Synonyms in a broader sense
Latin name: Primula veris
Common names: Auritzel, sky key, petri flower, primrose
Family: Primrose family
Plant description
The rhizome is very fiber richthat are leaves growing from it oval and hairy below. The terminal ones sit on a whitish-green and angular stem Flower umbels, the flowers tubular, spread out above, bright yellow.
Flowering time: March to April.
Occurrence: In spring on meadows.
Plant parts used medicinally
The root and the blossoms. The flowers (together with the calyx) are im springwho have favourited roots in autumn harvested. The cowslip root is allowed for nature conservation reasons only with permission dig!
Saponins ( up to 10%), Flavones, volatile oil, Silica, Tanning agent.
Effect and application
Cowslip flowers Act weaker than the root, but they are allowed in contrast to the root without permission to be collected. Cowslip contributes dry bronchitisBronchitis. The drug ensures the liquefaction of the bronchial secretions and makes it easier Coughing up. Not at cough use because the drug promotes the urge to cough.
As a component of tea blends against all forms of cold cough, primrose root is very suitable.
Key flower tea: 1 teaspoon of roots or 2 teaspoons of flowers are heated to the boil with ¼ l of water. Let it steep for 5 minutes, then strain. Sweetened with honey at Cough 2 to 3 cups a day drink.
Primrose root syrup: Boil 1 tablespoon of chopped primrose root with a little water for 10 minutes. Add honey until you get a syrupy liquid. One can cough 1 teaspoon several times a day take full.
Combination with other medicinal plants
Tea mixture for cold coughs:
30.0 g primrose root / 10.0 g anise, crushed / 10.0 g fennel, crushed, 10.0 g mallown leaves. Pour a large cup of boiling water over 2 teaspoons of this mixture, let it steep for 5 minutes, then strain. Sweetened with honey up to 3 cups daily drink.
Side effects
With normal dosage no expected.
Phytopharmaceuticals in Germany
The list of the best-selling herbal preparations led by far the ginkgo:
- ginkgo
- Johannis herbs
- Devil's claw
- Horse chestnuts
- artichoke
- Milk thistle
- Nettle
- Umckaloabo
- Hawthorn
- ivy
A list of all medicinal herbs / medicinal plants that we have already published can be found under: Medicines A-Z.