Remove earwax from babies


Ear wax is known in technical jargon as Cerumen obturans designated. It is made by the wax gland in the external ear canal. It is the most common ear discharge. It can be light yellow to dark brown, solid to liquid. The ear wax is greasy and ensures that the outer skin of the ear canal remains supple. It serves as protection against dust and dirt particles and keeps the skin in the external ear canal moist. It is also antibacterial. This means that it contains substances such as the so-called lysozyme, which fights bacteria and keeps insects away. If this protection is missing, inflammation, injuries and pain can occur more quickly. The ear wax therefore has important protective functions. Only when it accumulates in excess - often due to adverse behavior - can it cause discomfort.

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Usually gets earwax in the course of self-cleaning processes of the ears to the outside. The reason for this is, on the one hand, that the cell layers in the external auditory canal grow from the inside out. With the physiological renewal of the cell layers, the ear wax is normally transported out of the ear. On the other hand, small hairs, the so-called ciliated epithelium, ensure that the wax is transported from the inside to the outside. If now that is tried Clean the ear with cotton swabsthat will Ear wax pushed deeper into the ear canal. As a result, the wax can block sound transmission to the inner ear and the affected person hears worse. Especially after being in the water, while bathing or swimming, swelling processes can occur, which clog the ear canal even more and make hearing difficult.

Ear wax or otitis media - how do I tell the difference?

A hearing loss caused by wax in the ear does not initially cause pain. An otitis media can cause very severe pain. If that Ear wax increases the blocking of the external ear canal, the ear canal can no longer be adequately cleaned and bacteria and viruses can remain there. These can then send a Cause inflammation of the external ear canal.

The wax can also obstruct the external ear canal and cause inflammation. If the ear wax develops inflammation of the external ear canal, it too can cause severe pain.

There is a simple trick to distinguish between ear canal inflammation and otitis media: if you click on the small skin cartilage in front of the ear canal, the so-called Tragus of the ear, presses, the pain increases with inflammation of the external ear canal. Most of the time, pulling on the auricle also increases the pain. With an otitis media, the pain remains the same.

  • Ear canal inflammation
  • Otitis media in the baby

Concomitant symptoms

Too much or hardened earwax can cause irritation. External inflammation of the ear canal caused by ear wax is usually initially noticeable as an itch in the ear.

In the further course it can sometimes too much pain come. In addition to the earache, that can Chewing painful be. The pain can be so severe that it is difficult to open your mouth. This is called a jaw clamp.
The ear secretions can flow out of the ear.

When the ear canal inflammation triggered by bacteria purulent, foul-smelling secretion may run out of the ear. Mostly there are hearing problems. Due to an inflammatory process in the body, the lymph nodes can swell.
An inflammation of the ear canal can also trigger a fever. The wax can also cause dizziness and ringing in the ears.

Baby's earwax smells - what's behind it?

Usually earwax hardly or not smells. However, in larger quantities and in sensitive noses, the wax can smell unpleasant. But if the secretion from one or both ears is very offensive, it may be one purulent ear discharge act. This consists of living and dead immune defense cells, the so-called granulocytes, from body cells and bacteria. Pus indicates inflammatory processes. Purulent ear discharge can indicate bacterial inflammation of the external ear canal or purulent otitis media and should be examined by a doctor.


To find out the reason for the hearing loss, the doctor will first do a targeted one survey carry out. He also takes a close look at both ears from the outside in comparison. Then he checks the Pressure pain on the so-called tragus and the Pull pain in the auricle.

Furthermore, he looks into the inside of the ear with an ear mirror and can thus observe the external auditory canal and the eardrum. He can assess the ear wax and the condition of the eardrum and recognize possible redness and swelling.

Also, the doctor will do one Hearing test do. From ear wax or what is present secretion a smear is taken if inflammation is suspected. This one will examined in the laboratoryto determine the pathogen. In addition, a blood test can determine any inflammation in the body.

What is the best way to remove it?

There are seven different ways that are the best ways to remove wax.

A classic method is that Ear irrigation. The wax is flushed out with water. There is also special ear cleaners. These are shaped like loops and mostly made of stainless steel. They allow wax to be removed, but if handled carelessly, there is risk of injury. When the wax has hardened, ear drops help soften them and make them easier to remove with the help of ear washes or ear cleaners.

Instead of the ear drops you can also ear sprays achieve the same effect. Depending on the ingredients, drops or sprays can irritate the ear canal. Most ear sprays contain sea water, which is usually less stressful on the ears than some chemical substances.

Also it can sometimes be possible with Ear candles to remove the wax. The ear candles are burning in the ear. There is a negative pressure and through this the ear wax is supposed to dissolve. The negative pressure loosens the ear wax. Some feel a cleaning effect when using ear candles. Some find (additionally) this method very relaxing.

In addition, there are various home remedies around, but they are very controversial. If the ear wax cannot be removed yourself, there is the option of a professional ear cleaning by an ENT doctor.

Read more on this topic below Safely remove earwax

Baby oil

There are several home remedies that are recommended for ear cleaning. Some recommend dripping a few drops of baby oil into the auricle and rubbing it in for dry ears. Others recommend dripping the oil or olive oil directly into your ear in the evening before going to bed, letting it work and repeating this process several times. The Oil is said to soften the earwax. Methods using oils are however very controversial.