Vibration training tips
Tips for building up your training
Training on a Vibration plate represents a great stimulus for all sensory systems in the body and evokes an intense, reflective muscular response.
Depending on the area of application of the vibration plates and the individual objectives - the spectrum ranges from increasing performance in sport to mobilizing older patients after being bedridden - the structure of the vibration training differs immensely. Vibration training must be built up very carefully, especially for patients who have had a long period of inactivity.
Training parameters
By changing the Training parameters there is a wide range of effects of vibration training.
- Frequency range (variable between 5 and 30hz, 1hz = 1 oscillation / min.)
- Vibration amplitude (step position larger, smaller, across or lengthways)
- Starting position on the plate (standing, sitting, supporting with the arms)
- Time and structure of a training session
- Frequency of training
- Exercise selection during vibration
Frequency range tips
The beginners in the Vibration training start in a constant upright posture and a low frequency range of 10-15 Hz.
With increasing duration of the training and depending on the reaction of the test person, the frequency range is continuously increased. From approx. 10 Hz the rocking speed is so fast that no more arbitrary compensation can take place and the processing of the vibrations begins Spinal reflex plane expires. The frequency range below 10 Hz is used for balance training. The limits of the variations in the frequency range and their effects on Musculature and sense organs are fluid.
Frequency range: between 10-15 Hz
- Relaxation of the Skeletal muscles
- Relaxation and pain relief
- The deep stabilization muscles are best addressed at around 12 Hz
Frequency range: between 15 Hz - 30 Hz
- Toning of the muscles
- Increase in intramuscular coordination
- Strength gain / muscle building
- performance increase
- Promote bone growth
Tips on vibration amplitude
The Vibration amplitude depends on from the starting position on the Vibration plate. If the person exercising stands parallel to the plate, the rocking movement decreases or increases according to the step position.
The wider the step, the greater the rocking movement. If the user is standing at the extreme end of the vibration plate, the difference in height between the right and left foot is 5-10mm, depending on the device. In this position is the Requirement for balance the biggest.
Starting position on the vibration plate
At the beginning of Vibration training the basic posture in the bipedal position is developed. A medium oscillation amplitude is selected, which means that the legs are about hip-width apart and the knee joints are slightly bent.
The trunk should be straightened as best as possible, the center of gravity centered between the heel and forefoot. Erecting the trunk means delordosing (stretching) the Lumbar spine, Stretching the Thoracic spine by lifting the Sternum, Stretching the Cervical spine by pushing the back of the head towards the ceiling.
Preparatory exercises are recommended for coordinated tensioning of the abdominal and buttockpelvic floor- and Back musclesso that the trainee is able to call up this ability in the basic position on the plate. The more the knee joints are bent in the basic position, the less vibration is transmitted to the head. Depending on the forward or backward bending of the trunk, the vibration can be felt more or less in the back muscles.
Holding onto the handles should be avoided as much as possible, as this force can change the reflex response of the muscles.
In the bipedal position with an optimized basic posture, vibration training is particularly efficient in terms of muscle performance and speed.
The starting position is changed according to the age and resilience, the state of training, the individual problems of the trainee and the training objectives.
Possible starting positions:
- Stand across
- Stand lengthways
- Stand on one leg lengthways or crossways
- Seat on the plate, possibly with a foam cushion under the buttocks
- Quadruped stand in front of the plate with your hands propped up on the plate, foam cushions under the knees and support the upper body on the floor
Tips on the time and structure of a training session
The training time and the break time should correspond. So if a beginner starts with a training time of 1-1.5 minutes, the break should also be 1-1.5 minutes. be. Depending on how you feel, 3-4 repetitions of the vibration unit can be carried out.
It is then increased by increasing the training time by approx. 1.5-3 minutes with the same break time, depending on the objective with changing frequencies and starting positions. The maximum training time with breaks should be 12-15 minutes / training unit. Too long vibration stimuli carry the risk of muscle tension and dizziness.
It If the condition of the person exercising allows it, it is advisable to combine vibration training with other forms of training such as Combine physiotherapy or sport-specific training.
Frequency of vibration training:
The frequency of a vibration training unit varies depending on the resilience of the trainee and the individual goals between 1 / week up to 2 / day.