Diet in cancer
Definition of cancer
cancer is a disease that the affects the entire bodyeven if it has not yet spread. The cancer consumes a lot of energy, because cancer cells often have a less efficient energy metabolism than healthy body cells. This energy is often lacking elsewhere, the Sick people lose weight and has an essential higher energy needs than healthy people.
At this point you can as a person affected by his illness through nutrition a little influence. There are countless theories and diets on the subject of cancer, but these are often controversial and not every "recommended" diet is actually recommended for cancer.
What should be considered?
Cancer is probably one of the most serious illnesses that a person can develop. The therapy is tedious and demands a lot from the body. Frequently cancer sufferers inherently or through nausea chemotherapy no appetite and food no longer tastes as good as it did before. Therefore, one in one of those difficult phase the eat should, whatever you want.
Excessive diets and restrictions are more stressful than helpful when in doubt. You should be cautious about favorite dishes, because the changed taste perception the favorite food can be downright ruined. One should beware of dietary wisdom that pretends to want to treat cancer through certain diets. This is very dangerous, there one adapted diet just supportive and should not be given the status of a treatment method.
One should look after a certain plan during his therapy Nutrition plan it is recommended to do this to discuss with his treating oncologist. He or she may have valuable advice on the subject or can direct you to a nutritionist specially trained for cancer.
Recommended foods for cancer
Both for the prevention of cancer and after diagnosis of cancer, the general motto is to eat a balanced diet. this includes a lot of fruits and vegetables as healthy and natural sources of vitamins and fiber, varied consumption of Carbohydrates in the form of potatoes, good bread, pasta and (wholemeal) rice and sufficient Proteins (white meat, fish, cheese and eggs).
It is actually worth it on some products Organic products to fall back on. Bread in health food stores or bakeries without preservative substances and artificial leaveners unlike, for example, bread from the pack or the supermarket. Generally one should keep an eye on that ingredients of what you eat, throw. With bread in particular, you notice that there are often ingredients that appear to be of a chemical nature.
Even with milk and Dairy products is it worthwhile Organic products to choose. It has been found that cows that graze in the pasture produce better milk than cows fed with concentrate. The focus on Vitamin D and other valuable ingredients is significantly higher in pasture milk.
An interesting area in nutrition in cancer Spices above all turmeric, the yellow spice powder from curries and co., and its ingredient curcumin have proven themselves in studies as anti-cancer proven. It is supposed to do that in colon cancer Polyp growth to reduce and even work against the spread of cancer in the body. However, it is crucial to season your food with turmeric regularly in order to have an effect. With its spiciness, chili can also be beneficial for cancer patients.
Many cancer patients report one inner coldthat they feel during the illness. Warming foods how chili (of course in moderation and the dosage that tastes good), Elderflower tea, Ginger tea), leek, lenses or Potatoes can alleviate this inner cold a little.
In general, however, you should eat what you feel like eating. Weight gain is a good sign during cancer and should be welcomed! You have very little or no appetite Problems eating or swallowingso there are in clinics and pharmacies high calorie shakesthat a patient can consume in such a situation.
Foods to Avoid
Vitamin preparations are right at the forefront. Some people think that adding vitamins will do something good for themselves and support their bodies in the fight against cancer, but the opposite is the case. Often, high-dose vitamin preparations are more beneficial to cancer, as they not only strengthen the body but also the cancer cells. This can even lead to the fact that the vitamins weaken the chemotherapeutic agents used, as they can inhibit the mechanism of the cytostatic agent to destroy the cell. Vitamins should be taken in their natural form through healthy foods such as fruits and vegetables. If a vitamin deficiency arises during the treatment of the cancer, this can be compensated by the treating oncologist with suitable preparations.
Although rich in vitamins, grapefruits (grapefruit) are not recommended during cancer therapy. They contain an enzyme that accelerates the liver metabolism and thus can lead to the faster breakdown of some cytostatic drugs (drugs that inhibit the growth of cells). The effect in the body wears off faster and the therapy is less effective. The same applies to St. John's wort preparations and some medications, so pay attention to this when prescribing.
Similar caution must be exercised with orange juice. Although it has no effect on the liver, in larger quantities it can worsen the side effects of radiation therapy on the skin.
