What are the consequences of smoking weed?


This is known as smoking weed Smoking parts of the female hemp plant. This in science as cannabis The designated plant is consumed as a drug in addition to its importance as a useful plant. Either the flowers (marijuana) or the resin (hashish) utilized. Smoking weed is the inhalation of cannabis, which is the more common of the two forms of consumption. Cannabis products can also be eaten.

Smoking weed has one on most people relaxing and euphoric effectbut can also be too Nausea, racing heart, or anxiety to lead. Long-term cannabis use can not only lead to changes in the brain, it can also increase the otherwise low addiction potential. Scientific studies have also suggested that smoking weed is particularly prevalent in adolescence permanent damage to the psyche leave behind and favor certain mental illnesses.

Mental addiction

As a result of regular smoking weed can develop a psychological dependence or Addiction form. The body gets used to the drug through the intensified consumption behavior. As a result, the Dose increased for a consistent effect On the other hand, the individual's potential for dependency increases. The development of the problem of dependence is strongly influenced by the regularity and intensity of consumption.
Whether a person is prone to psychological dependence depends on many different factors. For example is a early starting age (under 16 years of age) an enormous risk factor. Also unstable social conditions or existing mental illness (e.g. depressions) can accelerate the development of psychological addiction. In the event of illness, for example, smoking weed is unwittingly used as self-medication. Psychological dependence is characterized by a constant desire for the addictive substance.
If consumption is then stopped at some point, it can Withdrawal symptoms come. The brain areas that are normally stimulated by the drug then fall into a kind of underfunction. For example, the consumer is very irritable, restless, becomes anxious or becomes aggressive. Also depressive symptoms, loss of appetite and sleep disorders can be signs of psychological dependence if the substance has not been used in a while. Mental addiction is far more common in smoking weed than physical addiction. Around every tenth consumer shows symptoms.

Physical dependency

The development of physical (physical) dependence is rather rare, even with frequent smoking weed. Usually the psychological symptoms such as restlessness or a depressive mood dominate after stopping the drug. A physical addiction only becomes to the extent that it occurs through smoking weed with withdrawal clear. In addition to the psychological symptoms, there are also physical complaints that can last up to two weeks. The classic signs include, for example Pain, sudden sweats and heat waves, tremors and nausea. Loss of appetite and sleep disorders are included in both psychological and physical dependence.

While the symptoms of psychological dependence can usually still be coped with after withdrawal from cannabis, extensive physical symptoms can definitely require treatment. Especially if you want to take parental leave (renunciation), the physical signs should be alleviated so that the suffering is not too great and weaning is difficult.

What's the best way to stop smoking weed?

Quitting smoking weed is often not so easy, especially after regular use over a long period of time. The body has gotten used to the drug and usually developed a certain tolerance for it, whereupon the dose had to be increased. So there has been a dependency that is mainly limited to the psychological symptoms when smoking weed, but in some cases physical dependence is also possible. At the latest when such a development occurs, the consumer should recognize his problem and try to limit smoking, or even better, to stop.

Before starting it, you should set the desired goals in mind and make clear which ones Benefits of abstinence (Clarity in the head, more money, etc.). Furthermore should all reserves eliminated to make relapse more difficult. You can name three phases in which the path to stopping consumption is completed.

In the beginning there is detoxification. This usually runs for a few days and is initially characterized by an increase in motivation and increased activity. The sedative effect of smoking weed disappears and you feel full of energy. However, this also affects the sleep rhythm, which can be severely disturbed. It is advisable to exercise a lot, to do sports and to eat healthily in order to give the body the best possible conditions for successful withdrawal. If you have trouble sleeping, not drinking coffee or caffeinated drinks can be useful.

After about 48 hours, however, you can first withdrawal symptoms such as fear, irritability and aggressiveness or a depressive mood occur. The second phase begins: the withdrawal. The body notices that it lacks the substance and withdrawal symptoms occur. These are mainly of a psychological nature, but can also affect the body and cause sweats, tremors or cold showers. Now the risk of relapse is greatest.

To prevent this, one should seek distraction. This works on the one hand with a lot of sport and a regular daily routine, on the other hand with a wide range of leisure activities. However, it should be ensured that the same places and people are not necessarily visited where cannabis is normally consumed. A certain distance from such familiar surroundings can make it much easier to get away. New hobbies can take on the central role of smoking weed. However, no substitute drug should be taken as compensation, as would be the case, for example, with alcohol. Withdrawal usually lasts three weeks. The initially very bad mood as well as the withdrawal symptoms will decrease over time. The sleep problems improve and you feel more relaxed overall.

