Inflammation of the lip frenulum


The frenulum labii are thin folds of the mucous membrane that are located between the upper lip and the gums or the lower lip and the gums. The lip frenulum is not assigned a special function. Rather, they are a holdover from oral development.
Inflammation of the lip frenulum can be caused by a number of reasons, but in most cases it is a mundane condition. Only rarely are both the upper and lower lip frenulum affected at the same time.

The inflammation often disappears after a few days.


The causes of lip ligament inflammation can be different. Firstly, small injuries to the lip frenulum from, for example, sharp foods can lead to small wounds on the lip frenulum. This can cause it to catch fire. The inflammation occurs primarily when germs penetrate through the small injuries.

Inflammation of the gums or an inflamed or rotten tooth can also cause inflammation of the lip frenulum. The inflammation spreads and also affects the lip band. Germs can also enter through a newly pierced piercing.

On the other hand, it can also be a sore throat that is triggered by a herpes virus infection. This can only occur in one place (for example on the lip frenulum) or in several places in the mouth. Since many people are infected with the herpes virus and it remains in the body, it can be reactivated in people with stress, immunosuppression or even colds and, in addition to the well-known cold sore, can also cause canker sores in the mouth. Aphthae - especially those that recur - can also be caused by a vitamin B12 deficiency or iron.

also read: Herpes in the mouth


If you are unsure what the inflammation on the lip frenulum means, you should see a doctor. They will have a conversation with you to find out where the inflammation is coming from. He can narrow down the cause by asking specific questions.

He will then do a physical exam. For example, he will palpate the lymph nodes, which are often swollen with inflammation. Most of all, he will look in the mouth and look at the lip frenulum and the surrounding area. If there is a suspicion of a vitamin B12 deficiency or iron, he can check this with a blood count. If a toothache and inflammation occur at the same time, a dentist should be consulted. This can treat the trigger - for example an inflamed tooth.


There is pain in the case of lip ligament inflammation. These are often only noticeable when eating or speaking, but can also occur in peace. If you look at the lip frenulum, it can be red and puffy. The surroundings, for example lips or gums, can also be red and / or swollen and painful.

If the cause is a herpes infection, yellowish pimples often appear on the canker sores, which are grouped. It should be noted that these are not expressed, as the infection can then spread further. Often this also leads to swollen lymph nodes in the jaw and / or neck region and possibly also to a fever. If the inflammation is triggered by bacteria, an accumulation of pus (abscess) can appear under the mucous membrane on the lip frenulum. This also hurts to the touch and causes a feeling of pressure in the mouth. In addition, people with an iron deficiency and vitamin B12 deficiency often feel tired and exhausted and look pale.

Treatment / therapy

The treatment or therapy depends on the cause of the inflammation. Often an inflammation of the lip frenulum does not have to be treated, but heals on its own. In order to avoid germ colonization, a mouthwash with germicidal substances can be carried out after eating and drinking.
If the trigger is a bad tooth or inflamed gums, the dentist will need to perform dental work. If it comes to the formation of canker sores due to herpes infection, treatment is usually symptomatic. You can treat with certain gels or ointments that relieve pain. These often contain lidocaine.

In addition, warm drinks and warm, hard food should be avoided, as these can aggravate the pain. If the cause of the canker sores is a lack of vitamin B12 or iron, these should be substituted.

If wounds in the mouth where bacteria cause an infection are to blame for the inflammation on the lip frenulum, antibiotics can be used to prevent the inflammation from spreading. If an abscess has developed, it must be split open and the pus removed.

How long does inflammation of the lip frenulum last?

The duration of an inflammation of the lip frenulum depends on the cause. However, the improvement should occur after a few days or healing should occur after about two weeks. For example, if you have herpes in your mouth, the pain should subside even after a week. The canker sores usually heal without consequences.

After a piercing

When piercing the lip frenulum, the damage to the mucous membrane can lead to inflammation with swelling, reddening and pain. In addition, the thin skin of the lip frenulum can tear and cause additional pain. In most cases, however, the wound heals quickly.

However, if a piercing becomes infected, it can also transfer this inflammation to surrounding structures. For example, it can be transmitted to the gums. If the piercing festers, a doctor should be seen. They can prescribe antibiotics to prevent the bacterial infection from spreading and healing. In general, it should be discussed with the doctor whether the piercing should be removed in the event of inflammation.

To prevent complications such as inflammation after the piercing, the lip frenulum should be cleaned with bacteria-killing mouthwashes after eating and drinking. Since the mucous membrane is irritated immediately after the piercing, you should avoid eating acidic foods so that they are not additionally irritated and still become inflamed.