Sticta pulmonaria
German term
- Lung moss
- Lung lichen
Use of sticta pulmonaria for the following diseases in homeopathy
- Inflammation of the mucous membranes in the nose
- dry bronchitis
- Irritant and flu cough
- whooping cough
- Measles cough
- Inflammation of the windpipe and des Larynx
Use of sticta pulmonaria for the following symptoms / complaints
- Dry nasal and bronchial mucosa with sensitivity to cold air and excruciating irritating cough
- Dryer, barking, pulling to cough with little expectoration
- Remedy works especially well for coughing old people in connection with chronic ones bronchitis
- Aggravation at night and in cold air
Active organs
- Mucous membrane of the upper respiratory tract
Usual dosage
- Drops of Sticta pulmonaria D3, D6, D8, D12