Abscess on the inside of the thigh
An abscess on the inside of the thigh is a collection of pus that is localized in this area of the body. This "boil" is based on a bacterial infection. In most cases, staphylococci are the causative agents.
To avoid complications, the abscess should be assessed and treated by a doctor. If a thigh abscess occurs repeatedly, the cause needs to be clarified. In these cases, it is important to expose various diseases and imbalances in the body.
Find out more here: Abscess on the leg - it's that dangerous!
Causes of an Abscess
The inside of the thigh is exposed to constant friction. This friction arises from clothing and constant small or large movements when lying, sitting, standing and walking. Therefore, this part of the body is a predilection point for the development of abscesses, that is, abscesses occur more frequently here.
In addition, excess weight and increased sweating favor the development of a "boil" in this area.
The skin condition also plays a role. The more unstable, drier, and generally more prone to injury, the greater the likelihood that thigh abscesses will form. If certain skin diseases already exist, there is a certain disposition for the accumulation of pus on the inside of the thigh.
The friction and other circumstances such as needle punctures in the case of drug abuse can cause injuries to the skin, which represent entry points for bacteria.
In most cases, staphylococci are the trigger for abscesses on the inner thigh. Some are part of the normal skin flora and pose no danger. They can only cause infections under certain circumstances.
Thigh abscesses without bacteria are less common. Here one speaks of cold or sterile abscesses. These can occur after operations without a clearly identifiable cause. In addition, cold abscesses can result from tuberculosis.
When the immune system is weakened, there is a higher risk of developing thigh abscesses. For example, various diseases of the immune system, diabetes mellitus, HIV and cancer can promote the development of thigh abscesses.
Learn more about it here: Causes of an Abscess
Symptoms of an abscess on the inside of the thigh
A thigh abscess is characterized by typical inflammatory features:
- Redness
- swelling
- Overheating
- Pain on pressure and touch
The pain increases the more the area is exposed to friction or pressure.
A mature abscess will also leak pus. If this has not yet emptied, a whitish spot can sometimes be seen on the thigh abscess.
In rare cases, those affected report itching. As a rule, however, this does not occur until the wound is healing and is therefore to be understood as a "good sign". It identifies the cellular rehabilitation work that occurs during the wound healing process. The body's own messenger substances are released, which can cause the often unpleasant itching.
In addition, the bacterial infection can lead to a general feeling of illness, fatigue, fever and chills. In this context, fever should always be viewed as a warning sign that must be taken seriously. If a fever occurs, a doctor must be contacted in any case, as there is a risk of blood poisoning.
In addition to the fever, shock and circulatory failure can then occur. Untreated blood poisoning is fatal.
Usually an abscess is placed just below the skin surface on the inside of the thigh, making it a visual diagnosis. Characteristic signs of inflammation can be seen on the inside of the thigh. If pus is already emerging, a smear is taken to determine the pathogen.
If an abscess develops frequently, a blood test and possibly further tests should also be carried out. As a rule, increased levels of inflammation are found in the blood, which additionally confirm the diagnosis.
If you also have a fever, it could be a sign that the bacteria are already in the blood. If this happens, there is a risk of blood poisoning and action must be taken quickly. If the abscess cannot be clearly differentiated from other diseases, ultrasound diagnostics are performed.
Treatment for an abscess on the inner thigh
Treatment for an abscess on the inside of the thigh is based on its size and individual factors. Only a doctor can estimate what type of treatment is indicated. Therefore, a medical examination should always be carried out.
Treatment with pull ointment
For small abscesses, treatment with a pulling ointment - usually with the active ingredients ammonium bituminosulphate or ichthammolum - is often sufficient. In some cases, antibiotics are also given in tablet form.
As the name of the ointment suggests, it pulls the pus out of the abscess and thus enables healing. It has an antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, analgesic and blood circulation-promoting effect. The dosage and concentration of the ointment should be individually tailored to the patient.
More information can be found here: Treat abscess with an ointment
When does the abscess need to be operated on?
If the pus does not escape from the abscess within a few days and / or the abscess has reached a certain size, this type of treatment is not sufficient. In these cases, the abscess must be surgically removed.
The aim of all surgical methods is to ensure that the pus is emptied and that it or the bacteria do not get into the surrounding tissue or into the bloodstream.
In many cases, the surgical procedure is harmless and performed under local anesthesia. The operation then usually takes about 10-20 minutes. In some cases, however, the surgical removal must be performed under general anesthesia. Drainage is usually placed in both cases.
If the abscess is to be surgically removed on an outpatient basis, the patient must be picked up after the operation. On the day of the operation, he is not allowed to drive or use machines. The removal is usually followed by antibiotic treatment. The antibiotics are introduced directly into the wound with the help of antibiotic carriers or administered in tablet form or by infusion.
In addition, the patients are instructed in special hygiene measures and careful care of the wound. The earlier the abscess is treated, the greater the likelihood that no or only a very minor surgical procedure will be required.
You can find more information on the topic here: Operation of an abscess
Home remedies for the abscess
In addition to conventional medical measures, certain home remedies can support the healing process, both before and without surgery, as well as after surgery.
According to some authors, coffee, peppermint, and camphor should be avoided in the healing process. Some authors recommend applying a proplistincture. In addition, warmth in the form of a red light lamp or as warm compresses can have a supportive effect.
With the red light lamp it is important to position it at the correct distance and to use it in an appropriate, limited period of time so that no burns can occur. Warm water, chamomile or calendula can be used for the compresses.
Hay flowers and arnica can also support the healing process.
In addition to conventional medical measures, homeopathic remedies have a supporting effect on the regeneration of the skin on the thighs for some sufferers. In some cases Traumeel® tablets with 5 drops of Notakehl D 5 are recommended 4 times a day for 2 days.
Read more here: Home remedies for an abscess
Duration of an abscess
The time it takes for an abscess on the inside of the thigh to heal depends on several factors.
The larger the pus collection, the longer the healing process will take. Furthermore, the duration is strongly influenced by the body's own immune system. In addition, good wound healing is based on good wound care.
If it is a small thigh abscess that does not require surgery, it may heal in a few days. If surgery had to be done, the healing process takes longer. Wound healing can then take a few weeks to months. In some cases, a new abscess will form and repeated surgery will have to be performed.
Spread of the abscess into the genital area
The genital area as a moist, warm, hairy body region favors the development or spread of an abscess in this area. In addition, certain factors can contribute to the risk of spreading to the genital area. These risk factors include:
- Poor intimate hygiene
- Smoke
- Obesity
- Diabetes mellitus
- Weakened immune system
- Various skin diseases
- Tight, abrasive underwear
The causes and symptoms of an abscess in the genital area correspond to the symptoms of the thigh abscess, but the pain can be much more severe. Walking and sitting are often a torture for those affected and the pain increases enormously when touched and pressed.
In addition, women can develop inflammation of the large vaginal atrial glands. If the abscess on the inside of the thigh has spread to the genital area, a gynecologist or urologist must be consulted.
The treatment decision and methods of treatment are similar to the abscess on the inside of the thigh. If an abscess in the genital area occurs frequently, it is essential to rule out inverse acne by differential diagnosis.
More on this topic at: Abscess in the genital area
Thigh abscess in pregnancy
If an abscess develops on the inside of the thigh or in the genital area during pregnancy, the gynecologist should be informed as soon as possible. According to the benefit-harm ratio, an individual decision is made as to which treatment method is suitable.