Wrinkle injection
General information on wrinkle injection
Wrinkles arise due to an increasing loss of inherent elasticity and resilience of the skin and the underlying tissue.
A majority of people consider skin folds to be unsightly blemishes, but these visible skin imperfections are a perfectly normal consequence of the aging process. The beginning of the 25th year of life is widely regarded as the beginning of the aging process, since this is when the organism changes significantly.
A change in the normal metabolic and cell renewal processes is associated with this change, and humans begin to age. Both the beginning of cell aging and the speed at which it progresses are relatively variable from person to person.
In addition, various factors (so-called exogenous factors) that can have a negative or positive external effect on the aging process have a decisive influence.
For example, the consumption of nicotine and / or alcohol is considered to be an enormous accelerator of skin aging.
UV light and excessive sunbathing also have an extremely negative impact on the appearance of the skin. It has been proven that the skin of people who are frequently exposed to sunlight or use a tanning bed ages much faster.
Correction methods
Nowadays you have to Effects, the the aging on the Facial skin and the underlying tissue no longer feels at ease.
There are different methodswith which a improvement of Skin appearance can be achieved.
A basic distinction is made between operational and non-operational Activities:
- The classic Facelift is counted among the operative methods, but contains an abundance of Risks. Precisely because in many cases one surgical intervention under general anesthetic is carried out, these treatment methods are considered to be rather risky.
- Less traumatic options for wrinkle treatment are those Wrinkle treatment by means of Ultrasonic and the Wrinkle injection With Hyaluronic acid or the body's own fat tissue or.
A Wrinkle injection can with artificial materials such as Hyaluronic acid or natural body fat tissue be performed.
Hyaluronic acid is a Sugar compoundwhich is also formed in large quantities in the human body and is capable of Water molecules to tie.
The body's own fat tissue is before the wrinkle injection by the patient himself removed and following the Volume replenishment used.
The induction of general anesthesia is not necessary with this type of wrinkle correction, the wrinkle injection can be completely under more local Anesthesia occur.
Of the scope of the correction depends crucially on Initial state and the one you want Bottom line from. depth Degrees of wrinkles require a much more extensive treatment than minor skin imperfections. During the wrinkle injection, the selected material is applied with the help of a small needle under that Epidermal tissue, introduced into the furrows. In this way, the lack of volume due to the loss of elasticity and tension can be effectively compensated for.
The durability the wrinkle injection is dependent of the chosen Filling material.
Autologous fat grafts are from the body less degraded and for this reason have a much longer shelf life.
Hyaluronic acid however, will over time almost completely absorbed, hence is a regular re-injections necessary to ensure a long-lasting result.
The choice of the material used for wrinkle injection should not be made solely dependent on this factor. Also the compatibility and possible Side effects must be included in the decision-making process.
Before the patient decides to have a wrinkle injection, they should realize that it is a purely plastic, aesthetic treatment acts.
In principle, such measures are not covered by statutory or private health insurance companies. Of the patient must all emerging Cost independently wear. Besides, the patient must also be for everyone Follow-up costs come up.
That means that in case it is following treatment too Complications comes that make further action necessary, everyone resulting costs from the patient self are to be paid. Of the regular Insurance coverage engages in such cases Not and the insurance carriers are in no way obliged to pay the treatment costs.
Many have been offering for a long time German insurance companies specific Rates for planned plastic, aesthetic treatment measures.
A full insurance coverage, which covers all possible follow-up costs, can be used for approximately 80 euros can be booked.
The costs for one Wrinkle injection are based primarily on the scope of the desired measures. Also the choice of Injection material is clearly reflected in the cost calculation. Slight degrees of relaxation and loss of elasticity, i.e. small wrinkles, can be filled relatively inexpensively. Within Germany The cost of a wrinkle injection is approximately 1500-4000 euros.