Schüsslersalz No. 6
The sixth Schüssler salt, potassium sulfate, has the main function of "purification", i.e. the cleaning of toxins - or rather, excess substances - of any kind (see also: Naturopathic detox). So it supports the natural function of the liver to break down foreign and potentially harmful substances. The mode of action is due to the improvement of the oxygen uptake into the cell. As the name suggests, it consists of one potassium and one sulfur atom. Potassium is responsible throughout the body for the smooth transmission of stimuli to the nerve tracts, sulfur is a so-called "cofactor" involved in vital biochemical reactions such as cell respiration and thus also in detoxification.
Also read our article on that 2. Schüssler salt - Calcium phosphoricum.
However, the sulfur contained in the salt is only one substance that, together with many others, ensures the proper functioning of cellular respiration. In most cases, when the oxygen uptake into the cell is disturbed, there is not only a lack of sulfur, but at least one other substance. It should therefore be noted that potassium sulfate should not be used alone, but always in combination with other salts in order to specifically and completely eliminate the cause of the symptoms.
Areas of application for Schüsslersalz No. 6
Kalium sulfuricum is always used when the body shows that it wants to get rid of or secrete something, mostly toxins or excess substances. Such a condition can manifest itself in the skin as acne, eczema, psoriasis, dandruff or age or pigment spots. Potassium sulfuricum can help especially with purulent skin rashes. In general, this Schüssler salt is recommended for inflammation, especially chronic inflammation.
Other possible areas of application are runny nose with a runny nose or cough: Kalium sulfuricum helps with the elimination of mucus in the airways in both acute and chronic complaints of this type.
Another area of application is the targeted support of the detoxification function with regular medication intake. Since many drugs are broken down through the liver, supplementary therapy with potassium sulfuricum can relieve the liver. The combination with the Schüssler salt no.7 (Magnesium sulfuricum) or No. 10 (Sodium sulfuricum) makes sense, as these salts are an active enhancer for the detoxification function of potassium sulfuricum.
Medicinal picture of Schüssler's salt No. 6
With the Schüssler salts you can recognize - similar to homeopathy - a person who needs a salt by certain external and personal characteristics. However, the so-called face analysis makes up the majority of the consideration of the external characteristics. Face analysis means that the features can be found on the face. In the case of potassium sulfate, these characteristics are a yellowish complexion and tongue coatings, dark eye areas and greasy dandruff. Sometimes a few freckles stand out. In addition, certain, sometimes compulsive character traits are assigned to each salt, which can cause a deficiency in a certain salt. The personality of a person who is deficient in potassium sulfate is typically imbalanced, moody, sometimes depressed, and powerless. A person with a potassium deficiency is also characterized by a strong need for fresh air, e.g. even at night while sleeping. Sometimes shortness of breath can also appear as a symptom, this is then caused by stress due to the relentless striving to do justice to other people.
Effect of the Schüssler Salt No. 6 on the psyche
In addition to supporting organic detoxification, the 6th Schüsslersalz also has a psychological benefit that is by no means negligible. According to Schüssler’s principle, there are basically personalities who consume more potassium sulfate than others. This often creates a deficiency in this substance, which then has to be added - or the person concerned gets used to the corresponding characteristics. Such personality traits are imbalance, the tendency to depressive moods and weakness. This is mostly due to the fact that they apparently cannot meet their own and presumed claims of other people. While these people appear relentless and determined on the outside, they often quarrel or are insecure without actually showing it. Most of the time, they let themselves be restrained by their fears and cannot fully exploit their real potential. Taking potassium sulfuricum can help with these symptoms. The effect of this salt on the psyche can be described as harmonizing, balancing and anxiety-relieving.
Schüsslersalz No. 6 in the form of ointment
Like most other Schüsler salts, Kalium sulfuricum can also be given as an ointment or cream. Areas of application for this are particularly skin complaints in which the skin apparently wants to secrete something, for example with dander, eczema or acne. The ointment brings the Schüssler salt directly to where it is needed and supports the body in eliminating the substances that cause the symptoms. How exactly the ointment should then be used must be discussed with the treating naturopath. Most often it is recommended to apply the ointment thinly two to three times a day.
Rubbing the liver region with an ointment containing potassium sulfate can also be considered to support the liver in its detoxification function. The liver is located on the right side at about the level of the last two to three ribs and shifts downwards when you inhale. The ointment often contains the potency D6. In contrast to internal use, Kalium sulfuricum does not need to be combined with any other salt for external use.
Dosage of Schüssler salt No. 6
Potassium sulfuricum is administered in potencies D6 and D12, depending on the area of application. In the case of physical symptoms, the lower potency D6 is usually chosen, of which between five and ten tablets are taken per day depending on the severity of the disease to be treated.
For the psychological spectrum of activity, an even lower potency such as D3 is often chosen. Kalium sulfuricum is often combined with other salts, which then work as an active enhancer or for which Kalium sulfuricum is an active enhancer. The administered potency is then typically D12.
The same potencies can be selected for toddlers and infants, but then you usually decide to give fewer tablets (usually two or three) during the day. If, on the other hand, acute symptoms are to be treated, high-dose intake of up to 30 tablets is harmless. The final dosage should - as with any medicine - be discussed with the person treating it, so that an optimal setting of the substance is ensured.
You might also be interested in our next article: Schüssler Salt No. 13: Kalium arsenicosum