German term
- May apple
- Duckfoot
Use of Podophyllum for the following diseases in homeopathy
- Diseases of the liver and the Gallbladder
- Jaundice
- Inflammation of the colon
- acute vomiting diarrhea
- hemorrhoids
- Cast-like, watery Diarrhea, often switch with constipation
- Emptiness and misery emanating from the stomach
- Tongue covered
Use of Podophyllum for the following symptoms / complaints
- much thirst
- sticky taste in the mouth
- acid regurgitation
- Vomiting of bilious masses
- Violent stomach cramps
- stomach extremely sensitive to the touch and pressure of clothes
- Stomach and intestinal discomfort with pressure to the Heart down
- Hemorrhoids swollen and a tendency to protrude of the rectum
aggravation in the morning and after every meal.
Active organs
- stomach
- Intestines
- liver
- bile
Prescription up to and including D3!
Usual dosage
- Drops of Podophyllum D2, D3, D4, D6
- Ampoules Podophyllum D4, D6
- Globules Podophyllum D6, D12