Figure tendinitis on the wrist

Figure tendinitis on the wrist: causes and therapy

at the wrist -Tendovaginitis

  1. Common tendon sheath (Ssch)
    the finger flexor -
    Vagina communis tendinum
    musculorum flexorum
  2. Transverse carpal band -
    Transverse carpal ligament
  3. Tendon sheaths of the fingers -
    Vaginae synoviales
    digitorum manus
  4. Ssch of the long flexor of the thumb -
    Vagina tendinis musculi
    flexoris pollicis longi
  5. Tendon sheath of
    Extensor carpi ulnaris muscle
    = Elbow-sided hand extensor
  6. Tendon sheath of
    Extensor digiti minimi muscle
    = Little finger extensor
  7. Tendon sheath of
    Extensor digitorum muscle
    = Extensor of the thief
  8. Tendon sheaths of
    Extensores carpi radialis muscles
    longus and brevis

    = Long and short spoke side
    Hand straightener
  9. Tendon sheath of
    Extensor pollicis longus muscle
    = Long thumb extensor
  10. Tendon sheath of
    Extensor pollicis brevis muscle
    = Short thumb extensor
    and Abductor pollicis longus muscle
    = Long thumb spreader
  11. Extensor tendon strap -
    Retinaculum musculorum extensorum
    A - Right palm
    B - Back of the right hand
    I - Possible causes:
    Overload (budget). Work on
    Computers, musicians,
    Sports (gymnastics, golf, tennis).
    from infection with bacteria
    (Chlamydia. Gonococci or
    II - Therapy:
    Bandage, splint, cooling compresses,
    Pain relievers (tablet, ointment),
    Syringe with cortisone

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