Breast Growth During Pregnancy
During pregnancy there is a change in the woman's body. Among other things, due to the implantation of the embryo in the uterus (uterus) the female sex hormones such as estrogens and progestins (including progesterone) increase. This has various consequences for the female body, including the fact that the pregnancy leads to strong breast growth. This breast growth during pregnancy is a natural (more physiological) Process that only lasts for a certain time. This means that after pregnancy and weaning the baby, the woman's breasts begin to lose size again.
The extent to which the breast size fluctuates depends very much on the patient and also on her diet and the number of unborn babies, since in twins, for example, breast growth increases significantly compared to patients with one baby. The fact that breasts grow during pregnancy is the same for every patient from around the same point in time during pregnancy. How much the breasts grow, however, depends very much on the patient.
root cause
The cause of breast growth in pregnancy is always that Upregulation of female hormones (Estrogen, progesterone, prolactin ...). As a result of pregnancy and the implantation of the embryo in the uterus, the female hormones vincreasingly produced and released become the body the patient prepared for pregnancy becomes. Besides the Breasts (Mom) the patient must also have the uterus (uterus) to grow so that the unborn baby can spread out here without being constricted. Furthermore, the skin and the connective tissue the patient more elastic so that the bloated baby belly does not crack in the skin.
The reason it is used in pregnancy Breast growth comes is very understandable. In the chest (Mom) and in the nipple (Nipples) the patient arrives modification instead of. As long as there is no pregnancy, the female breast contains mainly fat, The milk ducts are very weak and do not produce any milk. This is also very useful because a patient who is not pregnant does not want to produce milk all the time. However, if there is one pregnancy so changed the Structure of the chest. The Milk ducts begin to to train more (proliferate), which is due to the female sex hormones estrogen and progesterone. The fat, which is found predominantly in the breast of non-pregnant patients, is increasing replaced and instead find each other increased mammary ducts and Connective tissue in the chest.
This not only results in breast growth during pregnancy, but also causes the breast to grow Patient feels tighter and tighter. The point at which breast growth begins during pregnancy is sometimes different, but it happens in most patients within the first 12 weeks (first trimester) already leads to strong breast growth since the hormones estrogen and progesterone continue to rise in this phase. When does breast growth begin during pregnancy, however particularly pronounced is, is that 2 months. During this time it comes to one very fast and very high rise of the female sex hormones, which on the one hand leads to increased milk ducts and on the other hand leads to the patient's breast gaining a lot of growth within a very short time.
Read more about the topic here Breast Changes During Pregnancy
How long breast growth lasts differs from patient to patient. Most of the time, the breast grows slightly with the entire pregnancy. Breastfeeding a patient after her child can also do this again slightly increase in size. However, during the first few months after pregnancy, breast growth should stop. How long breast growth will last cannot be said in advance. Also, it is difficult to judge how much the female breast will grow during pregnancy. However, this depends, among other things, on how much breast the patient had before pregnancy. Some patients need at least 4 different bras during pregnancy because the breasts increase by 4 cups, but others have just a breast growth of one cup.
So breast growth in pregnancy is typical, how much and how long however, the breasts are growing very individual and depends very much on the patient. However, the point in time from when breast growth begins in pregnancy is uniform begins. This is around the 2nd month of pregnancy dated, with some women reporting breast growth earlier.
In order to determine that breast growth occurs during pregnancy, it is usually necessary no medical diagnosis because the patient herself feels a tug in her chest and also notices that her breasts (mums) are getting bigger and feel plumper.
Unfortunately, it is very difficult to diagnose how much and how long breast growth continues in pregnancy. Still can concerned patients with your Gynecologist (Gynecologist) to advise as he can tell from experience how much breast growth can be expected during the patient's pregnancy and how long it will last.
From when breast growth will begin during pregnancy, however, is easier to determine because it starts from 2nd month of pregnancy In addition, milk ducts develop more and more and breast growth continues to increase. However, it is generally very difficult to get a diagnosis of how much and how long the patient's breast will grow, as this can vary greatly from patient to patient, especially if it is the first pregnancy.
