Signs of athlete's foot

Athlete's foot shows various skin changes on the sole of the foot.


Tinea pedis, tinea pedum, mycosis of the foot, athlete's foot, dermatophyte infection of the foot


Athlete's foot, tinea pedis, is usually a protracted infection of the spaces between the toes, the soles of the feet and, in severe cases, the back of the foot with a filamentous fungus (dermatophyte). The dermatophytes specifically attack the skin and its appendages such as hair and nails. If one or more nails on the toes are also affected, it is also called a nail fungus. About one in three people in developed countries is affected by athlete's foot, with men more likely than women to suffer from the disease. What are the signs of athlete's foot?

For more information, see the main article athlete's foot.

Different types

The athlete's foot pathogens are too small to see with the naked eye. However, there are typical signs that can support the diagnosis of athlete's foot. As soon as the filamentous fungi have reached the top layer of skin (the Stratum corneum) penetrate, they spread there and build the keratin (the horny substance) of the skin from. A local inflammatory reaction develops. There are different forms of athlete's foot, each different symptoms to have.

  1. Dyshidrotic type: On the arch and on the edges of the feet are found small vesicles, Which filled with a cloudy liquid are. The vesicles have a stringy content. They do not burst, but rather heal under a scaly crust. The typical signs of this type of athlete's foot are a severe itching as well as a feeling of tension on the edge of the foot and the arch of the foot. If the disease is protracted, old and new blisters and flaking may coexist. There is a colorful picture of skin changes. As soon as large bubbles develop one speaks of bullous type. Dyshidrosis comes from the Greek and means translated bad sweat. Contrary to previous assumptions, it could be shown that there is no connection between the blistering skin changes and the function of the sweat glands.
  2. Interdigital type: Interdigital means translated between the toes. Especially the space between the toes of the 3rd and 4th or the 4th and 5th toes are due to the particularly close distance affected. This form is the most common type of athlete's foot infection. At the beginning it comes to Soaking the top layer of skin. If you spread your toes, you can see a gray-whitish, swollen skin between the toes. As soon as the soaked skin comes off, you can weeping superficial injuries and recognize deeper cracks. The bottom of the swollen skin is reddened and, in the end, flaking of the skin also occurs. It can cause additional infection to the affected areas bacteria come, whereupon an unpleasant foot odor develops. The interdigital type can exist for a very long time without being noticed and spreading so on. If the feet sweat excessively, severe itching occurs in the space between the toes. The great danger of the interdigital type of athlete's foot is the sore throat (Erysipelas). The small injuries are a good entry point for the bacteria.
  3. Squamous-hyperkeratotic type: The most common form goes with one first very fine dry flaking on a slightly reddened, inflamed base. With a longer course you can focal, easily demarcated, scaly, excessively keratinized areas of the skin (Hyperkeratosis) occur. They are often caused by small cracks in the skin (Rhagades) accompanied. This shape occurs mainly on the edges of the feet, toes and heels.
  4. Moccasin type: This is mostly one dry, scattered scalingthat rests on whitish or only slightly reddened plaques. It occurs mainly on the entire sole of the foot in the form of a moccasin. Another important sign of this form of athlete's foot is that Co-disease of the nails.
  5. Oligosymptomatic type: Kick in this form of athlete's foot multiple signs at the same time on. There is a slight reddening of the spaces between the toes and excessive cornification of the skin with accompanying fine scaling. It mainly affects the heels and the edges of the feet.


What does the doctor do to verify the signs of athlete's foot? Next to the optical findings and the complaints expressed by the person affected, such as itching, redness and scaling, a laboratory examination is essential. There will be enough of the edge of the scaly patch of skin Sample material obtainedto it examine directly under a microscope. If pathogens living there can be detected, the test is considered to be positive. A fungal attack is confirmed. If the image under the microscope is uncertain, the doctor can also do a Create mushroom culture. If the fungus grows on the artificial nutrient medium after a certain period of time, this is also evidence of a fungal infection.

Risk factors

If you have any of the above symptoms and one or more of the following risk factors, please consult a doctor. You have one Athlete's foot infection very likely and you need the right treatment.

The risk factors include:

  • Family disposition
  • Misaligned feet
  • Use of public bathing facilities or use of public changing rooms
  • Occlusive effect from wearing tight shoes (sports shoes)
  • Male gender
  • Dream
  • Peripheral neuropathy
  • Diabetes mellitus (Blood sugar disease)
  • Circulatory disorders.

Athlete's foot should definitely handled properly become. It can affect the nails and lead to serious complications. The important protective barrier, the skin, is damaged, causing its natural resistance decreases. Further bacteria or viruses can penetrate deeper skin layers and damage them. Athlete's foot can grow whole spread easily to other parts of the body. If you scratch your itchy feet with your bare hands, you have contagious fungal parts under your fingernails. Caution is advised. Another important issue related to athlete's foot signs is the nail fungus. You can find important information on this at our page.


A prevention against athlete's foot is so important there is just one Dander enough to get a Athlete's foot infection to transfer.

Read more about this: How contagious is athlete's foot?

To a athlete's foot targeted preventionThere are a number of strategies.
For one thing, you especially have to careful in places be where you can barefoot goes, for example in swimming pools, common rooms, changing rooms, hotel rooms, showers or saunas.
There is one there high humidity and a warm climatewhich the pathogen can use well to multiply. Hence are Slippers advisable.

It also makes sense with that Drying the spaces between the toes and feet a separate towel to be used, especially after a visit to the swimming pool, to avoid spreading. In addition, the pathogen can penetrate the skin much more easily through the wet, softened skin after swimming. Therefore, you should dry your feet well after bathing and not leave out the spaces between the toes.
In addition, the Towels washed regularly because the pathogen can also collect in wet towels.

Another benefit of athlete's foot is caused by too little breathable shoes. There the Sweaty feet collect particularly well and create a good environment for athlete's foot to thrive.
Therefore you should also use the Change shoes regularly. It is also on a regular basis Foot hygiene value to permanently avoid athlete's foot. You should always do it pay attention to changes in the feet. Injuries, for example, make it easier for pathogens to penetrate the skin.

Another measure it can be through regular foot exercises the Blood circulation of the feet too improve to keep athlete's foot out.
It is also important noticeable areas of skin on the feet not to be ignored. itch or white coverings, should be an urgent warning sign of athlete's foot. The earlier you treat the fungus, the easier it is to fight it.
A particular danger for athlete's foot exists with the disease of diabetes, diabetes. For one thing, here is this Weakened immune system and also the skin can pre-damaged so that a fungus is more likely to develop and spread. So diabetics should have their Have your feet examined by a doctor and observe the preventive measures mentioned above.

Another myth are Foot disinfection systems, these are supposed to protect against athlete's foot, but tend to provide one increased risk of athlete's foot! The reason for this is, on the one hand, the insufficient exposure time for disinfection in such systems. In addition, the substances in the systems Allergies trigger and change the skin flora. This will make the Skin defenses weakened and pathogens can penetrate more easily.
Another strategy for prevention are special Foot care products, these are alcoholic and prevent the pathogen from multiplying. There are also numerous Anti-athlete's foot sprays or powder.