Upper abdominal pain in the middle


Upper abdominal pain is pain between the costal arch and the navel.

Any pain or discomfort that occurs in the Area from the costal arch to the navel localize are saved as Upper abdominal discomfort designated. The upper abdomen is divided into three sections: the right upper abdomen, the central upper abdomen and the left upper abdomen. Pain that occurs in a certain area of ​​the upper abdomen can indicate diseases of various organs. Pain in the central upper abdomen are less common, as complaints in the right upper abdomen, but still need one urgent clarification by a doctor. In most cases they are caused by diseases of the stomach, which is localized in this area, or by abnormal changes in the pancreas.


Pain in the middle upper abdomen can sometimes do not delimit directly from the right and left sides. This is why it can sometimes happen that pain caused by organs of the right or left upper abdomen radiates to the center and manifests itself there.

If the Abdominal pain in the middle are the strongest, this may be an indication of an inflammation of the stomach lining.

Is the pain more under the ribs? Read our topic: Pain under the ribs


Central upper abdominal pain that is more likely to right upper abdomen can point to various diseases. A acute stabbing and pulling pain can through a Inflammation of the gallbladder caused. If those Discomfort after eating occur and one collik-like character have, it can be Gallstones act. Also by the one on the right liver pain can be caused, which can sometimes radiate to the central upper abdomen. Causes for this can be a hepatitis or one Cirrhosis of the liver be.

Left side pain

Central upper abdominal pain that tends towards the left upper abdomen orient, can also express a Disease of the spleen. be that through a severe swelling make noticeable of the organ.


There are various causes to name, which can trigger central upper abdominal pain. In many cases, the Discomfort from the stomach or the pancreas caused. Most common cause for central upper abdominal complaints Diseases of the stomach represent. A acute inflammation of the gastric mucosa (gastritis) can occur after a high-fat meal or excessive alcohol consumption. Also through the A specific bacterium colonizes the stomach called Helicobacter pylori inflammation of the stomach lining can develop. Any acute inflammation can also turn into a chronic irritation of the gastric mucosa which then causes discomfort over a longer period of time.

Also a Gastric ulcer or an ulcer in the duodenum can cause central upper abdominal pain. Another disease whose symptoms are projected onto the central upper abdomen is Inflammation of the pancreas. The most common cause for this is hiring increased alcohol consumption over a long period of time. Also tumorous changes can be a cause. Inflammation of the lung membrane can project onto the upper abdomen in some cases. It is always important to remember that one too Heart attack or one Inflammation of the pericardium Can cause pain in the central upper abdomen. Another possible starting point for the pain is a Aortic aneurysm be. Parts of the intestine that come to rest in the upper abdomen can also cause problems there. Cause for it can Flatulence such as Inflammation or a Infarction of a part of the intestine be.

Late dinner can also trigger central abdominal pain. Read more about this under: Upper abdominal pain at night


The symptoms that occur with central upper abdominal pain are very different depending on the cause. Backflow of stomach acid causes heartburn. The pain often occurs after eating very high-fat meals and can also cause pressure on the sternum. In addition, the patients report that they have to burp and feel a sour taste. Acute inflammations of the gastric mucosa are mostly new pains in the central upper abdomen, which appear to be long-lasting and often only appear after an increase in meals. But they can also appear as severe burning and stabbing pain. These worsen by exerting pressure on the central upper abdomen or by leaning the patient forward.

Chronic inflammation of the gastric mucosa, on the other hand, leads to long-lasting, recurring pain that can vary in strength and intensity. A gastric ulcer can develop as a result of untreated gastritis, which also causes pain in the central upper abdomen. Patients describe an onset of pain after eating, often combined with nausea and vomiting. If an ulcer breaks through, very severe, sudden, stabbing, annihilating pain sets in in the central upper abdomen, which requires rapid treatment.

If the pancreas is inflamed, burning and stabbing pains in the middle upper abdomen are reported, which often radiate to the back. The belly proves to be very sensitive to pressure in this area and is often described as rubbery. Other symptoms that can be associated with the central upper abdominal pain with an inflammation of the pancreas are fever, fatigue, dark urine, pale stools and a changed skin color. Central upper abdominal pain triggered by a heart attack can be identified by new dull or sudden pain. In addition, there may be a pulling in the stomach.

In the case of an aneurysm, a slowly increasing pain develops that constricts the upper abdomen and radiates into the back. Overall, the symptoms of central upper abdominal pain can be very diverse and require further diagnostic clarification.

Spasmodic upper abdominal pain

Middle upper abdominal pain that convulsive and can occur in phases through a Irritable bowel syndrome be conditional. They often occur in Combination with diarrhea and one Sensation of restlessness in the bowels on and may depend on special situations, such as stress, to be triggered. Is it just brief cramps, they can also be used under Flatulence arise.

Middle upper abdominal pain during pregnancy

For central upper abdominal pain that during pregnancy occur, in most cases it is heartburn. Through the uterus stepping higher it comes to one altered position of the stomach - and intestinal tract and one increased pressurewhich acts on the lower esophageal sphincter. This allows a increased gastric acid reflux result, which in addition to heartburn also causes pain in the central upper abdomen. Also Inflammation in the stomach area, of Duodenum and the pancreas can lead to pain in the central upper abdomen in pregnant women.


In order to be able to diagnose central upper abdominal pain, one is above all detailed conversation necessary with the patient. It should be after the exact symptoms, the course of the disease, the history, medication and, above all, food consumption and bowel movements and a detailed description of the localization and the nature of the pain. Then follows a detailed physical examination. First choice agent is one Ultrasonicin order to be able to assess the organs more closely. Many causes can already be clarified with the ultrasound. A Blood test should also be done. This is particularly on Signs of inflammationas well as specific values ​​for some organs.

A EKG serves that Exclusion of a heart attack. Is a advanced diagnostics may also be necessary X-ray image of the thorax or abdomen. Free air in the X-ray could be a Indication of a ruptured stomach or duodenal ulcer be. Also a CT of the abdomen can provide further and more specific clues for an organic cause. So can a Aneurysm, a tumor, a Bowel infarction or one Inflammation of the pancreas be excluded. If there is a suspicion of an inflammation of the stomach or a cause of the pain resulting from the intestine, further examinations such as a Gastric and colonoscopy be performed.


The treatment of upper abdominal pain that occurs in the middle varies depending on the underlying disease. In most cases, the pain is caused by a Inflammation of the lining of the stomacht caused. In the case of an acute inflammation, the Diet on light foods be changed. Several small, well-tolerated meals are better for the patient and are gentler on the affected mucous membrane than several large servings per day. Food like Rusks or gruel, are recommended for such inflammation. To be able to relieve the pain antispasmodic drugs be prescribed. To be used to prevent further damage to the mucous membrane Acid inhibitors decreed that the Decrease production of acidic gastric juice.

Are the central upper abdominal pain caused by a Inflammation of the stomach lining triggered, whose Cause certain bacteria are (Helicobacter pylori), must be a additional antibiotic therapy respectively. Central upper abdominal pain caused by a Inflammation of the pancreas be triggered treated in hospital. After a temporary food abstinence, the diet should also be switched to light foods. On a adequate hydration must be respected. One takes place medically antibiotic therapy. For other serious causes that are responsible for central upper abdominal pain, invasive methods can also be used for correct treatment.


The prognosis for central upper abdominal pain can be very different. They are caused by the two most common causes as one Inflammation of the lining of the stomach or the pancreas triggered is the Very good prognosis. Under the proper therapy there is one in almost all cases complete healing. Overall, the prognosis depends not only on the cause, but also above all on rapid diagnosis and properly initiated therapy.