dangerous during pregnancy?
More important is the question of when kidney pain is dangerous during pregnancy. Kidney pain during pregnancy can partly dangerous and Expression of an underlying disease in need of treatment be.
Especially severe pain should be seen by a doctor. You also have to watch out for other symptoms. Fever, chills or Burning sensation when urinating speak for an inflammation that can be dangerous.
Stepping to the Pain Circulatory problems on, can the Renal function impaired be. Nausea and vomiting as well cramping pain speak for one Kidney or ureteral stone.
Kidney pain in the first half are also rather unusual. Even if the kidney pain persists during pregnancy, a doctor should clarify the problems.
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Another reason that often leads to kidney pain during pregnancy is Urinary tract infectionsthat occur more frequently during this time.
Treating kidney pain in pregnancy poses a difficulty because of the usual intake Painkiller and or Antibiotics carries the risk of damage to the embryo. This is why it is especially common in such cases Home remedies resorted to therapy.
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Since urinary obstruction can lead to serious complications and can also lead to very severe pain and is therefore also able to trigger premature labor, it is, however, absolutely important that treatment of kidney pain, especially during pregnancy, is not missing. If Kidney pain occur and do not improve despite using the usual home remedies, it is therefore advisable to consult a doctor and weigh the advantages and disadvantages of various therapies against each other in order to endanger the life of mother and child as little as possible.
Which doctor do I have to go to?
Women who complain of kidney pain during pregnancy should give their first priority attending gynecologist go. He knows the course of pregnancy best and can best classify the symptoms.
If it is a non-gynecological problem, the gynecologist becomes the patient appropriate specialist hand off; e.g. to the Urologist with kidney stone.
If you have severe symptoms, you can consider going to a hospital with a specialist gynecological department immediately. A telephone consultation with the resident expert may help with the question “Which doctor should I go to?”.
Kidney pain at night
In many cases, kidney pain occurs during pregnancy especially at night in front. This mainly depends on the Lie together. In advanced pregnancy, the child takes up a lot of space in the stomach. When lying down, the uterus then presses the kidneys with relatively great force. This can cause kidney pain.
Usually improve this the next day after getting up. If the pain is limited to one side at night, lying on the other side can help. This takes pressure off the affected side and the Pain disappears or is at least alleviated.
To the Treatment of kidney pain To choose in pregnancy must first be the exact cause clarified become. Is it a underlying urinary tract infectionwhich is relatively common in pregnancy should early with antibiotic therapy to be started. The reason is because there is a simple uncomplicated urinary tract infection in the Pregnancy at first only Burning sensation when urinating such as frequent need to urinate has the consequence. If the area around the kidneys starts to hurt, it could already be one ascending urinary tract infection act. If you don't treat it, there is Risk of kidney inflammation. Antibiotics are approved during pregnancy Cephalosporins, how Cefuroxime. These should be taken at a dosage of 250 mg twice a day for 5-6 days. Support can also be a Treatment attempt with cranberry preparations which not only increase the effectiveness of the antibiotic but also help preventthat such infections are repeated.
Sometimes it is also that through Insufficient fluid intake, deposit tiny crystals in the kidney. If these crystals (semolina) come off and get into the ureters, this can also lead to pain in the kidneys. In extreme cases it can also lead to a renal colic come that then absolutely urologically treated must become. In order to prevent kidney gravel, those affected should move sufficiently and much liquid to take in. In the case of simple kidney gravel, which only causes mild symptoms, the o.g. The treatment should also be carried out at the same time Acidify urineto avoid further kidney or ureter stones. This succeeds e.g. with the Squeezing citrus fruits as well as taking L-methionine.
If there are complaints in Kidney area on, should first include a intensive diagnostics be initiated. This initially consists of one Ultrasonic, which is primarily intended to represent the kidneys and thus can provide clues as to whether the Pain development in the organ takes place. Kidney stones as well as kidney gravel can be seen in the ultrasound. In addition, a Urinary obstruction, which extends up to the kidney area, can be shown in the ultrasound. One is typical Narrowing of the kidney structure. The kidney appears on ultrasound nearly black, with severe urinary obstruction.
Is it an obstruction of urine that triggers the discomfort in the kidney area? Hurry. First of all, the cause of the lack of urine flow should be determined. It is often the case that Child puts pressure on one of the ureters and for this reason the urine can only circulate through the ureters to a limited extent in order to reach the urinary bladder. If this is the cause, the patient should have a urological splint which enables the Urine flow again without obstruction can. If the cause of the congestion is a ureteral stone, it should be by means of endoscopic recovery the stone can be removed from the ureter.
Heat as a treatment for kidney pain
In some cases, warmth can help relieve kidney pain during pregnancy. This is especially the case when the pain in the flank is not from the kidneys but from the Musculature go out.
Often times will muscular tension namely perceived as kidney pain. Heat then helps relax the tense muscles. Also possibly pinched nerves can thereby be relieved.
The heat is best in the form of Hot water bottles or Grain pillow applied. These should be warm, but not too hot. If the symptoms are relieved, this suggests a muscular cause of the pain. If the kidney pain persists and gets worse, a doctor should be considered.
Homeopathy as a treatment measure for kidney pain
Homeopathy also holds up some preparations ready to be tried out for kidney pain and its causes.
One from the Benzoic acid manufactured globules should generally relieve kidney pain if used regularly. The potency should between D2 and D12 lie. If the cause of the kidney pain is kidney stones, a preparation that obtained from the Adlumia plant was taken (Potency D4-D12). Also Belladonna, made from the Deadly nightshade, can help with pain in the kidney area.
Other homeopathic drugs that can often be used for kidney pain are: Calcium carbonate, sea buckthorn, Cantharis vesicatoria, Bitter cucumber, Dulcamara and Medorrhinum. Also Magnesia Phosphorica such as Pareira prava can be used successfully against pain in the area of the kidneys.
When attempting treatment with homeopathic medicines, the time of taking should be compared with the severity of the symptoms. If the symptoms do not improve or even worsen despite the use of homeopathic medication, the treatment should be discontinued and a more detailed diagnosis of the cause of the symptoms carried out. Here it may be necessary to start conventional medical therapies due to more serious causes.
Home remedies as a treatment for kidney pain
The home remedies that are repeatedly used when kidney pain occurs are Rest and warmth. However, those affected should pay close attention to whether these measures relieve the symptoms improve or rather worsen.
At acute inflammation can Warmth also tends to deteriorate work and should be stopped quickly. At incipient colic will be affected too don't keep calm but rather be restless. Patients should listen what brings relief.
For heat application you can Hot water bottles, cherry stone pillows or red light radiation can be applied. Warming pillows should be placed in the back of the patient either lying or sitting and left there for a few minutes. It is important to ensure that the Heat supply not too strong is. The Drinking amount should consistently be kept at 1.5 to 2 liters when it passes through the cardiovascular system (heart etc.) there are no contraindications.
To treat urinary tract infections that lead to kidney pain, to prevent should the Urine acidified (Lemon or L-methionine). Also be Cranberry preparations and Nettle teas described as preventive measures against urinary tract infections.
Furthermore, applying cooling oils or gels to the area above the kidney can be perceived as soothing. However, it should be ensured that no chemical substances such as Diclofenac (Voltaren ointment) can be applied. Kytta ointment, horse balm, or rubbing alcohol should be tried. The application should be carried out once or twice a day. Here, too, it should be noted that this should be stopped if it deteriorates.