The third phase is that weaning. The ex-user gets used to life without the drug. This phase can take a long time and it may happen again and again that a desire to consume is felt. In the event of a relapse, do not stop immediately, but start the next attempt. It is important to have contact persons who you trust and with whom you can talk about your own desires. The goals set at the beginning and the considered advantages should also be brought back to mind.
If all of your efforts are unsuccessful and you cannot stop smoking weed on your own, there is always the possibility professional help pick up. This is usually guaranteed by an inpatient admission to a clinic, in which the consumer has a versatile Weaning program passes through.

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What happens in case of withdrawal?

Withdrawal from smoking weed occurs when the body has already got used to the substance, i.e. one Dependency has developed. This mainly happens through regular consumption and can be aggravated by excessive dosing. When withdrawn, the body and mind react to the absence of the compound contained in cannabis THC (Tetrahydrocannabinol)that triggers the intoxication in the consumer. The brain areas that are controlled by the THC have got used to the effect of the substance and down-regulated their independent activity. This results in a subfunction of the corresponding areas, for example part of the the brain's own reward system are.

The psychological withdrawal symptoms range from bad mood and consumerism to depressive mood, anxiety, restlessness, irritability and aggressiveness. In a few addicts, physical withdrawal signs such as tremors, temperature fluctuations with sweating and freezing, pain or sleep disorders are observed. Withdrawal usually occurs up to 48 hours after the last use. The different symptoms can persist for up to two weeks and vary in severity and severity depending on the person.

What are the consequences of driving a car?

How weed affects the ability to drive is rated differently. The various camps agree that within the first hour after consumptionNo consumer should take part in traffic, especially during the high intoxication. The ability to react is limited, situations cannot be reliably assessed and the risk of accidents is increased.
When it comes to driving after two to three hours opinions differ. On the one hand, there is the view that a strict driving ban should be imposed as long as one is under the influence of a drug, even if only to a small extent. On the other hand, there is the opinion that users, especially if they do not smoke weed frequently, drive more cautiously after 2-3 hours because the effects have largely disappeared and they are particularly careful.
However, the legal consequences of smoking weed before or while driving are indisputable. In Germany, the driver's license is immediately withdrawn, usually for a month, and a fine is imposed. In addition, the consumer becomes a so-called MPU, a medical-psychological examination, Committed. The penalties increase dramatically with repetition. Regular drug tests may be required, which can often be accompanied by a medical report to check the general fitness to drive. The withdrawal of the driving license can be extended for up to a year.

Does smoking weed make you stupid?

Smoking weed has a negative effect on cognitive performance, i.e. on thinking, attention, memory and perception. You notice these restrictions a short time after consumption. They are part of the high. If a lot of cannabis is consumed over a long period of time, the deficits can also persist beyond the period of consumption. The effects can last for days or even weeks, even if the consumer forces himself to do without it. As a rule, however, the functions normalize after long-term abstinence.
From what level of consumption smoking pot permanently reduces cognitive performance, ie "makes you stupid", could not yet be determined without any problems.
Especially with young consumers, in whom the functions of the brain are only just beginning to develop, negative effects on intelligence are very likely. However, once the development of the brain is complete, no permanent loss of function has been found. While consumers showed lower intelligence, reduced information processing and impaired memory function in various test series compared with non-users, no deficits could be found in the same people after a few months without it. The long-term effects of cannabis use remain part of further research.

Read more on the topic: Memory Problems and / Due to Drugs - Causes & Therapy

Can smoking weed trigger psychosis?

The answer to this question is definitely “yes”. Excessive smoking weed can lead to an overdose and an acute one Drug psychosis come. This is characterized by its sudden appearance and is characterized by certain psychotic symptoms. This includes disorientation, the feeling of no longer being yourself (depersonalization), Hallucinations and paranoid delusions (paranoia). If the psychosis occurs under an extremely high dose of cannabis, it is a kind of poisoning, the symptoms of which are usually disappear after a few days without leaving any lasting damage.

In various scientific studies, clear indications have been found that excessive smoking can trigger a previously hidden illness in the psyche. This disease, wrongly called "cannabis psychosis" for a long time, is schizophrenia. It is believed that people who are prone to the disease develop symptoms earlier when they use cannabis. It was also found that the course of the disease is negatively influenced by consumption. It is disputed here whether this psychological ailment can be triggered by regular smoking weed in people who would normally not be ill. This presumption of a new disease without risk factors is particularly likely in young users under the age of 16, since during this period the substance has the greatest negative effect on the developing brain.