Angelica root

Latin name: Angelica archangelica
Genus: Umbelliferous plants
Common names: Angelica, angelica

Plant description angelica root

Plant description: Shoulder-high, striking plant with hollow stems as thick as a thumb and green-yellow, hemispherical flowers. Aromatically scented plant, used by us since the 16th century. Origin Europe, western Russia.

Plant parts used medicinally



approx. 5% essential oil with a fine aroma, angelica acid, resin, tannin, bitter substance. The drug is a typical aromatic bitter agent.

Healing effects and application of angelica root

Flatulence, poor appetite. Has an antispasmodic effect and stimulates the flow of bile. The appetite is stimulated by the bitter substances. An important component of gastric liqueurs.

Preparation of angelica root

Pour 1 heaped teaspoon of finely chopped drug with a large cup of boiling water, cover and let stand for 10 minutes. If you don't have enough appetite, drink a warm cup of tea sweetened with honey before eating. For flatulence, unsweetened with and after meals.

Combination with other medicinal plants

Can be combined with many medicinal plants such as dost, parsley root, verbena, peppermint and wormwood for those with poor appetite.

side effect

not known