Flu symptoms
Influenza, real flu, viral flu
The flu goes unnoticed in up to 80 percent of cases or is perceived as a mild cold. In the rest of the cases where the infection with the influenza virus actually causes symptoms, the flu disease often becomes severe. It mainly affects vulnerable and weak people such as the elderly or the chronically ill.
Most often the symptoms appear suddenly; the disease usually begins with shivering and a strong feeling of illness. A variety of symptoms such as fever up to 41 ° C, joint and muscle pain, severe headache, sweating and loss of appetite can occur. A cough without sputum can also indicate an infection with the flu virus. A burning sensation in the nose may also occur. In many cases there is also sensitivity to light and noise. Since the disease can cause different symptoms in every person, not all symptoms have to be present. Sometimes, for example, the only manifestation of the flu is a high fever and an unproductive cough.
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The symptoms appear very soon after contact with the virus pathogen. The first symptoms usually occur as a result of the very rapid virus replication in the body within one to two days after infection. In principle, you should consult a doctor immediately at the first symptoms that indicate flu, so that effective therapy can be initiated at an early stage and both the duration of the illness and the risk of possible complications from the illness are minimized.
The symptoms of flu differ from a common cold in that the flu symptoms usually start very violently and suddenly. With a cold, symptoms typically appear one after the other or resolve.
The flu is a viral disease that weakens the body's immune system, which also makes you more susceptible to other pathogens.
In connection with the flu, deaths occur in rare cases, but the cause for this is often not the viral disease itself, but a so-called secondary infection. In addition to the flu, there is a bacterial infection that can be life-threatening. If, for example, bacterial pneumonia, ear infection or heart muscle inflammation occurs, this should be treated immediately to prevent serious consequences.
Flu sufferers are contagious about one to two days before and up to seven days after the onset of symptoms and should avoid contact with other people, especially children, pregnant women, chronically ill or debilitated people, during this time. After the flu symptoms have subsided, those affected often suffer from symptoms for a few more weeks, such as general poor performance, loss of appetite and malaise up to depression.
Flu without a fever
A common cold can deal with very similar symptomshow to express the real flu; both diseases are through Viruses triggered. However, in contrast to the flu, it occurs with a cold Not or just to low fever. Instead, there are symptoms like a stuffy or runny nose, Head- and Body aches, general Exhaustion, to cough and Sore throat in the foreground. If these symptoms occur without a fever, then in most cases it is a viral disease (flu infection, cold, common cold), but it is Not of the flu-causing ones Influenza viruses caused. Usually they leave Symptoms a cold after two to three days already after.
With a real one flu is there no uniform symptoms. The disease can occur without any symptoms up to the most severe, febrile courses with a fatal outcome. In those cases in which the influenza illness has very few symptoms, there is often no fever, the illness is usually not recognized or is mistaken for a normal cold. Typically, however, one speaks of only one "real flu"when there is one sudden onset of illness with high Fever over 39 ° C comes. The Fever rises quickly on and it comes to an extreme Feeling sick and the typical symptoms such as muscle and body aches, dry cough with no phlegm, a blocked or runny nose, loss of appetite, and severe persistent fatigue.
Symptoms of the flu in the baby
In both children and adults, the flu usually passes without complications, similar to a flu-like infection. Infants or babies rarely show the typical symptoms of the flu. Often there is a fever and loss of appetite. Symptoms like a cough or fever are treated like a common cold. In many cases babies heal themselves within a few days and above all need a lot of sleep, rest and plenty of fluids. The baby should be significantly better within about five days.
However, if the baby is younger than three months and shows any signs of illness, a doctor should be seen. During this time, the child should still benefit from the so-called nest protection, i.e. from the mother's antibodies. If the baby develops a very high fever, develops a rash (exanthema), skin turns bluish in color (cyanosis), or does not seem awake, see a doctor or emergency room immediately as these are signs of complications can.
Read more about the topic under flu viruses
How can you tell the difference between the flu and the common cold in an infant?
Often it is not easyto tell the difference between the flu and the common cold in a toddler. The Symptoms various viral diseases in the upper respiratory tract are similar and it is often heavy, the Distinction to a serious one Flu illness hold true.
However, it should in any case locked out be sure a toddler has the flu if it fever very suddenly gets that over a longer period on more than 38 ° C increases. Usually it only comes with the flu in the course to a runny nose and dry coughwhile these symptoms at a mundane cold mostly clear in front the appearance of fever to make noticable. Often there is no rise in temperature with a cold.