Frequency distribution
Breast growth in pregnancy is for every woman absolutely typical and each patient will experience some breast growth throughout pregnancy. Thus, every patient should have this condition as much as possible accept and Do not try oppose breast growth during pregnancy fight back or this too preventunless there are medical complications.
Breast growth in pregnancy is mostly symptom-free and is often first noticed by the patient's partner, who advises the patient that the breasts are plumper and firmer. But from the 2nd month the patient also notices that it sometimes happens strong breast growth comes as the Bras no longer fit. Besides breast growth, it can also be too Tensions or to one slight chest pulling during pregnancy come, which is nothing unusual. Especially with the first pregnancy the skin stretches (Cutis) due to the breast growth and is sometimes not elastic enough to withstand the breast growth. In this case it can lead to a Pull or one Feeling of tension come.
From the 8th month of pregnancy it can happen now and then that something Breast milk the patient exit because at this stage of pregnancy already one Foremilk (Colostrum) educated becomes. Also the Nipples (Nipples) change. you will be darker and b and are also greater. Due to the changes that can occur in pregnancy with regard to the nipples, there can also be some problems here. In addition to the symptoms of breast growth and nipple growth, there are of course others typical symptoms of pregnancy, like for example nausea, increased need to urinate or increased feeling of hunger.
It only comes to one Breast growth without being pregnant and grows just one breastwhile the other remains the same size, it should be by a specialist in gynecology examined because it may be a Inflammation of the chest (Mastitis) or one tumor (Breast cancer) could act.
There is no therapy against breast growth during pregnancy because it is a natural (physiological) process that is controlled by the increase in the hormones estrogen and progesterone. So there is no way to stop or prevent breast growth during pregnancy. However, if there is severe pain during pregnancy due to breast growth, this can be stopped or prevented by placing cooling quark compresses on the breasts. Drug therapies or even surgical breast reduction during pregnancy to prevent and stop breast growth are by no means recommended.
However, there is a possibility that the patient will not breastfeed her newborn baby after pregnancy, which means that the milk will not come in after a certain time and thus the size of the breasts will decrease faster than in patients who breastfeed their children longer. However, it is important to know that a breastfed baby receives many important nutrients and, above all, immune factors through breast milk. However, if a patient wishes to prevent further breast growth and stop it early because of the strong breast growth during pregnancy, rapid weaning is one way of ensuring this.
However, there are no adequate therapeutic options to prevent breast growth during pregnancy, as breast growth can neither be controlled nor prevented. There is no other way to promote breast growth during pregnancy. How many cups a pregnant patient's breasts grows depends entirely on the patient and there is no external application that promotes breast growth during pregnancy. The only way to promote breast growth after pregnancy is to breastfeed the baby. In this case, the increased amount of milk coming in means that the woman's breasts become a little bigger. However, this is a natural process and not one that can be promoted by the patient.
The only option left for the patient is to accept breast growth during pregnancy. With some patients it will be difficult for them because the breast growth is sometimes very strong. However, it is important to recognize this condition as part of pregnancy and not to try to fight it. There is no way to stop, prevent or promote breast growth during pregnancy, and so ultimately the only remaining therapy is acceptance. After the pregnancy, however, each patient can decide individually whether they want to change the appearance of their breasts and have them reduced or enlarged.
Breast growth during pregnancy is common to every patient individually very different and therefore it is difficult to predict how much a patient's breasts will grow, or whether they will grow much at all. It is also very difficult to predict whether the patient's breasts will return after pregnancy attain the same size become or whether they get smaller or bigger. This also depends on various other factors from, for example, whether the patient Baby breastfed or whether it has increased or decreased significantly due to the pregnancy. In general, however, most women experience this Breast growth reverses after breastfeeding and the patients regain their old cup shape.