Anxiety Disorders P
Below is one List of many anxiety disordersthat we are constantly expanding.
Do you know a disease that we forgot? Email us at: angst Krankung@.
There are hundreds of anxiety disorders that can now be differentiated.
A list of all diseases of the Letter P. can be found attached below.
Anxiety disorder with the letter P.
- Pedophobia - fear of dolls
- Pagophobia - Fear of ice or frost
- Panophobia - fear of everything
- Panthophobia - fear of illness
- Papaphobia - fear of the Pope
- Papyrophobia - fear of paper
- Paralipophobia - fear of neglecting responsibility
- Paraphobia - fear of perversion
- Parasitophobia - Fear of parasites
- Paraskavedecatriaphobia - Fear of Friday the 13th
- Pareunophobia - fear of traffic
- Parthenophobia - fear of virgins
- Parturiphobia - fear of child birth
- Paruresis - fear of urinating in public toilets
- Pathophobia - fear of illness
- Patriophobia - fear of inheritance
- Peccatiophobia - fear of committing a crime
- Peccatophobia - fear of sin
- Pediculophobia - fear of lice
- Pediophobia - fear of dolls
- Peladophobia - fear of bald people
- Peniaphobia - fear of poverty
- Pentheraphobia - fear of the mother-in-law
- Phagophobia - fear of swallowing
- Phalacrophobia - fear of going bald
- Phallophobia - fear of male reproductive organs
- Pharmacophobia - fear of drugs
- Phasmophobia - fear of ghosts
- Phengophobia - Fear of daylight and sunshine
- Philemaphobia - fear of kissing
- Philophobia - Fear of falling in love
- Philosophobia - fear of philosophy
- Phobophobia - fear of fear
- Phonophobia - Fear of the phone
- Photoaugliaphobia - fear of blinding light
- Photophobia - fear of light
- Phronemophobia - Fear of thinking
- Phtiriophobia - fear of lice
- Phtisiophobia - fear of tuberculosis
- Placophobia - fear of gravestones
- Plutophobia - fear of wealth
- Pluviophobia - Fear of getting wet from rain
- Pneumatiphobia - fear of ghosts
- Pnigerophobia (pnigophobia) - fear of suffocating
- Pocrescophobia - fear of gaining weight
- Pogonophobia - fear of beards
- Poinephobia - fear of punishment
- Politicophobia - Fear of politicians
- Ponophobia - fear of pain
- Porphyrophobia - Fear of the color purple
- Potamophobia - fear of rivers
- Potophobia - Fear of alcohol
- Primosodophobia - Fear of the first sexual act
- Proctophobia - Fear of the anal area especially during sex
- Prosophobia - fear of progress
- Protein phobia - fear of high protein foods
- Psellismophobia - fear of stutter
- Psychophobia - fear of the psyche
- Psychrophobia - fear of cold
- Pteromeranophobia - Fear of flying
- Pupaphobia - fear of dolls
- Pyrexiophobia - Fear of a fever
- Pyrophobia - fear of fire
Overview of all anxiety disorders from A-Z
- Anxiety Disorder A
- Anxiety disorder B
- Anxiety disorder C
- Anxiety Disorder D
- Anxiety disorder E
- Anxiety disorder F
- Anxiety disorder G.
- Anxiety disorder H
- Anxiety Disorder I.
- Anxiety disorder K
- Anxiety disorder L
- Anxiety disorder M.
- Anxiety disorder N
- Anxiety disorder O
- Anxiety disorder P
- Anxiety disorder R
- Anxiety disorder S
- Anxiety disorder T
- Anxiety Disorder U
- Anxiety Disorder V
- Anxiety Disorder W
- Anxiety disorder X
- Anxiety disorder Z