In the case of small children, a Influenza often too Loss of appetite, Sore throat and swollen tonsils observed. Besides, it can too diarrhea and Vomit come.
Influenza symptoms in children, what should be considered?
When a child Flu symptoms shows that are not within improve for two to three days or that Fever over 39 ° C climbs and stays, you should doctor consult. There are also some warning signs for which a doctor should also be consulted immediately, otherwise serious complications may arise. For example, symptoms such as Earache, difficulty breathing, persistent cough, rattle or thick green nasal mucus on the child, then medical treatment must be initiated immediately.
In general, someone infected with the flu is contagious shortly before the first symptoms appear; the contagion usually persists for about a week thereafter. However, you can small children earlier and for one longer time excrete the viruses as adults and are thus longer contagious. Especially for children who attend a chronic illness suffering is one vaccination very important against the flu pathogen and is recommended by the Standing Vaccination Commission (STIKO) at the Robert Koch Institute.
Flu and diarrhea
Popularly, an infection of the digestive tract (gastroenteritis) associated with diarrhea and vomiting, often called Abdominal influenza designated. This disease triggered by various Viruses or bacteriathat attack the lining of the stomach and intestines Nothing with the one described in this article "real flu" or influenza mean.
However, the Influenza in addition to the typical flu symptoms watery diarrhea and / or vomiting occur. Viruses prefer to grab the Mucous membranes in the body. They usually penetrate the body through these in the mouth and throat, but can spread throughout the entire organism and also the Affected intestinal mucosa. If this is the case it comes to Vomiting, stomach pain, or diarrhea. These symptoms are best countered with Home remedies; Anti-inflammatory teas such as chamomile or sage can relieve the symptoms.
Antibiotics help not with a viral diseasebecause they are directed against bacteria. Also other drugs are at Diarrhea often ineffective, because the intestinal transit is greatly accelerated by the diarrhea and the active ingredients often have too short contact times with the intestinal mucosa to be absorbed into the body and to develop their effect. For certain flu pathogens diarrhea is a very characteristic symptom. For example, one Swine flu the typical flu symptoms usually include nausea, vomiting and diarrhea.
Flu during pregnancy
The typical symptoms Fever, headache, chills, exhaustion, and loss of appetite are also talking during one pregnancy for a flu. If the symptoms are in Course worse become or yourself not improved after a few days you should have one immediately doctor seek out.
A flu infection usually leads to pregnancy Not to a impairment of the unborn Child. However, in rare cases it can through Complications the flu like high fever or one lung infection to a Miscarriage or premature birth come. Also during pregnancy is the danger of the flu too get sick or the risk as pregnant women severe Complications to suffer greater. For this reason, it is now recommended to all pregnant women after the 14th week of pregnancy against the flu vaccinate because the baby's development is largely complete. Vaccination is for that Baby harmless and also has the advantage that it is also protected against the flu viruses for a while after the birth (Nest protection).
The Duration flu vary greatly individually. Typically it already comes shortly after infection with the virus too first symptoms the flu. In most cases, these symptoms last about seven to fourteen days on.
The acute symptoms flu illness usually sound in uncomplicated cases after a few days again and most of the affected recover themselves after about two weeks again from the infection. Under certain circumstances the symptom "To cough" especially at older people another few weeks longer last for. In some cases it takes up to some weeksuntil the general Feeling weakthat was caused by the flu disappears again.
Chart of the course of the cold
Flu symptoms after vaccination
Die annually in Germany approximately 15,000 people the complications of a flu infection. This number exceeds the number of Road deaths about more than that Double and thus (in addition to pneumococcal infection) through the most common vaccination avoidable cause of death in Germany.
The Flu viruses are very adaptable and each year have to go through very complex procedures new, updated vaccines be developed. Especially for people at risk like People over 60 years of age, the chronically ill, travelers or medical staff The annual influenza vaccination is recommended as it offers good (but only short-term) protection against infection.
As with any vaccination, side effects can occur after injecting the vaccine. The Puncture site can redden, pain and swell easily. It can also be called Flu-like symptoms occur like Fatigue, body aches, mild fever, fatigue or Shivering. These discomforts usually go away within a day or two again. Face the symptoms after vaccination no signs of illness flu, as the vaccine is made up of fragments of dead viruses that can no longer cause disease. Very rarely can allergic reaction to that contained in the vaccine Egg white occur.