Food additives are a big issue. During cancer, the body's metabolism is heavily burdened by cell waste and drugs. Food that contains many additives, such as flavor enhancers, preservatives, stabilizers, etc., is an additional burden on the body.
Ready meals, fast food and the like should therefore be replaced by freshly cooked and balanced meals.
Excess alcohol should also be avoided for the same reasons. It weakens the immune system, stresses the liver and, with its breakdown substances, the entire body.
There is a nutritional theory according to which cancer cells mainly consume sugar and carbohydrates (so-called Warburg effect). According to this theory, it is recommended not to consume any carbohydrates or sugary foods in order to "starve out" the cancer. However, studies have shown that this type of diet is associated with significant weight loss and that this has a negative effect on survival time. Such starvation diets are therefore urgently not recommended during cancer!
As already mentioned, significant weight loss is to be expected in the context of cancer. This pathological loss of enormous body weight can be found in the clinical picture of "Cachexia" again.
Nutritional example
Just on Chemotherapy Day it is recommended Well to have breakfast. Easily digestible foods like oatmeal are good as a basis. The one two days after therapy should on intensely tasting dishes or favorite dishes dispensebecause the Taste buds disturbed can be and then tastes are perceived differently.
As a rule, everyone can find out for themselves which dishes are particularly good for them, whether it is simple spaghetti with tomato sauce or jacket potatoes with herb quark.
With pronounced nausea one can also behave and act like a gastrointestinal infection Soups, tea and zwieback To fall back on. Despite the nausea you should try your own Daily calorie requirement to fulfillin order not to lose weight any further. High calorie shakes From the pharmacy or self-mixed (e.g. raspberry-yogurt-honey shakes or similar) can help.
On Days with a good appetite may give in to this calmly and feasted to your heart's content become. In addition to the three main meals, mornings and afternoons can also be used to cover the calorie requirement Snacks between meals be consumed, for example fruit salad or some cheese and grapes or cake and tea. The patient's well-being is the focus during the period of illness.
General tips
In summary, it must be repeated that nutrition in cancer one supportive measure should represent and not an independent therapy option. Incisive Changes or independent taking of preparations should therefore always be discussed with the attending physician / Oncologists discussed become.
Most oncology outpatient clinics and practices usually have a nutritionist on hand who can provide helpful tips.
The time during cancer therapy is often difficult and can vary nausea and Loss of appetite be drawn. Just then it is important to eat what you feel like eating. The main thing is to eat at all and not lose weight. It is worthwhile for example with milk, cheese, bread and eggs Organic products resort to avoid unnecessary and burdensome additives.
Caution is advised with Vitamin supplements. they should not taken independently as they can jeopardize the success of the therapy.
Dietary support is also provided lots of movement extremely relevant during cancer! Walking for half an hour to an hour in the fresh air, cycling, yoga and other light sporting activities every day have a clearly positive effect on both the condition and the prognosis of cancer.
Further therapeutic measures for cancer
Basically, every cancer should be treated by a doctor. There are three general therapy options:
- surgery
- chemotherapy
- Irradiation
Depending on the origin of the cancer, they are used in different combinations.
At solid tumors usually becomes a surgical distance without leaving any residual tissue behind, mostly is additionally given chemotherapy and / or radiation. If the stage is advanced, chemotherapy may be used first, followed by surgery if the tumor has shrunk.
There are innumerable chemotherapeutic agents which - adapted to the type of cancer - are combined in different schemes to fight the cancer.
Also with the Irradiation there are now state-of-the-art technologies that only allow that Area of the tumor to irradiate and attack. In addition, in nuclear medicine nowadays there is also the option of using small carriers weakly radioactive material is targeted in the diseased tissue bring in and this with it from the inside out to to destroy.
In addition to these more aggressive and conventional medical treatment options, there are also complementary ones herbal homeopathic therapies. Mistletoe preparations, for example, are often used in cancer, but the effectiveness is not clear due to the state of the art controversial. One should beware of miracle healers and the like, these expensive treatments often have no scientific background and can even cause more damage than they are good. Even if fear plays a major role in cancer, you should trust your doctor and discuss your wishes regarding therapy openly with him.
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